🙏 Chapter 23. Decision 🙏

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Yudhishthir's POV :

We all were in relief to see Subhadra fine. Then too the thought why they left her was still making us worry. I was thinking very hard. And I could see everyone's face is just down . Nowadays it's bhrata karn who makes me and everyone lit up by assuring us and what I found is he was not here. My eyebrows got knitted up with the lines on my forehead and I didn't found him here. But then too my face was calm as usual and I said," where is bhrata karn ? ".

Nakul looked at me and said," I have also not seen him since yesterday ".

Shrutkarma then coughed a little and seems like he is not comfortable or he wants to say anything. He was looking at Draupadi. This was a little unexpected occurence. And the next moment he looked at me as if going to say something but when he realised I caught him looking at Kalyani he looked down and now I was confirmed he is hiding something. Then I looked at Pitamah who was also asking where is Bhratashree . Then Shrutkarma coughed twice. Is he hesitating to tell something. Or he know where is Bhratashree. He then looked at Shrutsen who was nodding his head in yes and while Shrutkarma with pleading eyes was nodding his head in no. Then Shrutkarma sighed and said," I ....know where is Jyesth Pitashree. yesterday I saw him in garden talking to matashree".

Now everyone looked at Draupadi with wide eyes and unbelievable faces. Like not expected that this could happen and yeah it is unexpected. Draupadi's face too became pale. I could see that she is also hiding something. Is this hiding game going on! I looked at her with calm face and blinked my eyes once as to tell what she wants to tell. She looked up , took a breath and said," a... actually, bhrata wanted to apologise about the past that is why he came to meet me but then he went off and I too didn't see him after that ".

I believe that she must not be telling a lie so I didn't say anything. Her eyes are always calm and shining who are looking at me but are failing to stare at me. My thoughts were stopped dropping when I saw bhratashree Karn coming. A smile appeared on our face but faded when we saw behind Mamashree Shakuni, duryodhan and Dushasan also there.
Except of that small smile there was a smirk on Bhratashree's face. He didn't looked at us and said,"Those Pandavas are sitting and finding me , Duryodhan. You know mitr whatever they say but they cannot live without me".

He started laughing. All of us were staring at him while we all were standing and I took a step towards him and said," bhrata!".

"who bhrata? I don't know anyone I only know those fool Pandavas and their fool wife Draupadi", He shouted.

I was deaf now. These words killed me from within. Did he literally said that? I didn't or never expected this. Arjun took his Gandiv and stood infront of them and shouted, karn now u again say anything about us I am not going to leave u alive".

Mata kunti was about to cry when she said," Putr karn what are u even saying".

We never had good terms with him but such words now !! I looked at Draupadi was having tear in her eyes.
I was shocked. Tears for this. She is such a strong woman who hardly get tears and I expected fire in her eyes expect these pearls like tears . I saw that she was controlling. She looked down and her palm was fisted and she said,"mata, let it be . And yes whether he is a suryaputra or a sutputra his nature is like that only. He cheated with u mata he cheated with all of us . So we should not waste time with these type of people and we should go towards our chamber ".

I was wrong maybe. She is like that fire Draupadi only. Maybe I am overthinking. " looks like someone is being afraid of us", Duryodhan said with smirk.

" I think Duryodhan that they are your family members. You should not talk with them like that", A voice came from the door . I knew who is it. Shree Krishna came inside and looked at Duryodhan with a normal expression .

" You always took their side only , and we know u will be taking ", Said Duryodhan with I can see he was irritated . Keshav smiled a bit and chuckled looking down and held his head up and said still having a mischevious smile," And I will be taking their side only until dharma is there. No one can stop me ".

Bhrata Karn placed his hand on Duryodhan's shoulder and said ," I think we should not live here ".

And then what I saw made my eyes grew wide. Bhrata Karn slightly were quietly nodded his head at Draupadi while she stood straight then and said," so who is stopping you . It's better you leave the place ".

" it's not better Panchali it will be best", Arjun said while I was all shock and With anger Duryodhan , dushasan and Mamashree Shakuni left the place and Bhrata karn glanced at Draupadi and then left the place following them. Everyone looked at each other . Shree krishna said,"why everybody is so quiet. I think u all need some rest you all should go to your chamber".

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