🙏 Chapter 24. Garden 🙏

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Sahdev's POV:

It was a sunny day. The rays were entering through the window everything in heaven was so pleasant and fine. The winds were cool and flowing in there way . But nothing was fine inside our chamber . We brothers were sitting and were just thinking what all is happening. My mind was containing so many emotions. Is in this world in past, present and future all the problems have to poured upon us only? I finally said," bhratashree now what is this happening".

Nakul while looking down said,"everything was going fine but I don't think these kauravas will let us live in peace in heaven also".

I sighed as what can be done now! Problem was not there but the fact was bhrata Karn left us when we thought all good days will be there now. Suddenly Bhrata Yudhishthir said,"arjun if something is disturbing u in your mind u can share to us".

"bhrata actually I think bhrata karn can't do these things but sometimes I think that he can do this but....I am getting confused", Bhrata Arjun said while irritation was clearly visible on his face. The only person who was calm was Bhrata Yudhishthir. I was not ready to believe that Jyesth bhrata karn could be bad now with us. I said ,"yes but we can also think that why bhrata karn will act good with us if he doesn't want to live with us".

Nakul giggled and said," maybe because that time kauravas were not there and he must have thought that he will be alone if they will not be there".

I rolled my eyes . This Nakul always need something to giggle . Bhrata Arjun got up in anger and said,"and how dare he to call us fool".

Bhrata Arjun went towards the window and stood there looking something outside. where is Panchali?", Bhrata Yudhishthir said while a voice came from the doorway,
" I am here" , Draupadi said . Her timing is so correct as always. Bhrata Arjun came forward and said," where were u?".

"I...I...I was....I was in garden", she was stammering while speaking as if not getting what to say.

"nowadays I am seeing, u are spending most of your time in garden inspite of being with us", Nakul said and winked at me and Bhrata Arjun but was also visible to Bhrata Yudhishthir. I immediately said," something is wrong ".

She looked at me and then and Nakul and said," what".

We three smirked mischievously while bhrata Arjun went a little furthur with a pretending serious face and said,"tell us Panchali what u know or what you are thinking or what you do in garden ".

He showed smile with teeth as to tease Draupadi. She knitted her eyebrows and said a little louder,"shut up! I go to garden because heaven's garden is so beautiful and wh .....what are you all thinking?".

Our putr also comes while Shrutkarma excitedly says,"what is going on pitashree?".

I said while sitting down with a calm smile,"nothing only we were discussing something".

"oh! Sorry we all disturbed u ", our sanskaari child prativindhya said.

"it's ohk come sit ", bhrata Yudhishthir said while everyone started sitting. Suddenly shrutsen said ,"why are you standing mata come and sit ".

Draupadi smiled at him said,"no. I have to go ".

"where ? Garden! ", Nakul said while all of us started laughing

Prativindhya chuckled and said," you also know kakashree . About garden ?".

Bhrata Arjun asked what? While Satainik said," relation between mata and garden ".

While they giggled. Draupadi got very angry now. So we Pandavas shut our mouth while uppandavas were giggling. Draupadi said," hey ! What are u all saying ".

" we are telling truth mata", Shrutkarma said and was laughing badly".

"you all have gone mad. I am going . Bye", Draupadi said while going out of the chamber.

All of us were laughing Baldy while Bhrata Yudhishthir asked where is she going and she said,"Radha , Rukmini and satyabhama jiji called me . I don't know for what but I think some meeting type is there ".

"ladies meeting", Nakul said while everyone were laughing so badly that they got tears in their eyes and Draupadi went away from there getting irritated.

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