🙏 Chapter 49. Who's it is ? 🙏

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Arjun's POV:

Jadi buti was snatched from me and that too from Bhrata. I was taken aback after seeing him laughing. My hands were blankly opened.

I looked infront to found that Bhrata karn turned into a devil monster and started laughing and from the back of monster Duryodhan, dushasan, and Shakuni came in front and started laughing.

So this was a plan! This made my blood boil in Anger no because they took Jadi Buti but again they took advantage of Bhrata.

"What do you think your bhrata karn, oops, I mean your Jyesth Bhrata Karn will come and hug you and talk to you",Duryodhan said and started laughing.

I trying to control my anger said,"Duryodhan give jadibooti back".

"If you want jadibooti, then you have to fight with me",the monster said.

I gasped and looked at my hand and I can't fight with him as I didn't bring my gandiv with me,"What happened Arjun are you getting afraid?",duryodhan said and started laughing.

I can shut their mouth within a second  but just now I can't do anything also.

"I think a monster should fight with me", a voice came and I turned to find Bhrata Yudhishthir and Bheem, Nakul, Sahdev, Keshav and Pitamah. A smile formed on my face. Nakul came and gave me Gandiv but Manjle Bhaiya said that he can manage it all alone.

The fight started and the monster was slowly slowly getting defeated. Now only 1 punch and the monster's game will be over.

Keshav came beside me and silently poked me at my shoulder. I looked at him while he indicated his finger towards the back of the fight where Duryodhan, Dushasan and Shakuni were shifting away silently from their.

We all smirked and moved ahead. As they were going Pitamah went and stood infront of them blocking their way forward while sahdev in right of Gandhar Naresh, Bhrata Yudhishthir and Nakul at left and I and Keshav at back blocking every way possible. 
Manjle Bhaiya also came towards Sahdev after defeating monster. I saw that these three were sweating with fear. Keshav whispered at me,"When we have fear that everything is over then we have something scene like these three".

I and Keshav started laughing.

"Duryodhan free everyone otherwise I am not going to leave you"Bhrata Bheem said in anger.

We looked at Duryodhan who was trying to look away and said,"What...... WHAT are u all talking about i don't know anything".

Keshav went a little forward and said,"I warned you. I told you. I explained you. But you 3 didn't got afraid also. At least you should have given respect to Maharani Gandhari and your own pita, Maharaj Dhritrashtra. But you know you three are fools. You 3 don't know anything and how dare you to kidnap my wives, my soul. You have tested my patience, Duryodhan. You have not seen what all I can do. But as I am God it's my duty to avoid destruction how much I can, I am warning again, leave your evil plans , leave everything and come to our side and follow the path of Dharma".

Duryodhan's one palm was fisted and was looking at Pitamah. I felt something fishy. Suddenly he shouted,"NEVER".

With this he took the dagger, put that jadi buti and threw it on PITAMAH'S angvastra and then those three ran away.

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