🙏 Chapter 50. Draupadi 🙏

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Sahdev's POV:

Now the only word which came out from our mouth was PITAMAH!

The three evil fools run away and we all ran towards Pitamah Bhishm . I immediately removed Jadi buti but the smell of it remained inside his body.

I sighed, looked down and said,"He will not wake up for long time".

Bhrata Arjun placed his hand on my shoulder and asked,"Is there not any cure for this?".

I nodded in no. Nothing has a cure of this!

On the other side:-


What sorrowful message can be given now! What more pain is left to give now to us! I am tired of myself and everything! How much we have to do more for happiness.

No one of us knew what to do. Everyone were getting irritated by these kauravas and even yesterday a messenger by kaurava came and told them that Duryodhan will only free them when they will surrender and give the palace to them but we all can't do this.

Arya Putron asked me to be careful as these kauravas can do anything. We said goodbye to each other and went away to their chambers to relax but in the name of relax we just went to sleep. We all can get relaxed mind whatever may be done now.

I can't sleep even so I decided to meet Arya Arjun but I didn't saw him in his chamber so forwarded my steps towards garden. Maybe Arya must have gone for meeting.

In garden I got remembered Bhrata Karn. I can't bear it anymore.

I started going away from there. When I turned I saw Sakha there behind me. He is looking at me and me too. I felt something uneasy and different as Sakha wasn't saying anything, then he looked left and right. He left me all confused. I thought he is upto some mischevious but suddenly he grabbed my wrist tightly and started pulling me away from the palace.

His touch was hurting and it's very different! Something is wrong. It was hurting too much. I shouted, I started crying but he continued like this, I  knew that he can't be my sakha, he can't be Govind but I realised it late. I realised when nothing could be done. 

He was a demon. He forcefully took me to a forest and then forcefully took me to Duryodhan's palace. They all cheated me as they cheated Arya Putra Arjun.

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