Tale 4: Marriage Law?

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(Princess and the Pea AU. Princess!Brienne x royal!reader, Loosely based off my favorite retelling of the story, "Once Upon a Mattress". The original story was written by Hans Christian Andersen.)

Let it be known throughout the land: No one may wed, until Y/N shares their marriage bed.

You cringed inwardly at the poor maiden's voice as she was forced to recite that damned marriage law. At this rate, no one in the kingdom would ever marry again. Princes and princesses from dozens of kingdoms had come to try and win your hand only to be rejected by your mother. No one was good enough for you in her eyes. While that seemed sweet, it was getting ridiculous. There would soon be no neighboring kingdoms left and you would end up alone.

"Mother, really, that last princess was wonderful. I don't see why I couldn't have married her," you stated over your supper that night. "Really, Y/N darling, I only want what's best for you. She didn't pass the test and you can only marry a princess or prince that is truly of royal blood." You let out a sigh. Ah, yes. The test.

Every royal that came to your kingdom for your hand had to pass a test that your mother and the court wizard concocted. So far, the last princess was the closest to passing, but still she failed. You were going to argue, but the doors opened, revealing the land's most trusted knight.

"Your Majesty, Your Highness, I request permission to travel in search of a prince or princess for Y/N's hand." You smiled at him, grateful for his support, although you knew the real reason behind it. The man had gotten one of the ladies of the court pregnant. They needed to marry if the young lady didn't want to be run out of court by your mother. You wanted them to stay as they were both your friends. Still, you were only the royal heir. You couldn't make those kinds of decisions yet.

Your mother nearly denied him his request, but you gave her a pleading look. This wasn't just for you. This was for the happiness of the kingdom. If you were going to rule these people one day, you wanted them to be happy. "Please, Mother?" After several moments of looking between you and the knight, your mother relented. "Very well." The knight was beaming as he left. Now, all you could do was wait.

*time skip*

"Sir Podrick is back!" You practically jumped up from your throne and ran out to meet him. What greeted you was not Sir Podrick, but a knight you'd never seen before. At least, you thought it was a knight until they removed their helm and bowed before you. "Princess Brienne of Tarth, Your Highness." She seemed uncomfortable with her title, so you smiled at her. Sometimes a smile could bring people ease and comfort better than words.

Before you could greet her properly, your mother spoke up. "Princess? You really expect us to believe that you..." she trailed off while looking the new princess up and down, "Are a genuine princess?" You hissed at your mother for her rudeness.

"But she is, Your Majesty. I have her lineage here," Sir Podrick said, diverting your mother's attention. That gave you a moment to speak alone. "Forgive my mother. She is overprotective. I'm Y/N." She told you her name again. "I've never heard of Tarth. Is it a small kingdom?" She gave a slight nod. "Yes, Your Highness."

"None of that. If Sir Podrick brought you here it is because he believes you and I could be married. I must insist you call my Y/N. Now, while my mother is-"

"No. I will not allow it!" your mother suddenly cried, "This person hardly even looks like a lady, let alone a princess. Sorry, Y/N Darling, but I suppose we will have to wait until a real princess or prince comes." You froze and felt Brienne stiffen beside you.

"What about a test, Mother? Give her a test." Your mother looked like she was going to protest you, but the ladies in the court begged her as well. You almost laughed. It was clear that they were all eager for your marriage to finally take place. "Alright, fine. The wizard and I will come up with fair test, as we always do." With that, she and the wizard left, allowing you to breathe freely and escort Brienne to her chambers.

Queen's POV

"Now I have to come up with a test. But what sort of test? That is no real princess...but what if she does pass?" the queen fired her questions at the wizard. With all the other visiting royalty before, they knew what sort of tests to give to insure they failed. Not this young woman.

"We need to think of test that looks fair and seems fair but really isn't. But what would a girl like that fail at?" For a moment, there was silence and then they both replied, "Sensitivity!" The queen clapped her hands and laughed. "Of course! It's the bane of royalty. But how to test it?" The two paced around her chambers in thought until the queen came upon an idea quite by accident.

"Oh!" she cried as she sat on her bed, "Oh this bed is a torture rack! I bet I could feel anything under it. Even something as small as a pea!" The queen and the wizard exchanged a glance. "A pea! We'll test her tonight! I want you to find the tiniest pea and the thickest mattress...wait. No. two, no, ten. NO! Twenty mattresses. There's no way that wanna-be princess could possible feel it!" And like that, the test was set.

Your POV

That night, you found yourself really enjoying Brienne's company. In fact, you really liked Brienne herself. While she wasn't the typical princess, you found your liked that. She was a warrior at heart and that was something you admired. She didn't boast about her royal status. She wanted to earn respect and loyalty and even love, not have it given to her because of her status. She made your head spin in the best way. You REALLY hoped she passed your mother's test, whatever it was.

The next morning, you joined your mother in the throne room with a spring in your step. "You're in a happy mood today." You beamed at her. "Of course. Once Brienne passes your test, we can get married." Your mother gave you a look and sighed. "I'm afraid it's too late. The test was last night. We put a pea until twenty mattresses. To test her sensitivity. Poor thing drifted right to sleep. As soon as she wakes up, we shall send her on her way."

Your heart sank to your feet. Brienne had failed? The doors to the throne room burst open to reveal Brienne. She looked exhausted. Your mother smirked, causing the blonde to glare lightly. "What do you stuff your mattresses with? Jousting equipment?!" The queen's smirk fell into a frown of disbelief.

"You didn't sleep?" Brienne shook her head. "I never shut my eyes." You grinned and jumped up. "YOU PASSED!" You didn't even try to stop yourself from running down to her and planting a kiss right on her lips. She blabbered about something for a moment, but you smiled and explained the test.

"A pea?! Well no wonder! I'll be black and blue for days!" You pulled her into your arms. "I'll have a servant remove the pea. Go get some rest." You kissed her cheek before instructing your servants to help her.

"Y/N, please darling, reconsider." You arched a brow at your mother. "What is there to reconsider? She passed the test and I really like her. That's it." Excuses poured from her lips like poison until you couldn't take it any longer. "Enough, Mother! Princess Brienne and I are going to marry and if you do anything to come between us, I will banish you." For the first time in years, your mother fell silent and you smiled before instructing more servants to help you with wedding plans, leaving a few people wondering, how on earth did Brienne feel that tiny pea?

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