Tale 5; Part 2: A Hound-Shaped Helm

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(this is a final part of the Cinderella AU! You should read the first part.)

Sandor had heard of the announcement. How could he not? It was all anyone in the village would talk about. Your seemingly endless search for the man who owned the hound-shaped helm. For him. When the news first reached his ears the day after the final night of the ball, he nearly fell off his seat in the tavern.

"What did you say?" he asked, or rather snapped at the person at the table behind him. The other man shrank away a little, but cleared his throat. "I said the princess announced her intention to marry one of the bachelors that was at the ball. Said he saved her life, but also won her heart or something like that. She's starting her search for him today."

Sandor grew quiet for a moment. Then, he threw down the coin for his meal and left the tavern. He needed to get to the manor before you got there. Before Gregor realized you were looking for Sandor. He knew Gregor would take advantage for the power alone. You would be in danger.

He didn't care if you recoiled in disgust when you saw him. Everyone else did. He only cared about saving your life. If Gregor somehow convinced you that the helm belonged to him (unlikely as you seemed intelligent but stranger things had happened), you would marry him and end up the same way his other wives did, although this time, Gregor would end up with more power. Sandor couldn't let that happen so he mounted his horse, Stranger, and rode as quickly as he could to the manor.

Sandor nearly fell off the horse when he saw the royal carriage. He hadn't expected you to get there so soon. You had said you'd search everywhere so how had you found him already? Had someone pointed you in the right direction? Sandor urged Stranger behind the manor so he could enter through the kitchen. On footsteps much softer than most men his size, Sandor crept from the kitchen and toward the parlor.

He peered around the corner behind Gregor so his brother couldn't see him. Sure enough, you were standing across from the large man, your brows drawn together over your beautiful eyes. You looked like you were trying to piece something together. "Forgive, but what did you say your name was?" you asked. Sandor grew confused. Now, Gregor wasn't exactly a smart man. He relied more on his size and brute strength to solve problems.

"Gregor, Your Highness." A slow smile spread across your lips. What were you up to? "I see. Well, Lord Gregor, would you care to explain why you lied to me? The Crown Princess?" Sandor couldn't see Gregor's face but he imagined it was shocked. "I-I didn't." You arched a brow before turning to the guard next to you. Sandor watched as you gently grabbed his helm in your hands.

"But you did. You see, I'm not so stupid as to waste time searching home by home in my rather large kingdom. My people do not deserve to be put through that. So instead, I went in search of the blacksmith that made this particular helm. I knew there couldn't be many like it. While the man who made it no longer works in his trade as he's grown too old, he had no trouble remembering who he made this helm for. Lord Sandor Clegane. Not Gregor. This helm is not yours and neither am I. I could, in fact, have you arrested and tried for lying to me, however, my current mission is more important. Where is your brother?"

The atmosphere in the room sudden shifted. Sandor watched your guards slowly move their hands to the hilts of their swords. He could feel rather than see the rage coming from his brother. Almost in slow motion, things began happening. Sandor, with his own sword in hand, rushed forward, getting in between you and Gregor. "Get the princess out of here," he growled. Despite your protests, your guards did as Sandor commanded and practically picked you up before racing from the manor.


You paced by your carriage as the sounds of the fight carried on the wind to your ears. Every attempt to head inside to check on the man that had saved your life was met by your guards stopping you. It seemed like hours passed before the door to the manor opened again. Your breath caught in your throat until you realized that it was not Gregor who emerged, but your savior. "Let me pass," you ordered, which the guard gladly did.

You approached the man and looked up at him. He refused to meet your gaze. "Please...look at me." He slowly turned his head and you saw the burns covering the side of his face. Suddenly, everything slipped into place. This was why he wore a helm instead of a mask. It was why he moved to the shadows when he finally removed his helm. For you.

"Sandor," you breathed out. His brown eyes met yours and you grinned. "It is you!" you cried, forgetting all sense of decorum. Your mother would have fainted had she been there. You threw yourself at him and he caught you easily. "W-What?" he muttered and you pulled away in confusion, but his arms remained around you. Your guard wasn't too pleased, but you chose to ignore them.

"What do you mean?" His brows furrowed. "You're still happy? You still want...this?" You let out a laugh. "This? This is the man that I spent the last few nights talking to underneath the stars. This is the most interesting man I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. This," you said, gesturing to him, "Is the man I fell in love with. The man I wish to announce will be by my side forever, if you will have me."

For a moment, Sandor didn't reply. He merely stared at youin shock. "Sandor?" He shook himself out of his stupor and almost smiled. He let out a whistle that was followed by the sound of hooves. Stranger bounded over, stopping next to his master. Sandor easily lifted you up onto the saddle before climbing up behind you. "Let's get you back to the castle, Princess. I suppose you'll wish to make the announcement sooner rather than later. Stranger is faster than your carriage." The smile you gave him was worth the horrible start to the day. The guards nodded and began heading back to the castle with you and Sandor following behind on Stranger. You turned your head to looked at the man and whispered, "I love you, Sandor." You leaned up slightly and pressed a kiss to his bearded cheek. 

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