Tale 7; Part 2: Three Days?

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You felt light-headed as you sank down onto the ground, the warm sand digging into your new legs slightly. Gasps escaped your mouth, but you smiled through them. Melisandre's spell had worked and you now had human legs and the chance to meet the man you had saved. Still, something seemed off. You glanced down at yourself and it didn't take you long to realize it. All the humans you'd seen before had their bodies covered, much like your normal shells covered your top. You needed clothes.

Glancing around, your eyes landed on what looked like a part of the ship that had broken apart in the storm. It felt a bit like clothing so you picked it up and wrapped it around yourself, tying the rope around you to secure the fabric against your body just as you heard voices approaching you. You ducked out of sight on shaking legs. Two voices met your ears.

"I'm telling you, Robb, she was real. And the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. From what I could see from in the dark." You peeked out from behind you hiding place and held back a gasp of delight. There he was! He was walking alongside another male with curly auburn hair. He was beautiful too, but the first was who you'd done this for. "I think you hit your head too hard, Theon."

As excitement coursed through you, you moved before you could stop yourself. Both men stopped short upon seeing you. They stared openly for a moment then a smile stretched over the lips of the man you'd rescued. Theon. "Hello!" You smiled at him and he asked your name. You tried to answer him only to be reminded that you had no voice. This just got a whole lot more difficult.

*time skip*

Two days. Two beautiful days had passed and you were in love. Theon was confident and could be charming and funny. He paid close attention to you, even taking you around the kingdom. He talked a lot about himself, his kingdom, and his adopted family that lived in a kingdom across the sea. Not that you minded that he talked so much. After all, it wasn't as if you could speak in return and clearly Theon did not like awkward silences much. You did your best to make your feelings known and had hope that you would actually get the kiss you needed(and wanted) before the three days were up. That is until the morning of the third day.

You came down from your room with a smile on your face. Theon had planned a feast for that night and you were hoping to entice him into a kiss so you could confess your feelings when you got your voice back. That thought was enough to get you out of bed early and heading down to the kitchens. However, you stopped in your tracks when you saw the redhead hanging off Theon's arm.

"Y/N, good morning!" Theon greeted, "I would like to introduce you to Roz. This is the woman that saved me." Your eyes darted to the woman who gave you a fake smile. You returned the gesture before looking back at Theon. The next words out of his mouth had you near tears. "We're to be married. Tonight." You tried to keep the smile on your face, but got out of there as soon as you could.

You were still several feet from your room when you ran into a solid wall. "Are you alright?" Your eyes met Robb's and you tried to nod. You liked Robb. He was sweet and was visiting Theon from his own kingdom so you got to know him as well. "No you aren't." You shrugged a bit and Robb smiled a little.

"It's her, isn't it? Roz?" You watched him warily. While you liked him, you weren't sure if your admission would get back to Theon. "I don't like her for him either. I know she isn't the one he's been looking for." You could practically feel your body getting lighter and your eyes getting brighter. Robb chuckled softly. "It was you, wasn't it?" You nodded eagerly.

"Then I will help you. I think you're good for Theon. You make him stop and think before making rash decisions. Well except for this one." Robb linked one of his arms with yours, making you turn back the way you came. "Now, come along. We have a wedding to stop."

You followed Robb through the halls of the castle in search of Theon. The two of you tried all day to get him away from Roz to no avail. She was stuck to him like a limpet to rock. By the end of the day, you were losing hope. As the sky began to darken, tears came to your eyes. Robb noticed and hugged you. "It'll be alright. Let's get to the ship. That's where the wedding is taking place. He won't be able to get away from us, alright?" You nodded.

As soon as the two of you set foot on the ship, your eyes met those of Roz. You wanted to cry until you glanced next to her. At that, your eyes widened in fear and rage. Melisandre! You should have known Roz was merely a pawn. Melisandre had planned to sacrifice you to her god from the very beginning and she would do whatever necessary to make sure you failed. You were furious and made to confront her. The only thing that stopped you was Robb appearing again at your elbow. He flashed them both a smile.

While the three of them made small talk, you glanced at the necklace laying on Melisandre's neck. Something about it called out to you. You looked into the jewel. It was different. Inside the gem, there was something swirling around. Magic, most likely.

Theon approached the four of you, momentarily distracting you from your curiosity. You smiled at him before you caught sight of the sun getting lower in the sky behind Melisandre. Not quite sunset yet, but getting close. The wedding was about to start. You were almost out of time. Once again, your gaze was pulled to the necklace and suddenly, a brilliant albeit mad, idea popped into your head.

You'd have to be quick, but something told you that if got the necklace from Melisandre, you could spoil her plans and maybe get your voice back. With that in mind, you took a step and pretended to trip on your dress. As you fell, you grabbed for the necklace. You nearly cried in relief when you heard it snapping from her neck.

No sooner did you have the jewelry in your hand did you feel the magic flowing through you. Gasps were heard from everyone but no one was louder than you. Your voice instantly came pouring from your lips as you laughed. You looked up with a grin and nearly fell over.

In the place of the beautiful sea witch you had known stood an haggard old woman. You watched in horror as her legs began changing back to their true form. Men and women alike started to scream and your eyes found Theon's. He looked confused.

"Where am I?" You laughed again and launched yourself at him. "Theon!" He let out a noise of surprise as he wrapped his arms around you to keep you both from falling. "Y-You're speaking!" You pulled back a little and nodded. "Yes. And I have so much to tell you. I was the one who saved you. She," you stated, glaring at Roz, "Is merely an instrument of that creature there."

Theon looked between you and Roz for a moment. Roz too looked confused. It was clear Melisandre had used her magic on them both. "Theon," you said again, getting his attention, "I need you to do something for me." He gave a nod. "Ki-" Before the words could be spoken, you gasped in pain.

"You're too late. The Lord of Light demands his sacrifice," the now creaky, raspy voice of Melisandre spoke. Suddenly, your legs would no longer hold you. You felt yourself sinking to the deck of the ship. To your horror, your legs were gone, replaced once more by your tail.

Without warning, Melisandre grabbed you and dove back into the sea. She moved much more quickly than an old woman should. Theon's cries became muffled as you were swallowed by the waters you'd once called home. Your heart sank knowing that, this time, there would be no coming back. It was all over.

You shot up from the bed with a gasp. Bubbles escaped your mouth for a few moments while you took in your surroundings. "What is it?" came the rough morning voice of your husband. You glanced at the crystal eyes gazing sleepily at you from underneath his mop of curly hair. "I had the strangest dream. It felt so real, Theon. We were both humans!" You laid your body back on his and proceeded to tell him the rest of your dream as your tails wrapped around each other and the rest of the sea began to wake all around you.

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