My Sixth Character: Kita Devo/Kita Stone

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Hey everyone, it's Weeksjmj29. I'm so sorry that this taking so long. But this rp will start soon. Now, this will be my last character. Enough from me, allow me to introduce Kita Devo, also known as Kita Stone. :)

Character Form:

Name: Kita Devo, aka Kita Stone

Age: 16

Gender: female

Appearance: black hair and blue eyes. Her lightly tanned skin is riddled with pass scars and bruises. In her skin was multiple metal figment holes. There were dozens and dozens of these figments all over body.

Personality: quiet, solemn, sad, friendly, kind, pure, loving,

Sexuality: Pan, she doesn't cares as long as someone loves her.

Likes: reading, nature, sweets, kids, friendly people, kind people

Dislikes: pain, hatred, darkness, torture, cruelty,


outside her personal suit- purple shirt, black pants and blue shoes.

Her personal suit-

Skills: cooking, cleaning , assassination, reconnaissance.

Weapons: sniper rifle, 2 pistols, 2 submachine guns, 1 knife and a Solid black Katana.

Background Story: She was born because an incident that caused her older brother Leo his scars. However, she was loved nonetheless. Everyone loved her. She was so pure and innocent and full of love, that everyone who have met her fell in love with her in an instant. She helped people or played the kids.

She was 6 when the men in suits came for her brother. When her brother was taken by the men in suits, she missed him, but she knew that he would do great things. When he left, she took charge in helping her mother with whatever she needs. Everything was peaceful, and for 5 years, it stayed that way.

But all good things must come to an end. A few days after her 11th birthday, men in weird armor broke into their home. They attacked her mother. She tried fight them off, but they lifted her up and took her away. Her last sight she saw of her mother was yelling and screaming for her daughter as the men took her away. She was then knocked unconscious.

When she woke up, she found herself strapped to a table and an eerie light above her head. She tried to break her restraints, but it was futile. So she gave up and just laid there, waiting for whoever took to show up or anyone for that matter. She waited for what felt like a few hours before she a door open.

She turned her head and saw several scientist and men in weird armor come into the room. She was scared and some of the men knew it. She saw pity cross one of the scientist's face before it went blank. She then saw a man with glasses and a white beard and mustache appear above her. He said hello to. Her and introduced himself as Dr. Belfour. A name that would haunt her for years. He told her she would be their new test subject for an experiment they have started. They told her that she would be the mother of a new era. As she listened, a weird machine appeared above. She started struggling in panic as the machine was lowered. Another scientist just laughed and said that it was futile to struggle. As the machine touched her skin, her screams began.

For the next 2 years, they experimented on her. They graphed a prototype suit into her skin. The suit became her life line. If she were to take it off and stay out of it for a long time, her body would shut down, killing her. They cleaned her body from the inside out, purifying her. They were prepping her, for what, she didn't know.

As they experimented on her, they also trained her in all kinds of weapons. From knives to sniper rifles. They trained her to be an assassin. They made her take a life at the age 13. They trained her to get intel, whether by reconnaissance or by interrogation. She became good at it.

Not that she wanted to. Whenever she disobeyed, she punished for it. She was beaten and abused. She refused to give them the proof of her pain. Whenever they beat her, she tries to take it. When they leave, she releases her sobs and her tears. She just let herself go.

At the age of 15, she was put in the Exelvion Program, where they hook her to the to body of a mobile suit. But it wasn't the average mobile suit. It was a black Mobile suit that was found rather than made. No one was able to operate it. But when they hooked her to the machine. It awoken. It has it's own artificial intelligence that interacts with Kita or even control the mobile suit itself. The machine was known as Hades, and it became her savior.

Other: she loves to read and has a pet snake named Slither

Mech Form:

Create or Original or Combination or Modified Original: Modified Original

Mech Name: Hades

Anime it's from: it's from a game, not an anime- Kidou Sentai Iron Saga

Mech Colors: black and red

Mech Description: the pic above

Mech Abilities: it can fly, it has it's own intelligence. A soul. Outstanding maneuverability, can detect an enemy 50 kilometers away.

Mech Weapons: 1 blaster rifle and 1 laser minigun, rocket packs in the area where the shoulder meets the neck, and 2 katana blades.

Mech Special Abilities: it can summon black portals which weapons of any kind can come forth and attack the target like a drone would. It can also summon portals to jump from one place to another almost instantaneous.

Mech Special Weapons: Scarlet Scythe, Black Falcon, Abyssal's Call.

Abyssal's Call is when the mech puts it's hands above it's chest in a ( ) style. As it does, ruby red energy begins to form in between it's hands. The energy gathers until it forms an orb or energy. When the sphere is large enough, the hands move away from it's chest. As it does, the orb follows outward. When the orb is a little further from the duit, it takes one of it's hands and puts it behind the orb. With a flick of it's hand, the orb lauched towards it's target. When it hits, the orb gets larger. Anything the expanding orb hits gets consumed by it. Once large enough, it implodes, sending a shockwave that wipes out anything near where the orb was.

Black Falcon is when it opens it's wings fully. As it does, it emits a dark energy that envelopes the machine. Once fully enveloped, the suit flies towards the target, making it look like a black bird flying towards it's target. When it hits, it goes through the target, like a spear.

Scarlet Scythe is it's greatest special weapon. From a large portal, a black and blood red scythe appears. When the mobile suit grabs the staff of the scythe, the blade begins glowing a scarlet color. When swung, the blade could cut through the very fabric of space leaving a tear in the dimension. When swung in a fast swipe, the blade sends a wave of energy that cuts through anything it touches.

Other: black as night, the glow of the red is the last the enemy sees before they meet their demise.

Alright everyone. That's it for my characters for now. Hope you guys like. Comment on them if you want. Gonna take a break from writing, but rest assure, the rp chapters will be up as soon as possible. Anyways, bye bye for now.:):)-Weeksjmj29.

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