5. Cat cafe

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We pulled up to the cat cafe, I must've been beaming in excitement to see my favorite animal since yumi glanced at me for a moment once we parked and laughed a little

"What? Is there a problem?" I punched his arm and he rolled his eyes

"I've just never seen someone so excited over cats, not even Larry and I'm sure you know how much he loves cats"

"I guess it runs in the family" I shrugged and quickly got out of the car, yumi doing so as well.

(They are matching outfits by the way just know that, he's wearing the same hoodie)

We walked up to the door but before I could grab the handle yumi reached around me and grabbed it first, pulling the door open for me "ladies first, I gotta be a gentleman you know" he said cockily with a shrug

"In that case you should've gone first.. gentleman my ass" I mumbled the last part as I walked past him into the cafe earning a scoff from him as he followed suit

"Wow okay fuck you too and I'm not a lady"


We sat on the floor on top of this fluffy carpet side by side, there were so many cats. I felt like I was going to explode because they were all so cute.

We sat there waiting for our coffees and hoping the cats would come up to us, well at least I was hoping.

"So what makes you so sure the cats will like you huh?" He turned his head to look at me, his head tilted slightly down as he looked at me with a playful gaze

"Uh.. I'm awesome? People like me so why wouldn't cats love me" I looked back at him with a roll of my eyes, our shoulders were brushing against each other as we sat

He nodded with a squint of his eyes "uh-huh.. yeah we'll see"

He crossed his arms and so did I, elbowing him in the process which made him give me an annoyed glare "you're starting to piss me off!"

"Cry about it!" I replied elbowing his side again in which he groaned

I stared out at all of the cats and my happy meter broke as I saw a cat approaching us, it came up to me in which I started to pet it

A big smile on my face as it purred and licked my hand, nuzzling it's soft face into my hand more and more, it was a fluffy American shorthair cat with brown eyes.

I looked to yumi who suddenly had his phone out, he was recording me and moving the camera in and out making a beat as if it were a hardcore edit.

I laughed a little before gently picking up the cat and holding it in my arms, pressing my cheek to its head with a smile in which he recorded normally for a moment before ending it

He began to film a separate video, he had both of us in frame as well as the cat, he leaned closer to me and smiled as I held the adorable cat in between me and him, our faces pressed against either side of the cats face which the cat seemed to love

He laughed a bit and I gave a wide smile before he ended the video and posted it to his Instagram story, tagging me and then setting his phone down

He ran a hand over the cat before scratching its head, I admired this sight for a moment watching how he pet the cat in my arms with a small smile, his hair falling over his droopy eyes as he stared down at the feline

I removed a hand from the cat and took out my phone, taking a photo of yumi with the cat and posting it to my Instagram story as well.

I was in a video not too long ago so I'd been already introduced to their audience, so far they loved me as well as me and isaacs dynamic and they liked how me and yumi fake argued about dumb things.

I had also had my own vlog channel which I used to post on occasionally with my cousins and Larry but I've stopped posting on it recently due to less time on my hands.

I put my phone away and began to pet the cat as well as it rolled over for us to pet it's stomach, a cat wanting belly rubs? How rare

He glanced up at me with a smile for a moment, the sun shining in through the windows as his beautiful sun kissed face stared back at mine "you know these cats are up for adoption right? Didn't you say you wanted one before?"

"They're what." I deadpanned.


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