A Valentines Dance

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An: TWO IN ONE DAY??? WHAT???? You guys deserve it :P

Meliodas POV
"Captaiin..." a drunken Ban called
"I need to go somewhere later."
"Why?" I asked looking at him oddly
"It's Valentines day... and I'm going to... Elaine's grave..." he passed out. Valentine's the holiday of love, every human has celebrated it, I never understood, if only they knew what happened to the real Valentine...
"CAPTAIN!!!" Diane ran down the stairs
"What's wrong?!" I called back rushing to her "is Elizabeth ok? Where is she?" I looked past her, she was no where to be seen.
"What, nothing. But now I know how much you care for the princess... you hurt her I hurt you. Got it?"
I nodded yes, I would not appreciate a member of the giant clan angry at me, though I could easily take her down, I'm not willing to start anything.
"There is a festival in Liones, today. The king is holding it in the castle. The Valentines Dance. Can we go? Please???" I stood there thinking, I was going to open the bar tonight as people may just want to come here, but... "sure why not? You guys can go. Make sure to take care of Elizabeth."
"What you aren't going?"
"Nope, I'm going to open the bar tonight." Then silver hair came down the steps
"You're opening the bar tonight? I can stay and help if you'd like." She offered
"Elizabeth, tell the captain to comeee.."
"Go where?"
"Really? What's the date today?" Diane asked Elizabeth
"I dunno, somewhere in February.."
"You know today's Valentine's Day right?"
"No thats Friday.."
"No its today, dont you have someone special in Mind?"
(An: this was my brother and myself this morning cuz he forgot XD)
Elizabeth's face flared a bright red and I smirked, she looked at me then back at Diane,
"N-no, besides, its not today is it?"
"And your father is hosting a dance!!"
"I'd rather not..."
Diane looked disheartened
"I'm the only princess who doesn't have a partner, father might be trying something. I don't want anyone else..." she trailed off
"So there is someone..."
"NO!! Ugh. Nevermind.. anyways Sir Meliodas, I'll help you tonight."
"Actually I've changed my mind, I think it would be good for us all to have a rest for once."
"Elizabeth, I think you more than anyone needs this, just rest up, okay?" I say patting her head gently
Diane gasped, Elizabeth looked at her, "you know what that means?"
"Yes. When we go to the castle you can go through my dresses" she giggled
"Princess dress up!!!" She called, right fist in the air
Elizabeth sat distracted by her own thoughts.
"Hawk, tell hawk mama to go to Liones, Elizabeth, upstairs quickly." We aren't that far away so it'll take us a few moments to get to the edge of the city, besides, we were headed in that direction already.
"Captain." Diane warned
I shook my head and she understood, but still looked at me skeptically, as did Elizabeth, but she stood none the less and walked up the old stair case with me. We both entered in silence.
"Sir Meliodas I don't think-"
"Why don't you want to go?"
"Why don't you want to go Elizabeth?"
"I just feel like it would be more productive if we-"
"You don't understand. Why don't you want to go. I look at how excited Diane is and, that's like what you used to be. What's wrong? You clearly didn't want to say downstairs but you can talk to me."
Elizabeth sat there looking at me, silent.
"Or apparently you can't." I stood and walked for the door, but something stopped me from opening it, a hand. Elizabeth's hand. She wasn't letting me leave.
"I want to tell you. But I can't, I'm afraid to. I will tell you. When I am ready. Please understand."
I smiled and nodded, she got like this every time.
She let go of the door and I opened it, she walked out first, and walked downstairs I was right behind her. Hawk checked with Elizabeth that I hadn't tried anything and she assured him that nothing had happened. Once he was satisfied he told us that we had arrived. Elizabeth released a heart felt sigh and began walking outside. We all wondered what was wrong.

Elizabeth POV
I sighed. I knew this time would come but I did t want it to happen so soon. I was hoping that no one brought up this dance, father did it every year. And of course I knew the date, I was hoping Diane would just drop it, but since she wants to go with King that didn't seem likely. I know father and I know his antics. But I will for the sins, I know they want to go, even Meliodas him self, I wonder why, maybe he has someone special in mind.
Once the sins we ready we began walking to the castle.
And it was time to face my father.
The citizens seemed to have cleaned the place up a lot. It never even seemed like a battle over the fate of Britannia had happened here. I cringed as I remembered what had happened. Eventually we reached the castle, sooner than I had hoped. Father and sisters looked pleased to see us at least, I waved and told them that I was heading to my room with Diane, together we were going to pick out our outfits for the event later this evening. They agreed. But father stopped Meliodas and took him to the side. I left them.
Diane, Merlin and I eventually reached my room, almost as if father knew we were coming, three dresses were waiting on the bed. Merlin's and Diane's were perfect mine however, needed a fix up, and I knew exactly what to do. I didn't put mine on as I was going to make sure the boys knew where their clothes were, so I left the room while the girls were getting dressed.

I had began walking down the corridor, I didn't know where they were, but I'd find them eventually. "Elizabeth?! Over here!" A familiar voice called. A man walked over in a suit, he had an orange tie so match with vibrant hair colour. This man was no other than King Arthur Pendragon from the city of Camelot. Elizabeth bowed slightly, "your highness"
"Ha ha. C'mon Elizabeth, not so formal now ok?"
Elizabeth nodded and smiled,
"Are you looking for Meliodas and the others, I just came from their room. Third roof on the left."
"By any chance is..."
"Yup, Merlin is here, she is just getting dressed, we will all come together, you go and enjoy your evening now Arthur!"
He nodded, happier than before at the mention of Merlin being here. And practically danced down the hall to the ball room. Father always pulled stunts like these. I shook the thought out of my head and walked to the boys room. For tonight, let me just enjoy the evening. I knocked on their door, and a shirtless Meliodas answered.

Meliodas POV
A gentle tap was heard at the door. I opened it, Elizabeth was here! "You ok?' I asked leaning on the wall, folding my arms,
"I-I just wanted to make sure you found your outfits..." she looked away
"Yup, though I see you still aren't changed, needed some help?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.
"S-Sir Meliodas!" She exclaimed I laughed, "so you're ok, what about Sir Ban, Sir Gowther and Sir King, is Hawk in here too?"
"Stop worrying so much, we're fine. Make sure you go and get ready. You also need to enjoy the night!"
"Okay, see you soon!" She clasped her hands together and walked down the hall back to her own room. I closed the door to ours, and sighed, she has no idea what she is doing to me.
"You ok there cap?" Ban asked
"Yeah.." I smiled.
"Does the captain have feelings for the princess?" Gowther added
King and Ban's eyes widened.
"After Elizabeth came your heart rate increased exponentially. I've heard of this before, it's called love."
I laughed
"Gowther... what are you doing?" King asked
"Is it true Captain?" Gowther ignored King and spoke straight to me.
I ignored him, I put my shirt on, as well as my red tie. I thought about leaving the top two buttons undone and loosening my tie. But tonight was for Elizabeth, so I decided against it I wore my suit properly. "Captain?"
"See you guys out there, make sure you have a good night." I waved as I walked out and went to the ball room. Lots of the people were in there already. As well as Margaret, Veronica, Bartra, Merlin, Diane and Hawk. Diane wore an orange dress. A white ribbon on the top with a bow

An: none of these pictures are mine btw I have no skill XD

And as for Melin she wore a purple dress that went down to the bottom of the floor, and open back and slit in the skirt that began at the top of her right thigh to the end of her skirt, her sleeves went right down to her wrist. (There is no image, use your imaginations XD :P)

"You girls are looking nice tonight" I said to them,
"These? Elizabeth did them, before she left to find you, she 'fixed' our clothes for us, aren't they amazing?!" Diane exclaimed, I smiled
"I've never seen you so covered, apart for when we found you with Arthur!" I said to Merlin laughing
"Yes. Well, Elizabeth did well, you should have seen them before! I would never have worn it other wise!" She laughed with me
I looked around, "so where is?" I asked
"Just wait Captain, she'll be here soon!"
Ban, King, Gowther and Hawk then entered the room and went their separate ways, King made his way over here, Gowther went to the corner of the room and Ban and hawk headed to the table of food and ale. Typical. I turned to Merlin once more, "Arthur is over there by the way." I pointed to him.
"Thanks." She said and made her way over.
I went to the side of the room, people asking if I wanted to dance, I told them that I was waiting for someone. The. The room fell silent. And there she stood.
"Please welcome Princess Elizabeth!"
If you couldn't tell in my bar, you definately could now, she was in a beautiful green dress, the top was a light green fading into a light green, short see though sleeves and dark green gloves over her hands, her hair was held back by a jade green bow.

She looked stunning. She scanned the room and headed towards me, our eyes locked. The room went back into their own conversations, and we spoke for a while but she looked in easy, like she had never been here before. Soon enough she excused herself, apologising. "I need to speak to my father quickly."
"Sure! I could use a drink anyway!" I joked, she smiled, and took her leave.
A few moments  had passed and Elizabeth was done, so I went to go and check on her. She walked away from Bartra, I don't know what happened but she didn't look too happy.
I went to him to find out what he had done to her
"Do you know what is going on with Elizabeth?"
"Nothing to worry about, this happens every time. If it was something to worry about, I'd know. Don't worry Bartra"
"Well is be fast, Cinderella is leaving the party early..." I laughed at his joke
"What happened between you two?"
"I told her she needed to find someone and that, that was the reason behind why I put this whole thing on, but she said she didn't want anyone, and that she had someone in mind. I wanted to know who and she wouldn't tell me, it's you isnt it?"
"Yeah..." I smiled
"Meliodas, I don't know how strong you connections are but-"
"There is so much more than you know, want to know, and what I want to tell you. But Bartra, I can promise you that I would protect her, even if it cost me my life."
"Ok. Thats all I needed to hear."
I left, I knew where she was going, the Boar Hat.

~~Time Skip~~
Once I reached the Boar Hat. I looked for her, the first place I checked was our room. I wouldn't imagine her being anywhere else. And I was right, but she was no longer in her party outfit, instead I saw her in her tavern uniform. She was standing on the balcony looking out into the night sky.
"You wanna talk about it?" I asked softly as to not scare her
"Sir Meliodas? Why aren't you at the party?"
"I could ask you the same thing."
She sighed the calm wind danced in her hair
"Elizabeth, what's wrong?"
"I don't want to leave."
"No one said anything..."
"Father wants me to find someone, to stay at the castle. But as dangerous as they are, I much rather staying here with you and the sins, going on adventures, saving the kingdom! The Boar Hat is my home, I don't want to be taken from it. From you!" She turned and jumped into an embrace, "don't let him take me back. I want to stay here with you."
"Elizabeth..." I stroked the back of her hair, "I would never leave you Elizabeth. Never. Your precious to me, you know that? I can't leave you."
I pulled back and look at her, I expected to see a crying face looking back at me, but all I saw was shock. Probably something I said. And she smiled, and looked back at the city, the one we would protect, together. The breeze around us. We could still hear the music from the party. I took her hand in my own and brought her inside, she was confused but followed, but then she heard it and knew what to do. "I don't believe we have had our dance yet."
She giggled, "I do not believe we have"
And we danced to the music around us, in our own room, our own happiness.

The world around us could wait, because right now it was just me and her. And that was all we had ever wanted.

She rested her head on my shoulder as we continued. "Happy Valentine's Day." She spoke

"Happy Valentine's Day." I replied

So the other one kinda sucked and lacked any melizabeth in it, *sweardrops* I'll fix that XD but for now, enjoy this one!! 19 mins to spare XD
Vulpix out!!

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