Our story of love and war

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Disclaimer and Author's note: These is not my song and is for entertainment purposes only. Additionally, the last song is quite sad and depressing, but fits the theme of the story. :) enjoy <3

Elizabeth tucked the sick Meliodas in to his bed as she sat on the edge and gently stroked each soft strand of blonde hair while humming a sweet tune. His reputation definitely wasn't seen through the goddess' eyes. She saw a kind and gentle man who was more that willing to do anything for anyone, unless they hurt those that he loved- which she thought was rather sweet. She looked at this man-child with love and compassion. And she hoped he was the same for her.

Soon enough, she stopped her song and stopped stroking his hair as she began to get up. The boy's eyes started to flutter as he coughed. He beckoned Elizabeth back to the bedside. "Tell me a story." he whispered. She obliged.

"In every war there those who are good,

and those who are bad.

Some wars only last days,

But others live for eternities.

In all wars, there is love,

the forbidden kind,

the best kind.

And every war leaves one dead."

Elizabeth looked down at Meliodas. His chest rising and shrinking with each gentle breath. "To be continued" she breathed. As she hugged him close. She got up quietly and slowly as she tiptoed to the door. Meliodas was asleep, and he awoke easily, there was no way she was going to interrupt him from getting better. Elizabeth closed the door and walked down stairs to meet the rest of the sins as they got the bar ready to be opened.

~~ End Flashback~~ 

Meliodas walked back and forth around the room angrily. A darkness swarmed around him. Elizabeth was gone and they were losing time. She had just regained her memories and was kidnapped as Meliodas had finally gotten some sleep. And his father has the audacity to ask him to be the next demon king. Him?! The bar doors burst open and Diane was now inside the building, King just behind her.

"I know where Elizabeth is..." she cried


Elizabeth crept back up to the room a warm plate of food in her arms. Meliodas wouldn't eat when the sins brought food up, Elizabeth was their last hope. She opened the door and walked over to the bed, swiftly pulling back the sheets not to find anything, not even Meliodas himself, she heard the door close behind her, but when she turned to investigate there was once again nothing. "So," a voice came from the bed. "They finally sent you up." Elizabeth looked at the blonde man as he laid in bed covered in the blankets as if he had never moved. She accepted his challenge. "Yep, I'm your last challenger."

Meliodas looked her up and down trying to decipher what her plans were. Luckily for Elizabeth, when you spend so much time with someone, you unknowingly begin to learn their traits. His composure, and ability to hide his true feelings made difficult for him to be read, this was what she had learnt. 

"I'm not hungry." Meliodas spoke, breaking the silence.

"Hmm, shame. I tried at least." Elizabeth shrugged her shoulders and turned. She walked to the door slowly, left hand holding the plate of food over her shoulder, acting like a waitress, right holding the door handle and turned her head to the left looking over her shoulder to Meliodas who laid on the bed, staying still. Not daring to move, not losing to Elizabeth. "Have a good sleep. Meliodas." Elizabeth spoke softly, daringly stressing the last word.

"Wait." Meliodas called "Maybe I could eat something, if someone carried on a certain  story?" He asked

"Hmmm... You know, I'm don't think I want to tell a story right now..." Elizabeth teased opening the door.

"Please?" Meliodas begged desperately 

Elizabeth giggled "Of course I can"

Meliodas let out a breath of relief, "You should never tease a demon, goddess" Meliodas growled

Elizabeth smirked. She took her seat at the edge of the bed. and placed the plate on Meliodas' lap.

Meliodas laughed. Elizabeth looked confused. "What's so funny?" she asked.

"You just called me Meliodas and thought nothing of it." He laughed harder

Elizabeth realised, her hands quickly met her mouth. "I'm so sorry"

"Don't be. I'm glad you realized that you don't have to be so iormal with me." he said as he gently nudged her playfully.

"Careful Sir-"

"Don't"  he interrupted

Elizabeth sighed "Careful Meliodas. You'll spill your food."

Meliodas smiled and Elizabeth smiled back. "Could you tell me my story now?" He asked like a young child.

Elizabeth laughed "Of course," she continued from where she left her last story

"This was a tale of a beautiful princess, and her beloved knight.

Unfortunately fate was not on their side.

They would have to battle.

But this was no ordinary battle,

this was war.

And the princess and her love were on different sides

they were planning to leave

run away

be happy


they couldn't

as their heritage wouldn't allow it

this kind of forbidden love always ended in death.

The two could never be together."

Meliodas' eyes opened wide. Elizabeth looked at him "Everything ok?" she asked. Meliodas coughed and smiled. "Yes, sorry. Everything is fine, please continue." Elizabeth nodded and proceeded with her tale.

"This was a war that would never end.

This was a war between powers.

This was a war between life

and death.

The knight's side unfortunately was one with the demons

and the princess was one with the goddesses'.

When dark destroyed part of the Earth

light brought it back.

This continued for countless years.

Eventually the princess and knight came up with a plan

A plan to save the Earth

A plan to save both sides

A plan to save humans

A plan to save each other.

Their predecessors found out of this plan

and began to track the two down.

The demon king sent a representative to find them

only the princess was found...

To be continued..."

Meliodas realised this was not the same story as theirs and was different, but in all of his meetings with Elizabeth, not one bared any resemblance to this tale. This started to worry the 'knight'. Elizabeth stood. "I held up my end of the bargain, it's your turn ." Elizabeth walked to the door.

"I'm going to help the sins downstairs and I'll be back up soon to make sure that you have eaten." she walked out of the door and closed it once again. Muffled footsteps could be heard from Elizabeth as she walked down to the bar. Meliodas got out of bed and walked to the window, looking out of it wistfully. He thought of the story and how it was clearly of him and Elizabeth but how it was completely different. "Perhaps, could it...?"  Meliodas shook his head as he spoke his mind; "There is no way it could be our future, could it?"

~~End Flashback~~

Meliodas stood and waited for someone to speak, no one did. "Well?!" he spoke

Diane looked at King, he nodded she looked back at the demon, "We have a question first."

Meliodas growled "Make it quick, we don't have time"

Diane nodded once more. "What happens if something happens to Elizabeth before the third day?"

This made Meliodas ponder on the thought.

Finally, he answered the question. It's never happened before but I would assume that it would break the chain and she would die. Permanently. But I wouldn't know. It's never happened before. Why?" He asked

"Elizabeth has regained her memories and her consciousness. She is tied up with this guy called Chandler? I think he said his name was. He is looking for you but Elizabeth wont say anything. She is adamant I-"

"WHERE? Where are they?!"

"The courtyard but-"

Meliodas disappeared. He ran as fast as he could until it started coming together. The story. It was them. It was now. Meliodas concentrated and tried to think of how it ended. He felt an all familiar aura- Elizabeth's aura. It was being activated. Why was she healing? What was she healing?

A crowd. There's a giant crowd. Meliodas slowed his paced and pursued through the mass of people. Determined to get to her. Determined to find his love. He was so close and nothing was going to stop him now.


Meliodas crept down the steps, not as quiet as wanted. Everyone looked to the stairs, to see who was creating all of the noise.

Blonde hair stopped at the bottom of the staircase, emerald eyes scanned around the room.

Once he finally met his target's gaze he watched her glide around all of the stares carefully making her way to him. Once there, she raised her hand as it met the Demon's face.

"Sir Meliodas, your burning up again. Let me help you upstairs."

And so she did, not waiting for approval on the request, but he gladly followed it without question.

He laid down gently in his bed, trying to get comfortable but no matter how he tossed and turned he just couldn't. Elizabeth noticed this and sat down and carefully pulled Meliodas into her lap; placing his head in the crook of her neck, feeling his gentle breaths on her soft skin.

She held him in this position and stroked the back of his head and swayed back and forth rocking him to sleep. There was a tap at the door.

"Come in" Elizabeth called softly

The door opened and a girl with brown pigtails walked through the doorway, as soon as she saw the position of the two she looked away, blushing overthinking the image of the two.

"I can come back another time!" She quickly stammered

"Diane, look properly!" Elizabeth exclaimed

Diane did so, and realized the situation, The girls began to laugh

"What's so funny?" Meliodas whispered, opening his eyes

"Nothing, go back to sleep." Elizabeth answered

Meliodas pouted but closed his eyes nonetheless, snuggling deeper into her neck, breathing in her scent.

"When you are quite finished here, would you mind coming down to help us once again?"

Elizabeth nodded,

The door closed once more, and they were alone together once again.

Elizabeth looked down at Meliodas, he was protesting.

"Go to sleep" she ordered


Elizabeth sighed, "Ok, but you owe me now"

Meliodas just nodded.

"The Demon king's servant wanted to know where the knight was

They wanted him back as he was a very valuable asset to their army

as was she to her own.

Desperate to keep her love safe

She said nothing

she could never betray her love.

Becoming more enraged by the minuet

The Demon King's representative decided to use her own kindness against her

He tied her up

took her out to the people of Earth

The ones she was to protect

she would do anything within her power to keep everyone else safe form any kind of harm

even if that had meant confronting death

she would do anything

The representative began to take people from the swarming crowd and hurting them to get his answer

she wouldn't give him the satisfaction

but that doesn't mean she was going to let these people get hurt

she used her powers to heal them

absorbing all of their pain

the crowd shouting words of protest to save the goddess

an enormous aura could be felt from the hills,

charging its way to the scene

everyone felt it

except the princess

as she laid limp in place

unsteady breaths

slowing heartbeat

The crowd went silent

they parted

and the knight saw his princess

he couldn't protect her

This last time"

Elizabeth paused for a moment

"This was a tale of war

This was a tale about power

This was a tale about love

the forbidden kind

the best kind

but all good things must come to an end

No matter who you are"

Elizabeth finished and looked down at Meliodas, she felt a warm wet substance dampen her shirt a whimper accompanying it a soft voice saying "Elizabeth, please don't leave me, never leave me."

Elizabeth smiled and hugged the blonde boy, she kissed his cheek and went straight into a hug, "I never will" she whispered

'That's what you said last time' Meliodas thought as he sobbed into Elizabeth shirt.

Silver hair began to snake it's way out of place but Elizabeth dared not to move away from this needed comfort so she left it. Elizabeth rocked back and forth once again to get Meliodas into a soft slumber. He got out of her embrace and tucked the hair behind her ear then laid down in the bed covers. "It's ok, you can go help the others" Meliodas sniffed. Knowing when privacy was needed Elizabeth stood and headed for the door, opened it slightly and looked at the bed once more. His chest rose and declined much slower than before showing that he was asleep. Elizabeth heard a small murmur and left the room, the words lingering in her mind making her smile.

"I love you Elizabeth..."

~~End Flashback~~

Meliodas fought his way through the crowd to get to the front. This was it- this had to be it. There was no other explaination. He got to the front and saw a seemingly lifeless body, silver hair covered her face, her body slumped forward but there was nothing, no bruise, no cuts




except a trail of blood coming out of her mouth

That only happened when she used too much power. And he could sense that she had been healing something, or someone. These people, someone was hurting her people, that was twisted, even for a demon.

"MASTER MELIODAS!! I HAVE-" a voice spoke

Meliodas' eyes went black as he grabbed the 'person' by the throat and held them in the air. Meliodas recognised them right away. This just made him angrier by the passing second. It was his old mentor Chandler.

"M-as-ter p-lease." Meliodas dropped him to the floor and looked at the village people, they fled in an instant

"Will she come back?" Meliodas growled

"Well, I mean_"


"I-I-I don't know!"

Meliodas sank down to the ground, his hand garbbed at the grass below tears falling like rivers at the edge of a cliff

"You father wants you to be the next king, come on master. I mean you can't refuse. and it's much more of an accomplishment don't you think?" Chandler remarked

"What?" Meliodas asked agitated by this statement

"W-well I mean what could you have gotten out of that goddess?" he laughed worriedly

"I would have gotten a hell of a lot more. I loved that women, what is wrong with you?"

"You? In love with a goddess? I raised you better than this!"

"Get away from me..."

"Master I-"

"Get away before you can't." Meliodas looked Chandler in the eye sending him running with his 'tails'between his legs.

Meliodas walked to Elizabeth, and unbound her from the ropes, her wrists were a vibrant red colour, she had been struggling.

"It's ok, I'm here now" he picked up the goddess and walked back to the Boar Hat. The sins were awaiting his arrival, this was not how they expected it however. Once Meliodas walked through the door, Diane burst into tears, Ban started drinking, Hawk ran into the back room, Gowther seemed relatively disappointed. Meliodas walked upstairs, to his bedroom.

No, that didn't seem right at all. He walked to their bedroom, and set her down on their bed Merlin walked into the room.

"I may be able to help"

Meliodas was ushered out of the room, and Merlin began.

--Time Skip--

Meliodas sat at a table in the bar area. Two days. It had been two days! Surely she would be finished by now. A door was heard from upstairs, and quiet steps followed. Merlin appeared from around the corner a solemn and tired expression on her face. She sat, everyone waiting for news on Elizabeth, but Merlin was silent.

"Well?!" Diane asked

"Well what?" Merlin answered

"How's Elizabeth!" She exclaimed

"Really? Your asking the best mage in the whole kingdom that kind of question?"


"Oh. ok, well in that case, yes she is fine. but she is asleep and might not wake for a while yet."

Meliodas looked down at the ground. He wouldn't talk so Diane asked the questions he knew he wanted answers to.


"She has them."


"She has those too."


"Now that is the only thing I did get rid of, you didn't want to keep that, did you captain?"

Meliodas stood and began to walk upstairs, he opened the door and walked inside. She was there, peacefully in their shared bed, alive. Meliodas chuckled, "You see what you put me through goddess?" He laughed. He crawled into the bed next to her, put his face at her stomach and put his arms around her waist. He buried his hed  into her and closed his eyes. Tickilng her with is hair.

"I never finished my story." he heard

"Elizabeth?" he looked up to meet her gaze

She smiled "Hey"

His eyes filled with tears

She started the last chapter of her story:

"Despite this

it doesn't mean give up

and let it happen

the couple knew this

so they fought

they fought for each other

and their love

as it was not to be taken lightly

love could over come anything

and everything

so they continued their love

and will do

until the end of time"

Elizabeth stopped

"I love you,my knight" she confessed

There was a pause, but it wasn't an awkward one, nor that of fear, but one filled with love. One they felt for one another.

"I love you too, my princess"

"Finally!" They heard a male voice from behind the door

"Ban?" Meliodas called

"Hey! ... It's not just me..." he answered

Elizabeth laughed but Meliodas just pouted looking at the door, their moment ruined. Elizabeth held his chin and moved his head to face her, quickly giving him a kiss on the cheek, so fast he couldn't object. The silver haired girl got out of bed and walked to the door, turned to him and winked before it was opened, the sins flooding in embracing the goddess.

"You little jinx" He muttered to himself


And that's it! Thank you guys for bearing with me. I know I haven't been udating recently, but there has been quite a lot of things going on: Hospital appointments- don't ask long story XD- and I know that's not really an excuse, but I have been having really bad writers block, finding the time, procrastination and G.C.S.Es to be worrying about so enjoy this one and I hope to have another one out soon? XD



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