Save Me...

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I stared at him. I was completely scared.

"You looked scared sugar..." He leaned in and softly kissed me, but I had no feelings at the moment to give me the will to kiss back.

"Melissa...?"He seemed worried, yet he also seemed somewhat angry, "why aren't you enjoying this?"

This has happened before... I didn't want it to happen again. I quickly pushed him back and stood up. "I'm sorry Jase..."

I turned the doorknob but it didn't seem to move. It was locked... Panic overwhelmed me, I wanted to leave, home, away from him...

"Melissa... You aren't leaving unless I say so"

As I kept trying to open the door, his hands grabbed mine roughly and pulled me away from the door. I kicked his foot, but seemed to have failed because Jase didn't loosen his grip a bit, in fact, it became harder.

"Please let me go!" I didn't want anything to happen, not yet...

"No, you're going to stay here with me forever and ever Melissa"

I shivered as he finished his sentence, a slight insane giggle escaped his lips as he spoke, and it was really scaring me.

"Y-You're crazy! Let me go!" I tugged hard enough and freed my hands, turned to face him, and slapped him across his cheek.

His cheek glowed a slight red, and then a low growl was heard. I stared at Jase, I didn't love him anymore, I didn't want anything to do with him.

"Oh you shouldn't have done that honey..." He instantly grabbed my wrists again, and pulled me closer to him then we ever have.

We were both staring into each others eyes, but it wasn't a pleasant one. He had a crazed smiled plastered on his face, as he held tightly onto my wrists while bending down to reach for something in his backpack.


I tried my best to free my hands as soon as I saw what he had in his hand, but I didn't succeed. He took the rope and wrapped it around my wrists while holding onto them tightly with his other hand. I took the chance of him being busy by kicking him once more, and quickly ran back to the door. I turned back and saw him stumble back, but a second later he was already standing back up. I pounded against the door, trying to make loud noise enough for someone nearby to hear.

I yelled, but a hand wrapped around my mouth. I realized it was him, so I bit his hand as hard as I possibly could. He didn't seem to have liked it, so he pushed me down onto the ground. It was kinda hard trying to stand back up when my wrists were tied together...

What's wrong with him. Why does he want to do this to me...

I looked up at him. More rope. And a long piece of cloth too. I sighed, knowing that no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't escape the monster that he was. He slowly approached me, and began to tie my feet together. I gave up, I had no hope left in me. He placed the piece of cloth over my mouth, preventing me from talking or yelling, only allowing muffles to be heard. I sighed and looked up at him once more. Where was the Jase that I fell in love with?

"Melissa, you have no idea how much I've been wanted to do this with you..."

His words alone scared me, I didn't want to know or feel whatever he meant, and I was correct. He slowly began to take my shirt off, and throwing it across the small room. I wanted to cry, but I was taught to be a strong person, and not to cry.

He looked up at me once more, soon after he began to pull down the skirt I was wearing. If possible, after this I would kill the school for making us wear such short skirts...

I wasn't liking where this was going. I could only try to scream, but nothing could be heard. Jase moved closer and began to remove the last two pieces of clothing that I had, I was completely undressed at his sight. He only smirked, but the smirk soon faded into a worried look when we both heard a noise coming from the door. Someone was unlocking it, someone was going to possibly save me!

The door slowly turned, and someone slowly walked in.

"There you are Melissa, are you ready to have some fun?"

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