The End?

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A girl with long, strawberry blonde hair walked in, looking at me, then over at Jase. She wore uniform, so she was from school, I just don't seem to have ever seen her around. She turned back and locked the door again, I again lost hope that she could possibly help me, I had nothing else.

"Hey Melissa, this is Ariel, she'll be joining us to make this experience feel a lot more enjoyable..."

I didn't want her here. I knew things could only get worse, and they did. Ariel bent down next to me, and I only looked away.

"She's pretty cute..." Was all Ariel said before kissing me.

I tried my best to move her away somehow, but only made her make the kiss messier and sloppier. Jase was only watching, smirking at seeing me helpless against the girl, and he soon moved closer to me also. He moved his hands around my waist, softly and slowly, touching every part of my torso, making me want to just disappear.

Ariel soon pulled away from the kiss, and wiped some saliva away from her lips.

"I hope you're as good as you look"

Ariel then moved down to the lower parts of my body, and slowly untied my legs. She spread them apart, and started touching me here and there. I wanted to kick her so badly, but I knew if I did anything I wasn't supposed to, they'd both do something worse. Jase touched me up my body, and Ariel worked her touches with the lower half of my body.

They both stopped when we heard another noise coming from the door. Jase turned to look at Ariel, and Ariel looked back at Jase.

"I didn't call anyone else for this..."

"Neither did I..."

I honestly had no hope left, I lost it all when Ariel appeared. The door slowly opened, and some student walked inside. He only stared at then quickly ran back out of the room.

Please tell me you left to come help me...

Jase and Ariel quickly stood up and grabbed there bags, and headed the door, only to be met by an unhappy group of teachers.

"Oh sh-" was all Ariel was able to say before she was grabbed by two teachers, and immediately pulled out of the room.

Jase tried to run for it, but another two teachers got to grab him in time and pulled him out of the room along with Ariel. A teacher was left, the one I actually trusted the most. She stared at me for a while, then quickly began to untie me. She removed the cloth from my mouth and handed me my uniform so I could change back into it. I thanked her so many times, I was really glad to be free and away from Jase and that other girl.

Mrs. wrapped her arm around me and we both walked out of the room. I was just glad it was over. I slightly smiled, knowing that the nightmare was over, but like we all know, once a nightmare is over, another may begin...

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