13 - Where is it?

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Mal's POV

"Good job sister" hunter says to me as I throw the girl down before him. "Is she alive?" He asks me. "Of corse She is. Even though I wanted to kill her so badly. I could have brother! I had her in my grasp!" I yell at him. "Well.. that time will come soon enough sister. Soon enough." He reassures me. "Now... what should we do with her?" He asks me. "I have an idea.." I Lean in and whisper the idea.

Melody's POV

I slowly open my eyes to see I'm on a ship. I look around and see it was a hunter ship. Ugh great, Mal. I bet hunter if here too. I try to move but find myself chained to the mast of the ship. "Ugh." I groan and try to wiggle free. "You really think you can get out of those chains?" I heard  voice I really didn't want to hear right now. I look up to see Hunter standing next to Mal. "What do you want with me?" I Demand. All he did was laugh before walking away.

It's morning four of being their captive. I've gotten no sleep, no food other then an apple for breakfast. And every day at noon I am unchained and beaten by the crew I front of Hunter and Mal. The first day I was ok, I was able to fight back. But then every day after I've gotten weaker. I'm now completely unable to fight back. They beat me, they make a fool of me. I just want to go home. I want my friends, I want my parents, I want my dragon. When they are done they chain me back up to the mast. I am too afraid to close my eyes. Even though I want to so badly. I can't, I refuse to.

It's about 3 in the afternoon now, I'm beaten, bruised, bloody, thin, and weak. Im tired and I'm scared. I was snapped out of it to the sound of Hunter giving orders. "Unchain her and bring her to my quarters!" "What? No! Please don't!" I yell and try to break free of the Hunters grasp but it was no use I'm too weak. "Mal, sister. I leave you in charge while i deal with our little friend." Hunter says with a smirk towards me. I was pulled along by my hair by Hunter. "Ow! Stop! Please!" I yell in pain as I'm dragged along the ship. When he opens the door she throws me in then slams the doors shut. "What are you going to do to me?" I ask in fear. "So you aren't all that strong after all." He smirks at me while stepping closer. I was still on the ground trying to back away but I hit the wall. He got all up in my face and just stared for a minute. "I want to know where the  dragons amulet is" he demanded. "The dragons amulet?" I asked him. He thought I was playing dumb I guess and slapped me. It felt like pins and needles hitting my cheek. Kane where are you. Please. Terra, Liam.. I need you now more then ever. "I said. Where is the amulet?" He repeated himself. "I don't know of any amulet." I admit to him. He wasn't believing me even though I was telling the truth. Then he picks me up by my throat and pins me to the wall. "I'll only ask one more time. Where is the dragons amulet?!" He yelled. "I-I d-don't Know! P-please. I-I can't breath!" He stares at me still with a tight grip around my throat.  Then he drops me and I collapse on the floor gasping for air. "You know. You have such a pretty face, I really do hate to see it all bruised and beaten." Was all he said before he left me.

I drew this to give you guys a visual of what I described in the text. Hope you all are enjoying. Anyway back to the story.

Kane's POV

Hero nudged me but I pushed her away. "It's been four days! We need to tell the riders!" I yell at Liam. We've been fighting ever since we found out Melody was missing. "No! We can't! Can't you imagine what Hiccup and Astrid will do to us?!" Lima yells. Hero nudged me again but I pushed her away again. "Not now girl" I mumble. "They aren't like that!" I yell back. "You've only known them for a month and a half! What do you know?!" He yells back. "I probably know more than you!  Remember who taught who how to train and ride!" I yell. "You were older!!" He yells back. "WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP!!" Terra screeches. We both stood in shock, we had no idea she had that in her. "You two have been at each other's throats for the past 4 days! I can't even hear my self think! We are going to the riders And if you two can get it together? So help me I will pull you both by the ear to Hiccup my self!!" She yells at us before getting on Windwhip. "Come one girl, let's go see Hiccup" she says calmly to Hero like none of that even just happened. I glare at Liam. Before hopping on spike.

The fly there was awkward. None of us said a word. It was weird flying without Melody, seeing Hero's empty back... the empty saddle.

Hiccups POV

"Look! It's the kids!" Heather yelled and Astrid and I get up to meet them when they land. When they got close enough I noticed Hero had an empty saddle, where is Melody. They landed and I raced over to them to question the whereabouts of my daughter. "I will explain Uncle Hiccup. Please gather everyone." Terra says of me while getting off her dragon.

"What?! 4 days?! Why didn't you come to us sooner?!" I yell in anger and confusion. "Do you want to tell them boys?" Terra looks back at Kane and Liam. "Never mind. I take it back" I say when they both sit there glaring at each other. "How do we get her back?" Snotlout asks. "That's a very good question. But we need to think of something quick." Astrid answers. Hero nudges my leg and I look down at her. "I know girl, you miss her. We all do." I bend down and pet her. She lets out a happy sound then starts to spin around. "What are you doing?" I ask her. She ended up with just using her tail to point to her bag. "What's in there that you want? Food maybe?" I mumble. I reach down and dig through the bag. "Oh my Thor.." I say in shock. "Hun? what's wrong?" Astrid asks me. "Every one get what you need for battle! Meet here in 10! Go!" I yell and every one disperses except for the kids. "You did it girl you did it!" I yell and hug her. "Uncle Hiccup? What did you find?"  Terra asks me. "A tracking device. When it's opened it will point the way to Melody, but only hero can see it." I explain. "So that's what you've been trying to tell us. If only we had listened!" Kane yelled. Hero let out a small growl at him. "Yeah Yeah I definitely deserved that" he admits before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I will find you baby girl, and I will rescue you from what ever they are doing to you. Just hang in there a bit longer.

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