14 - Long Day

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"Alright Gang! Let's fly!" Hiccups says. He leans down and holds the tracker in front of Hero. She lights up her mouth then moves her head as if following something. "She's got her! Let's go!" I yell then get on Spike. We take to the air and Hero takes the lead. "Hang in there Melody." I whisper to my self.

Melody's POV

I'm still sitting on the floor of the room where Hunter left me. I am crying silently so they don't hear me. All of a sudden I feel my chest heat up. I look down to see the golden coin holding my Pads on was glowing. "Hero... please hurry" I whisper. Even just knowing my friends are on their way gave me more strength. I slowly stand and use the wall as my crutch. I lean on it for support. "Come on Melody, snap out of it." I try to motivate my self as I limp to the door. I slowly push it open and see the crew working hard around the ship. "Who said you could come out?" Hunter asks me. "I-i did" I straitened out my posture. I try and show no fear. "Ha. I didn't know you were all of a sudden in charge around here.. Mal? Did you leave her in charge?" "Not I brother, it's in her head." They both laughed. "Get her!" Hunter yelled and the crew stopped what they were doing and ran to attack me. Not again, it's already happened once today. I was able to dodge a few swings from their axes but i didn't have enough strength to go on. I toppled to the floor and hid my face to protect it. Please hurry guys...

Next morning

I was woken up by the sounds of the crew yelling at something. Looks like I actually got some sleep last night, I'm not surprised after everything that happened. I look around to try and find what was causing them to yell so loudly. "Oh. No." I mumble when I see a skuldren. They go to swing at him and try to attack it. "No!! Stop!! You'll hurt it!!" I yell trying to get them to stop. They didn't listen. "What do you suggest we do?" Hunter asks me in a snarky manner. "Let me calm it. And set it back out to sea. Please just don't hurt it" I plead. "Hmm, Fine" He unchained me and I stumble over to the edge of the boat. "Hold your fire!" Mal yelled to the crew. "Hey it's ok bud, I won't hurt you. I promise" I speak softly while placing my hand out for it to sniff. It takes a few minutes but it places it's head in my Hand. I open my eyes and see it looking down at me then glancing to its neck. "I can't bud, I have to stay, my friends will be here soon to save me..." I whisper only loud enough for the dragon to hear. "Go. Get out of here while you can!" I yell and it hesitates but then listens. I turn back around to the crew. "You aren't that bad..." Hunter seemed shocked. I guess he expected less from me. "Chain her back Up and feed her" he said before leaving the deck. They pull me back along to the mast and chain me back up.

Kane's POV

It's around 11 in the morning now. Almost noon. We have been flying since yesterday afternoon. I really hope we are close, dragons can fly way faster then ships  can sail, so hopefully even with a four day head start we will catch up to them soon. All of a sudden Hero started to pick up speed. "Maybe she found her! Let's go! We need to keep up!" I yell to the group. We all start to pick up speed after Hero.

Melody's POV

"It's noon pretty girl" one of the hunters said to me with a smirk. "You know what that means" another joined in. "Just get it over with" I say with a glare to hide my pain. They pull me to the ground and raise their fists and swords. They haven't used any weapons yet. "Oh no" I mumble and try to dodge them. So far so good. Then they punched me to the ground and started kicking me and I would tumble into another who would kick me back, like I was a ball, for their game... then all of a sudden my gold coin on my pads started to heat up. They're close. I thought but then thoughts of protecting myself came into my head. I need to get up. I need to stand and fight. "You have no idea who you are dealing with" I say while slowly trying to stand but I was kicked back down. I let out a cry of pain when they pull me by my hair and hold me where my feet can't touch the ground.

Kane's POV

"Look! A ship!!" Terra yelled. "What are they doing?!" Liam yelled. "Oh no! Melody!!!!" I yell when I realize they are beating her.

Melody's POV

"Melody!!!!" I hear someone yell. I knew it. I knew they would find me. "They won't get any closer" hunter says while pushing his men out of the way. He twisted my arm behind my back in a way that made be cry out in pain. "Melody!!" I could hear him again. It was Kane.

Kane's POV

All of a sudden the group around her separated and I can see this Hunter kid holding Melody with one hand behind her back and a sword to her throat. "Melody! No!" I yell again when I hear her cry in pain. "We need to get her out of there!" I yell. "But we can't or els he will kill her!" Terra yells. "So... you are smarter than you look" I hear Mal as she flies up on a dragon. She had a Monstrous Nighmare. "You know I trusted you! I thought we were friends!" Terra yells. "Oh dear but we were! And we still can be! Come join me! Join me and Melody. We will need someone knew because she won't be with us much longer." She laughed. I glare at her and so does everyone els. "Get Melody. She's mine" Terra orders. "I'm not leaving you with her." Liam protests. "Liam go! Get melody!" She yells. "Fine. Be careful" he says before flying down closer to the ship with me and the others. "Kane!" I could hear Melody. "Melody! Hold on!" I yell back. "Ah ah ah. I wouldn't come any closer if I were you" I see Hunter tighten his grip on her and she winces in pain. I give him a strong glare "glare all you want, if it helps you with goodbyes" he says before stepping close to the edge. None of us moved or said a word. I could see the pain and fear in Melody's eyes. "You know I did tell you how pretty you were..." he pauses while moving the blade towards her chin. I let out a small growl to what he had said. "And I really don't want to do this" he continued. I look around to see it was just me. The others were fighting. "But, work is work. And Since you can't help me anymore I will just have to dispose of you" he says while taking her by the hair, her normally neat braid was all messy and frizzy. She had bruises every where, she was bleeding from her lip. She was in a lot of pain. "Ow!!" She yelled when he held her by her hair over the water. "Put her down!" I demand. "Ok." He says with a smirk. Melody was trying to place her feet on the edge of the boat but she couldn't reach. "Good bye pretty" I can hear him say before dropping her. She let out a scream. I flew down to Get her form the water. "Take my hand!" I yelled for her while Spike hovers over the water. "I-i can't!" She yelled back. She knows how to swim but she was struggling. "M-my arm!" She yells. I go to reach her but as soon as I was close enough she started to sink. Her head went under water and she disappeared from sight. "No!!" I yell and dive in after her. She was sinking fast. I swim to her and wrap my arm around her and swim back to the surface. Spike pulled be up onto his back. I held Melody in my arms. "Hang in there" I say while holding her tightly. She hugged me tightly and I was shocked. I look down at her with a smile. "Hold on to me ok?" I say while flying up to the others. "I got her! Retreat!" I yell and fly off towards home. The others were close behind me and Hero was right beside me. "H-hero" Melody says in a weak voice. Hero looks at her with happy eyes. "Thank you" She says while hugging me again. "Did you really think I was going to let you have all the fun" I say with a laugh. I could feel her smile but her face never left my chest. "You're safe now" I whisper to her and her response was a tighter hug. I smile at her then at spike. It's been a long day.. but it was worth it.

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