Chapter 17

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"I'm gonna do it, Ivory".

"I'm sure you are".

"I will walk in there-


"Grab a seat next to him-

"Of course"

"And sit on it"

"And what a plan it is" She cheered sarcastically. "But I think you missed a step". A wave of panic went through me as I rethought my entire scene.

"Really, which one?"

"The part where you grow some balls to open this door"

I opened my mouth to say something but ended up closing it. She was right, I'd stood outside the door to the Dining Hall for about ten minutes now, ranting about all I would do when I finally open it.

But I haven't made a move to do so.

"You know what I think you're right-

"Fucking finally I'm starving" She moved to open it but I was already turning around.

"This plan is terribly flawed and I'll need a good nights rest to come up with a better one" Before I could go far I was grabbed by Ivory.

"Okay you don't have to sit with him or anything, but at least go in and eat" 

I stared at her for a few seconds "No I think I'd rather starve".

She gave me a pointed look "Harls, you'll regret this"

"I have plenty of time to regret in the morning".

She groaned in annoyance before an evil glint sparked up her green eyes. I instinctively took a step back.

I don't like that look.

"You'll thank me later" Next thing I knew was being shoved into the hall. I tripped over myself but a gust of wind flew by me and suddenly I was being steadied by an arm.


"Uh thank you" I smiled sheepishly, avoiding his gaze. I looked slightly past him to see Ivory giving me double thumbs up with a cheeky smile.

Evil little shit.

"No problem" He helped me up till I was standing upright and then he extending his hand out to me "Wouldn't want you kissing the floor again" He chuckled, clasping his warm hand around mine.

Heat flew to my cheeks.

I was snapped out of my daze as a little body jumped into mine. Meaning I had to let go of Malakai's hand to catch it. I looked down at the storm of brown curls that was now pressed into my side.

"Harley! Harley hi!"

I giggled at his excitement and set him up on my hip "Hi Ale"

He pointed at the chair next to Malakai's "Look look I saved you a seat right next to me!" He started fussing to be let down so I put him on the floor and he immediately sped off to the seat. "Come!"

I immediately rushed over to him and watched as he struggled to try pull the chair out for me, refusing my help when I offered. Once I'd taken my seat he went and crawled into his as well, I-not so discretely- pushed up his legs to give him an extra boost, hoping he wouldn't notice and reprimand me.

As soon as he was upright he turned to me with a bright lopsided smile. "Guess what happened today!" And from there he took off talking, babbling about his schedule and something about a butterfly he caught in his room earlier.

"You can eat you know?"

My head snapped to Malakai to see him staring at me with a weird look in his eyes. "Andro can talk for all of us and once he starts he doesn't usually stop, you can dish out some food meanwhile" He explained.

I nodded slightly embarrassed and began dishing out some food for myself, making sure to not overfill it. I grabbed my fork to start when I felt his eyes on the side of my head. I began eating slowly, now conscious of my audience. Eventually, I gave up and turned to him "Don't let me stop you from enjoying your meal".

"Why don't you eat much".

My mouth went dry and I turned my gaze back to my plate, shuffling the roasted zucchini slightly. "In packs, all the dinner time scraps go to the humans, If I eat a humble amount they won't go hungry," I told him softly, recalling some times from when I lived in a pack.

Malakai blinked "The staff eat before us".

I tried not to show the shock on my face. "Eat as much as you like, there's plenty to go around thrice".

"Hey, Harley are you listening?" 

My eyes fell back on the little boy "Yes of course" He narrowed his eyes at me in disbelief before looking at his uncle.

"Uncle Kai stop stealing Harley's attention" 

Malakai raised an eyebrow "Maybe she likes me more".

"As if! She came to sit next to me!"

"She's sitting next to me too".

"Ale if it makes you feel better, I wouldn't have sat here if it weren't for you"

No really. I have to thank him for that.

"See! She loves me twice more than you".

"Alejandro honey, that's not correct English" Spoke up Priscilla, who I'd forgotten was even here.

Ale proceeded to shoot her the ugliest glare I'd ever seen on the face of a child. before turning back to me. "Can you read me my bedtime story tonight?"

"So you're replacing me?" Malakai scoffed in disbelief.

"I bet she's much better at telling stories than you are"

Malakai rolled his eyes "You'll never find another like me".


Ale turned back to me and I nodded. "Sure, when's your bedtime?" His face went pale and he made a 'come closer' motion with his little fist. I leaned down next to him, giving him my ear and ignoring the jealous look on Malakai's face.

"Uncle Kai forgets my bedtime sometimes so I don't really go to sleep till nine," he said proudly. As if staying up till nine in the evening was a great achievement. Which I guess it was for him.

He wasn't even older than nine.

"I heard that" Malakai muttered but Ale simply ignored him.

"Just come to my room and I can even teach you how to build a train track before bedtime," He told me excitedly.

"Where's your room?"

His face lit up in joy. "I used to have one out of the castle but I moved in a few days ago" He said. I ignored the pang in my chest when he said that "But Uncle Kai got me a new room and everything right across from his, it's got a race waterbed and everything".

I nodded acting like I had an interest in what he was saying.

"Since I gave you the room am I invited too?" Malakai asked hopefully. Ale feigned thought for a moment before shaking his head, making his curls bounce everywhere.

Good hair genes run in this family like gold.


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