3: Yahya's Deal

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"Listen, we're not dealing with an ordinary gazelle! We're dealing with a hybrid look. The tophalf of his head is a gazelle and the bottom half is that of a leopard. Quite distinctive. Now, have any of the investigation teams found anything relating to the half-breed criminal named Melon?" The chief of police paused and no one filled in the gap. "Look at his face. It's easy to imagine that he's taunting every single investigation leader in this room. And just so we're crystal clear, the beastar is listening to this very meeting..."

Now they had something to say. Of course.

"Chief, my team tracks down criminals with the scent of their species, but in this case we need to find out the carnivore-herbivore ratio of his scent."

"My team tracks down criminals through air sightings. And with the information we have, we would have to single him out from the gazelle population."

"My team finds criminals by tracking down the vibrations they make with their feet... but since this is an unprecedented case, we would need to research his DNA..."

"Good grief. You're all really on top of things when it comes to making excuses." Yahya's voice rang out. "I'd hoped the teams would have moved their legs as well as their mouths." It seems their in competence is going to make me doing my job more complicated.

"The family registers showed no families with a gazelle-leopard hybrid. We must report Melon to the media and launch a full-scale investigation." The chief reported.

"I'm sorry," The minister of beast harmony spoke. "But you should refrain from reporting this to the media. We are entering an era of carnivore-herbivore marriages and friendships. What will happen if the media knows about the savage nature of hybrids?"

I don't know, maybe prevent them?! Yahya groaned. After a bit more aruging, the beastar finally lost his patience and headed out to find someone he thought might be able to help.

That is, if he passed the "test".

Legoshi was simply walking along, minding his own business when suddenly he flew through the air. The udon in his delivery backpack went flying and he dove to save it. He couldn't have it docked from his pay.

"Hmm." Yahya remarked to the wolf. "I was going to pass you if you landed on your feet, but you landed on your back to save your udon. You're quite hard to judge, kid."

"Yahya!?" Legoshi was shocked.

"Long time, no see, Legoshi. Did you grow back all your permanent teeth?"

"I've been wearing dentures since we last met!! What are you doing here?! Did you trip me with that wire!?"

"I was testing your physical capacity. Well, at the least, your responsibility earned you a passing grade..."

"You need to stop doing dangerous things. If I ruined any of my deliveries, my pay would be docked and that's a matter of life and death for me." Legoshi scoffed, over-exaggerating just a bit.

"You can keep jogging for chump change or you can do something that's a lot better... Can you help me, Legoshi?" Yahya pulled a check out from his jacket. "If you can, I'll give you 10 million yen in advance. And if you get the job done, I'll give you another 20 million. Not bad, right?"

Legoshi thought for a minute, but ultimately turned his back. "I refuse. I'm already well-off with my six-days-a-week part-time job. I'm sorry but you should ask someone else who isn't so busy."

"Am I really that scary to you?"

"I'm done doing dangerous work! I don't want the animals in my life to end up hurt."

"Legoshi. I can't get rid of the scar on your face, but if you agree to help me, I'll get rid of your absurd criminal record."

"Not enough... although you can really do that?"

"Yes. Fine then. Help me and I'll give you information about where your little maned wolf is."

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