2: Gouhin Meets You

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It was a difficult wake-up.

"Wh-Where am I?" You tried to sit up, but found that your arms and legs were in restraints. On a bed. In a strange room. "Melon!?"

"No, but we have berries if you want them." Gouhin offered some.

"No, I want to go back to living with Melon." You puffed out your cheeks. It was cute, probably, to a wolf like Legoshi. But to a panda who had an adult daughter, it was highly irritating.

"Drop the attitude. You're not going to live with a serial killer. Now snap out of it so you can go back to normal life." Gouhin was quick to scold you, but was taken aback by the following sobbing outburst.

"Nooooo! NOO! No, I don't want to go back! Don't make me go back to all of that! Please! Just kill me! Melon said he would kill me!" You could hardly breathe through the waves of despair ripping through you.

Gouhin looked at you, very concerned. After rifling through his medical supplies, he pulled out a needle with a sedative in it. It seemed nothing would be able to be accomplished without a little medical intervention.

After about twenty minutes you were full of an artificial calmness. You could hardly move any muscles at all. So you tried to glare with your eyes at the panda.

"Let's try this again." He spoke with authority. "Are you hungry?"


"This is the only time you get to refuse food. Starting tomorrow you're on the same schedule as me. Are you suffering meat withdrawal?"

"I'm... omni... vore..." You managed to speak more than a word.

"Ah. Okay, you won't suffer from them, of course. Berries and eggs is is tomorrow. Do you have a favorite food? What do you want to eat?" His voice softened as he noted the tears spilling out of your eyes. He put a paw on your head for comfort. "It's okay, darling. You'll be okay."

"Want... to... find... Melon..." You closed your eyes and amazingly, they stayed closed all night. But your subconscious didn't turn off.

I have to run. I have to keep running until I'm far away.

If I stop running, they'll eat me.

I want to die, but not like that.

Run. Run. Runrunrunrunrunrunrunrun.


I can see them again? I'm starting over? But I ran so far away...

Run. Run...

And you continue to run in your sleep as well as in real life. Your legs were restless and then twitched and moved so much that Gouhin ended up tightening the restraints just to make sure you didn't break free. What were you running from? Who? Was it this fruit guy? What had he done to you? It had only been a few months since Legoshi had brought you up, was that really enough time to do extensive damage to your psyche?

Gouhin had to admit he was curious. And with that, he decided not to tell the young wolf that you were here. Not quite yet.

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