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Omg wow long chapter. Warning. It's gonna get scary. So if your not into reading a little violence then skip it. Just FYI I'm not a violent person I swear.

Isabella's POV.

We quickly walked to my apartment as I unlocked the door and to my humble abode. Small, but cozy.

"It's not much-" I rambled as he smiled.

"It's perfect." Caspian spoke.

A couple hours were spent as we sat and played with Allistair as we heard a knock at the door.

Lucy's POV

I knocked on Isabella's door as it quickly opened.

"Lucy! What are you doing here?" Isabella's asked confused.

"It's your night to go out..." I asked as my eyes landed on Caspian. Wait what????? His eyes widened in shock as he quickly looked down.

"Oh crap!" She yelled as she changed into a nice party dress and quickly brushed her hair.

"Where are you going?" Caspian asked confused.

"I'm going out with-"

"A friend!" I spoke quickly as Caspian looked at me questioningly.

"Yeah. You know the drill." Isabella spoke quickly grabbing a bag. "Oh Caspian, Lucy, Lucy Caspian." And she was out the door for her date, which I can tell Caspian will not be pleased to hear.

"What are you doing here??" He asked with a grin embracing me tightly.

"Me?? I work as a nanny for Isabella! What about you?"

"It's a long story. We should put Allistair to bed though, it's getting late." He suggested as I tucked Allistair in.

"Goodnight Lu." Allistair called as I grinned at the Angel.

"Goodnight!" I called while closing the door.

I found Caspian sitting on the couch as I went and dialed Edmund. He had to be here.

"Hey Isabella-"

"It's Lu! You need to come here! Someone special is here." And with that I hung up.

Within ten minutes there was a knock at the door and there stood Edmund. His scowl turned to a grin as he saw Caspian.

"Caspian!" He spoke happily patting on the shoulder playfully.

"It's good to see you Ed!" He laughed.

"What are you doing here??"

"I think that's a story we all want to know." I smiled as Caspian nodded.

"You got here a couple weeks ago right? After your last Narnian trip?"

"Yes. Is this our last adventure?" Edmund asked

"No. I think we shall see each other once more." Caspian smiled "anyway. After you left. Things went great. Then Aslan said it was time to get married-"

"This is getting good." Ed teased

"And so I fell in love with Isabella. We got marrow and had Allistair. Then at the christening the white witch attacked the castle walls."

"What??" Edmund paled as I shushed him. Honestly, we weren't going to go anywhere with his interruptions.

"I know." I told my wife to run to safety. During the battle Reep told me to go find her and she was trapped in a dungeon with Jadis. She trapped me in my place as she made a blue portal appear. My wife and Allistair got sucked in and sent to your world. Aslan came a tad late but he got Jadis and locked her up. For three days I was miserable. Couldn't eat, sleep, or drink, just cry cry cry. Then Aslan thought of an idea. Why not send me here to recover her memories and bring her home? And so here I am."

"So Isabella got married with you, had a kid and got sucked here? Erasing memories of Narnia?" I asked

"Yes. I have to bring her home. Where is she anyway Lucy?" Caspian asked as I looked uneasy.

"Um..." I stammered as I shared a worried glance at Ed who looked just as worried.


"Uh, well after your wife got sucked in, instead of it being three days here, it's been about 4 years. And so she's um, shall we say courting someone?"

"WHAT???" He roared as I shushed him.

"Look, he seems like a nice guy-" Ed stood up trying to calm him down

"SHES MY WIFE!" Caspian shouted as I covered his mouth.

"Don't wake him up!" I hissed as I checked on Allistair. Still asleep.

"Look, if she was your wife she would remember. But frankly she doesn't. And she's spent the last 3-4 years without you being someone she really isn't. And that's who she thinks she is right now. So we are going to have to be patient, and take it slow." I spoke calmly.

"Why slow?"

I threw up my hands in exasperation "well how would you feel If a girl came up to you and said hey we were married in a fairy tale land, we were King and Queen, and we had a kid? You wouldn't believe her would you?"

"I guess not." He admitted.

"Besides your way better than that James guy." Ed scoffed as Caspian smiled at the attempt to cheer him up.

"What is this James guy like anyway?" Caspian asked as Ed and I shared a glance.

"What are you not telling me?"

"Well he's definitely not your typical Prince Charming..." Ed trailed as Caspian stiffened.

"He can be quite.... Bipolar...." I phrased "one minute he's sweet and loving and the next he's quite angry and things could get messy."

The color drained from Caspians face as I could tell his heart was sinking.

"Why does she go with him?"

"Because, it's not often  when he gets angry with her. And when he does, she forgives him and says it's because he has a bad past blah blah blah."

"Is she happy?" Caspian asked quietly.

"I don't know. With Allistair yes." Edmund spoke quietly as Caspian placed his hands on his face.

"It's all my fault."

Isabella's POV

I didn't feel like being here at the restaurant. I was fearful that alcohol would get into his system. I had been seeing him in darker moods than usual, except today. Why was I still with him? Was it because of his sweet personality that he showed?

"Hey bartender!" James called as I stared in shock. "Get over here will ya?"

"There is no need to act like that." I spoke glaring

"And you are?" He mocked "my mom?"

"Actually, Your ex girlfriend. And I think your mom would be disappointed." I stood up and grabbed my bag. "We're through."

"Hey!" He grabbed my arm as I kicked him in the stomach. He let go gasping as I ran for my life. I could hear him behind me as I quickly ran for my apartment pounding on the door.

"LU!" I screamed "HURRY!" I was getting desperate. He was several feet away as Lu opened the door just as I got tackled. I felt thick fingers wrap around my neck as I saw black spots.

"Hey!" Caspian yelled as he brought him off me and Edmund dragging me to safety.

"Who are you?"  James asked angry.

Caspian threw a punch as James landed on the ground.
"Allow me to formally introduce myself, I'm Caspian. And you are to never ever see Isabella again or so help me God i will press charges."

James scrambled up as he stood shakily, with one look towards my way he was gone.

A burden was finally lifted, and I saw a new light.

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