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Isabella's POV

I felt strong pair of arms embrace me as I stiffened a little. I relaxed when I realized it was only Caspian. He was a stranger today, and now he was my friend.

"Thank you." I choked as he hugged me tighter. "You saved my life."

"You deserve better." He whispered as fresh tears brimmed at my eyes.

"I ended it." I spoke quietly and smiled up at him. "I'm free." I began to laugh and cry at the same time as he smiled.

I saw Edmund and Lucy standing there with a smile as I ran and hugged them tightly. "You two are two of the best friends I could ever have."

"Glad your okay." Edmund smiled.

They stayed for a little while longer and bid farewell for it was getting late.

"Come again soon!"

They nodded eagerly as they left too excited to see them again. Suddenly the clock struck midnight as Isabella gave a yawn.

"I really must thank you again for saving me. You may stay as long as you want. " I offered as he grinned.

"I'd love too. But let me do my fair share in helping you pay for the place. " to my shock he pulled out a couple wads of money.

"Where did you get this?" I gasped

"My family gave me money for my trip. So I want to help you instead."

"I can't-"

"I insist."

Tears welled in my eyes again as I stared at him with utter awe and respect. "Why are you being so kind to me?"

"A lot of reasons, but mainly because you deserve it. "

A few weeks went by as Caspian gained his wife's trust. Isabella had mostly healed from James and had moved on. She didn't remember anything yet, but he was taking it one step at a time. The former queen began to fall for the Narnian King and Allistair began to think of Caspian as a fatherly figure, which he was.

3 weeks later

I had just wrapped up the shop as I headed home. As I entered the hallway to my house I heard several hushed voices.

"We have to tell her."

"We're running out of time."

I barged in to see Caspian, Lucy, Edmund.... And a rat standing on my table.

"WHY IS THERE A RAT IN MY HOUSE???" I yelled grabbing a broom ready to swing.

"I AM NOT A RAT I AM A NOBLE MOUSE THANK YOU VERY MUCH!" The rat retorted as I dropped the broom in utter shock.

"He talked! The rat talked!" I pointed as Reep glowered "I'm dreaming. I'm dreaming. This isn't possible!"

"Nothing is impossible my queen." Reepicheep stood and bowed.

"Har Har very funny. What's going on?" I asked.

"You wouldn't believe us if we told you. " Edmund smiled

"What could be crazier than a talking mouse?" I asked

"It's a long tale." Caspian spoke "if your willing."

Several moments later

"Wait so you guys went with your siblings, through a wardrobe into Narnia to defeat the white witch, then you became the kings and queens of old and went back into the real world, came back through a train station where you had to defeat the telmarines, save Narnia, and made Caspian King? Then you say that he saved my life in Narnia, we fell in love, got married and had Allistair. Then the white witch decided to bibbiti bobbiti boo me and Allistair here? That is one far fetched story."  I concluded. My head was spinning. This couldn't be possible.

"Think about it Is, why don't you remember Allistairs father? Surely if something big and important like that happens you would want to remember. " Lucy pointed out.

I furrowed my eyebrows in concentration trying to remember, but there was a knot in the back of my head resisting me.

"Or why you have that lion pendant on you. Where do you think you got that from?" Edmund added.

"I've had this for as long as I remember." I retorted. "And if your my husband why didn't you come for me huh? I spent three years struggling to make an income for me and Allistair. So that we could at least have food and clothes on our backs!" Tears were brimming at my eyes as I tried to push them back.

"I wanted to! But it took time because I had to
Figure out a way to get to you." Caspian spoke quietly. "If you don't believe me, look at the child. He's got my hair and your eyes and personality-"

"Don't you dare bring my son into this!" I yelled getting angry.

"Our son! He's my son too!"

Suddenly Allistair came out from his room with wide eyes. I looked at him with a watery smile and saw what Caspian meant.

"Go back to sleep sweetie." I spoke softly "Lu would you mind?" She nodded as she tucked him into bed.

"I have an idea. What if we got lab results?" Lucy suggested. "That will give you real and scientific proof whether he is or is not Caspian's son as well."

Well, what do I have to lose?


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