[FIFTEEN - Possible Friend Death School]

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'Harvey, Harvey, Harvey, Harvey, Harv-'
The front door slammed open, with an exasperated sorcerer glaring through bleary eyes at the trio before him. The bacca he wasn't too shocked about, Rob - He was surprised that he was back so soon - but the other, slightly less familiar face, caused a spark of alarm to flare up in his chest.
Nonetheless, he shook his head before giving the guys a small wave while blinking a few times 'Hey guys, what's up?'
'Do you happen to have anything to turn a hybrid, that's been past the barrier for the past few years so looks like a human, back into a hybrid?' Jerome asked, then quickly adding a quiet "Hypothetically speaking" to his sentence. Harvey narrowed his eyes at his friends' suspicious behaviour but nodded, waving them in as he heard Jason moving around upstairs 'I'm pretty sure I have a book on it somewhere... Why d'you ask?'
'Preston's back, and he's got his abilities and everything, but he still looks like a human. We figured you could help.' Rob explained bluntly as he, along with the others in the room, all sat down in the lounge-like area.

The sorcerer nodded again, walking over to one of the large bookcases and fingering the spines as he searched for a certain journal - "Abilities and Cures of Glitched Creatures" written by both his own parents and Lachlan's Mum. It would contain the information that the boys needed, but he decided to go with them just incase 'So, if you're all here, who's watching him at the moment?'
'Uh... He said he was going to sleep, so nobody stayed-'
'ARE YOU INSANE?!' The brunet yelled out in shock, violet magic dancing between his fingertips as he practically sprinted towards the front door. 'You left him alone, while he's turning back into a hybrid, and he's been a human for all these years?'

'What are we supposed to do in a situation like this? I'm pretty sure they never told us in possible-friend-death-school!' Lachlan exclaimed as he, Choco and Vik all surrounded the tendrils of lava and the blaze. Every once in a while, the fire would separate (Even just for a second) which allowed them to see their friend unconscious on the ground.
At least, they hoped that he was unconscious.
'Why doesn't Salt just shoot frost at the flames?' Vik suggested, stopping in his tracks to try and peer through the inferno at the brunet. What he (along with the others) hadn't realized is that the walls were actually protecting him, from what remained unknown.

'Too risky, he might hit Preston in the process.' Choco pointed out, also slowing down to observe the flames as their blond companion attempted to stick a hand through the fire, only to jump back as they turned white where he'd touched it. 'What the Nether?'
'I don't think Preston's controlling this thing, even if he was conscious he wouldn't do this on purpose... Would he?'
Narrowing his eyes at the limp form of their friend, Vik stepped closer to the fire and attempted to read the Texan's thoughts. Nothing came through at first, just a dull static-like noise echoing through his brain, but he pushed it aside and continued his search.
If I-
Don't - Can't.
Please no, no, no...
His eyes flashed open, the silent scream almost deafening as he stumbled away onto the floor. He put a hand up to his head, as if trying to soothe the voice as Lachlan rushed over 'Vik? Are you okay?'

Somebody help me!
I don't want this.
Please just make this stop, I - It hurts... It hurts, so much...
'Vik? Vik!' Lachlan pulled his hand away from his face and looked into his blank eyes, checking for any signs that the Brit could hear him, before gently shaking him. 'C'mon, Vik, this isn't funny.'
'We need to get him out of there, now. He doesn't know how much longer he can take' The mocha-skinned male spoke quietly, one eye a brilliant blue while the other was a dull crimson, 'Preston's hurting, Lachlan, this is killing him from the inside out. He's having to go through this all by himself.'
'But we can't get through!'
'Then he may - Uh, why am I on the floor?'

And of course, back to the regularly scheduled event of Vik's memory failing. Letting out a quiet sigh Choco crouched by his side, noting that his eyes had now turned back to the dull brown they had been before as he glanced around in confusion 'Alright, Vik, what can you remember?'
'Um... There was the fire, and somebody was inside it but I can't - I don't know who. You'd just slapped the thing pretending to be Kenny, and now I'm - I did that thing again, didn't I?'
'Unfortunately yes' The Australian of the group answered, with Vik just groaning and resting his head on his knees 'How much did I miss out?'
'Preston's made a massive circle of fire, which literally gets hotter whenever I touch it 'cause he's a frickin' jag,' Lachlan began, before Choco gently shoved him to the side. 'What he's trying to say, is that Preston might be turning back into his hybrid form, but we don't know why it's so violent.'. The short male nodded slowly at this, and stood up to look at the flames once more.

They seemed to be dying out, but it was as if the blaze was trying to close in around the Texan, trying to suffocate him in the fumes 'He sounded so alone, and scared...'
'We're gonna get him out, don't - Vik wait!' He suddenly found himself jolting forwards, running through the fire and rolling in the ground to snuff out any flames on his person and glancing towards where Preston was. Amber and orange lines were glowing brightly beneath his skin, almost taking over his entire body as his unconscious form quivered in the heat 'Alright, uh - What am I even supposed to do?!'
"Try and get him out. The fire won't hurt you"
"Who said that?"
"The old you, before you lost your memories. Preston wouldn't hurt you on purpose, so the fire won't either. Trust me on this". As if being controlled by something else, and with smoke swirling around his body, Vik lunged forwards and hooked his arms around the younger's torso (Making sure not to touch the lines) and began to back out of the shrinking circle, the inferno seeming to split to let him through. At the same time that this happened, Lachlan ordered Salt to douse the fire in frost so that it wouldn't spread and cause any more damage.

'Preston?' The golden bird hybrid asked, partially in shock, partially in fear, as Vik set him down and practically collapsed against an old log. 'G-Got him.' He choked out, the smoke in his lungs muddling his vision as he attempted to breathe through the smog.
'Vik, you alright?' His younger (yet taller) friend asked in concern once the blaze was out, kneeling down and pushing the ebony hair from his eyes. He just nodded, holding a fist against his chest in a feeble attempt to steady his breathing as it only got worse 'F-Fine.'
'You sure? 'Cause you look as if you're about to pass out.' Not a moment after the blond finished, he, indeed, passed out against the log.
'Ah, geez... Come on Choco, let's get these two home.'


Ahahahahahhaa yo guys who do you think's going to die first in this book? Place your bets.
I feel like I'm not interacting with you guys enough hnnnnnnnnnnnnng.

How are you today?

Have you been having fun?

Hey you -No, not you - Yea! You, right there. Stop procrastinating and do your homework.


See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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