[SIXTEEN - Wolfie]

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'Well, we're screwed.'
'If by "screwed" you mean about to be screamed at by both my dad and Preston's Mom then yeah, we're screwed.' Rob noted as he saw both his Father and Kira Arsement running towards Jerome's house. Both had expressions of confusion, but Adam's face also held anger- And, as per usual, it was directed towards his Son.
'Robert Aaron Latsky-' Wincing at the use of his formal name, the Canadian looked down at his feet while he heard Mitch muttering profanities under his breath, 'What the Nether do you think you're doing? I specifically asked for you to spy on the village, and what do you do? Return here, with the audacity to ignore my orders and here you are, with- with this...' The elder Latsky sniffed the air a few times, before he growled lowly as his pupils dilated.

'Human.' He spat in disgust, and the younger wolf hybrid let out a quiet whine. 'Father, please, he's not like the others-'
'They're all the same!' Simply pushing Adam aside, Preston's Mother walked forwards and, placing her hands on the brunet's shoulders, forced him to look directly into her eyes. 'Now Robert, many years ago you told me that Preston had left.'
"Actually that was me." Jerome thought angrily, quietly snorting as he saw Kira tighten her grip on his friend's shoulder, but he didn't make a move just yet.
'And now I'm hearing that he was in your friend's treehouse before the battle? Is there anything else you would like to admit to lying about?'
'Mrs. Arsement, let go of him. Rob hasn't done anything wrong.' Harvey piped up as he moved to the front of the group, pulling his violet hood down and gently pushed between the two so that they were forced to break apart. 'He's right. Rob's just a kid, like us, he doesn't need this stress in his life.' Jerome added, and Mitch nodded along in agreement as they stood alongside the sorcerer. Seeing the boys act in such a way reminded Adam of his friends when he was their age, and that may have been when he first noticed how much the human looked like his old friend.

'You, human boy' The Werewolf King pointed out the young Canadian, who flinched but stood his ground whilst glaring at the man. 'What?' He demanded coldly, a wisp of grey magic fluttering around his fingers for a second before it was dispersed.
'Did you- I mean, do you,' The man swallowed, as if unsure of his words, while Kira huffed in annoyance and crossed her arms 'Get on with it, Wolfie.'
'Do you have any connections, and I mean any whatsoever, do a woman named Fern Hughes?' Hearing the name, Mitchell flinched again, this time more in shock than anything before it was replaced by a clear arrogance. 'What's it to you, Wolfie?''
In the blink of an eye the so-called "King" lunged, knocking Mitch to the ground and baring his unnaturally sharp teeth while the teenager squirmed beneath him. 'You insolent brat,' He snarled, relishing in the feel of his prey struggling to fight back, 'You will tell me, and if I get the wrong answer then you're going to have another addition to your scars.'
'Dad, get off of him!' Rob snapped, feeling an awfully familiar tingling run through his spine "What the - It's not a full moon yet, it's the middle of the day!". The tingle faded away, but it left him with a renewed energy that caused him to storm forwards and practically tear his parent away 'Mitch has no part in this, leave him alone.'

'But he's exactly like-'
'No, Father.'

It was as if somebody else had spoken for him. The amount of power in Robert's voice from forced his Father to move back, growling quietly but keeping his distance as even Jerome took a step back "Wow, that... Wow."
'Mitch, you alright?' Rob asked, his voice returning to normal as he helped the younger Canadian to his feet. He nodded slightly and winced, putting a hand up to his shoulder and moving it around 'Yeah, I-I'm alright. Just a bit shaken.'
Unconvinced, the technically-a-werewolf narrowed his eyes before turning to glare at Adam Latsky, who held an expression of shock towards his Son's actions. He'd never heard Rob physically stand of for himself before, and it wasn't even for his own safety - He'd almost lost control, just to help one of his friends 'Robert, I...'. He stopped, knowing that no words he spoke would be listened to.

Instead, Kira did it for him 'Robert! How dare you speak to your Father like that, he is your superior and-'
'Oh my Notch, Mom, literally shut the fudge up!' A familiar voice groaned, and Rob bit back a grin as he heard his friend. This smile only increased when he saw a soft orange glow, and his younger friend standing by his side as the lava seemed to shift across his skin 'Good to have you back, Preston.'
'Good to be back, my dear Sir, but what the heck's going on over here?' The Texan grinned, ruffling the talker's hair and skimming his eyes along the group. Rob's Dad, most of his friends and - Oh. Oh, joy of all joys.
'Hello, Mother.'

'So let me get this straight; I most likely died, but for some reason I'm still alive?' Jason nodded. 'And-And whatever that thing was, Hudson or something, had taken my place and could have killed Choco?'
'Pretty much, yeah. You're more concerned about that than the fact you managed to subconsciously rebuild your body?'
'Jason, in my group of friends I'm the only human one. Did you think I'd be freaking out?'

The preteen nodded again, running a hand through his fluffy dirty-blond hair and letting out a quiet sigh. Kenny (at least, that's what he'd said his name was) was taking this surprisingly well, and by the sounds of things he'd known who Harvey was a few years ago. The battle had been mentioned a few times, but nothing really extensive had been said about it - Apparently it was a touchy subject. Then again, many people had been killed, so it's not that big of a shock 'So I'm guessing you knew Preston, Choco, all the others?'
'Yeah, that's actually the reason I came here. Lachlan and Rob came to the village, and I snuck out to try and find Choco.'
'That's decent friendship right there... But how did you get past the Caterkiller?' Kenny pulled a face, eyes narrowed, before he just shrugged and grinned cheekily.

'If I'm being honest, I have no idea. Maybe my natural charm scared it off... Or that weird omnipresent voice that keeps popping up.'
'The what?'
'Aha, funny story. Pretty much this weird air-cloud-person thing keeps appearing out of nowhere and gives us sarcastic one-liners and advice. They call themselves "The Author".'
Jason raised an eyebrow, mentally querying the answer, but decided against pursuing it and instead chose to stand and look out the window 'I was hoping Harvey would be back by now, huh... Ah well, it just means I can raid the pantry and not get caught. You want anything?'
'Depends on whether or not cake is involved.'


Let's all eat cake and impale Kira with spears, shall we? I got some premium glitter-jelly-plastic spears going free right here, cake free with every purchase.

Everything's free in this world if nobody sees you take it.

Looking at you, Stoll brothers and/or Magnus Chase.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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