[ONE - Not Exactly Paranoid]

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'What do you mean, he won't remember us?!'
'I'm sorry, but Vik's suffering from amnesia. It may be an effect from one of... What you called "Orespawns", but the most likely scenario is that he got hit in the head by something. It's not entirely possible that he won't remember, but just - Just be careful.' The Village's Medic, Tobi, briefed the duo as they stood outside their friend's door.
Of course, out of anybody there, Vik was the one to get amnesia. He'd been the one to see the most. It may not have seemed like it, but he understood the hybrids - Even more than Kenny did. Speaking of the blond...
'Yo, Kenny, you alright?' Mitch asked quietly, nudging his shorter friend who blinked a few times before nodding silently. Ever since they'd been taken back to the village, and everyone had crowded him with questions, it was as if a part of the young blond had died along with all of the hybrids on that day. He refused to talk anymore, since the day after they got back, and as far as he was concerned? He was going to stay silent, for a long, long time.

'Well, let's go see if he remembers us.' Pushing the smooth wooden door open, the two weren't really sure what they would see. Did Vik have any other injuries that they weren't told about? Who would he remember?
Well, they were in for a surprise.
'What took you guys so long?' A British accent hit Mitch's ears like a hammer, causing for him to let out a sigh of relief and give a weak smile. Kenny on the other hand just let out a gasp of shock, his hands moving to his mouth as the shortest of the trio gave his friends a cheeky grin 'Long time no see, boys.'
'Y-You rem-remember-remember us?' Kenny forced the words from his mouth, voice slightly raspy due to severe lack of use. Vik raised an eyebrow at the question but nodded slightly, gazing around the room with a thoughtful look on his face 'Of course I am, I haven't been asleep for that long - Wait, since when were you guys so tall?'

His Canadian friend took a few steps forwards, almost unsure of his movements, before letting out another small sigh and running a hand through his light brown hair 'Vik, be honest with us; What do you remember?'
'We were going to play a game with... Someone, I don't remember their name, and I think I was hit in the head with something,' The mocha-skinned boy admitted, concern in his eyes as he looked between the two, 'Why? Is there something I should know?'
'Oh Notch, this is bad. Vik, can you recall any names?'
'The Sidemen, you two, my family... There's one other, but I can't - Guys, what's going on? Is this some stupid prank, or-'

Kenny shook his head sadly, eyes downcast. Seeing his normally hyperactive friend acting so... I don't know, strange? Caused Vik to pause, and he pushed himself up against the headboard of his bed before gesturing for the two to join him 'Alright, you guys need to tell me exactly what's happened.'
'That's not a good idea, Vikram' A new voice floated through the doorway, a figure walking through a few seconds later. Standing before them, arms crossed and with a stern expression on his face, was the one and only Simon Minter. Both Mitch and his blond friend ducked their heads in shame, while Vik still wore an expression of confusion on his face 'Simon, why can't they tell me? What's wrong?'
'At least you remember me, then... Vik, do you know how dangerous that was?! You could have - and literally were inches away from dying!' The silver-haired man exploded, eyes full of fury as the trio all shrunk back - It takes a lot to make him mad, and if he gets angry at you? Run. Just run. Change your name, identity, everything - He will find you.

'Simon, don't yell at him. He was just a kid; All three of them were. You weren't much better, when you were their age,' Ethan butted in, glaring slightly at the taller male who was taking deep breaths to calm himself and turning back to the boys, 'So Vik, I'm guessing you remember us?'
'I-I don't understand, Ethan, what's going on? What does he mean?'
'...Vik, you've been unconscious for almost five years.'


'I'm telling you, guys, I swear I heard him!'
'Lachlan, they've been dead for almost five years. Even if you did hear him, it was just your imagination,' Brandon explained, shutting his book and sitting upright in his armchair, 'Besides, what was he telling you to do? Go and meet him?'
The Australian looked down, eyes focusing on the carpeted floor below him. He hated to admit it, but the slime was right - Like he always was. The voice had been telling him to go to the edge of a cliff, telling him that he was waiting at the bottom, and all he would have to do was jump.
"Maybe... He's right. Maybe I am imagining things. The real - He would never tell me to do that. He was a human, yes, but he wasn't that cruel"
'You're right, Brandon, I think I'm just tired. I'll see you later.' Turning around, the blond waved at his friends (Who yelled at him not to fly, not in his current condition) before opening his wings and shooting up into the air. In the sky, nobody could hurt him, he was safe. At least, he was,
Before the memories came back.

He was in the air. His wings were weak, as they never had the chance to heal properly, but he needed to escape. The Orespawns were rampaging over the land below him, and Lachlan couldn't turn away from the scene of one of the hybrids being swallowed whole. Another, along with a human, was impaled by a mantis' needle-like mouth. He could hear their yells of terror, their screaming, but he couldn't do a thing. A barrage of razor-sharp leaves shot from the trees, slicing his wings even more (Along with other various body parts) and causing him to crash to the ground.
Somebody was yelling his name was he plummeted to the ground, yet he still couldn't move. Again, somebody was calling for him, their voice full of concern and worry, but all he could do was stare blankly at the crimson sky.
He could feel himself moving. He had no control but-
'Lachlan, snap out of it!'

The blond gasped loudly, jolting upright and bringing a hand up to his chest - Still there, still alive. Somebody put a hand on his shoulder and knelt infront of him, scared brown eyes staring into his own 'Hey, hey, you're alright. It was just a memory, memories can't hurt you.' The wolf hybrid muttered softly, pulling Lachlan into his arms as tears ran down his pale face. 'It-It was so real, Rob, be-because-because it w-was!'
'Sh, shh... I know, but it's all in the past now,' Rob soothed, running his hands through the younger teenager's hair - One of the only ways to calm him down, really, 'It won't happen again, alright?'
Ah, yes, but what if it does?
This is not the time.
You know it's inevitable, Robert, it will happen again. You've already lost-
Oh, sorry, did I hit a nerve?

Okay, Rob wasn't exactly paranoid. He did have slight paranoia, but there was also this little... Voice in the back of his head, always bringing up the worst scenarios.
And they always, always brought up his name.

'C'mon, let's get you home Lachy.'


It appears tensions are rising in the two groups, I wonder what it's going to lead to? Totally not a plot device or anything. ;)

I think I made Rob too much of an older-brother figure but it's too nice to change ah well.

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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