[TWENTY-FIVE - Wha...?]

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'You think what?'

'Yep, I'm pretty sure that Brandon is not our Brandon, but some darude copy that never hangs out with us anymore.' Jerome concluded as he sat forwards, paws resting on the table as Choco shrugged slightly. 'It would... Well, I don't really know how to put this, but he's definitely not been acting like he used to.'

'In his defence he was in the middle of a war when he was younger,' Rob called from the doorway while holding a sandwich above Preston's head. 'He's bound to have changed a bit - We all did.'

The bacca just shook his head at his friend, looking across to him as Preston finally managed to grab his food back (Sure he had to threaten Rob with fire, but still. He made an attempt. 10/10, Preston) 'No, it's not just his attitude. It's like I can literally see that it's not him, but - Lords, I wouldn't know how to explain it.'

'You could go and ask him, see what's up instead of lolling around like a bunch of sloths.'

Ah yes, the much-loved voice of nothingness had made a comeback. Jerome, Mitch and Rob just rolled their eyes, while Preston let out a shriek and hid behind his taller counterpart. 'Wh-What the Nether was that?!'

'Oh yeah, you were unconscious. So pretty much this thing's some kind of guide, who pops up in weird moments, and we can't see.'

'What do you mean? He's right there.' Kenny lifted his hand to point at the middle of the room, staring directly at the nice table in the centre. The two Canadian's exchanged confused looks while Jerome just narrowed his eyes at the space, and Preston managed to detach himself from Rob for a few moments to walk over and wave a hand infront of the blond's face 'Uh, Kenny, bro; What're you looking at?'

'Don't you guys see him?'

'All I'm seeing is the blue - Him? I thought we established that the voice was a girl.'

'Pfft yeah, I'm surprised you guys didn't realize sooner. Might have been the colours, actually, but I've been kinda hiding... Yep.' In an instant the colours of the glow changed from a vibrant, almost harsh teal to a softer golden light, and as the voice spoke for a second time they sounded completely different 'Notch that feels so much better.'

'Will somebody care to explain what the Nether I going on?!'

'...I know him.'


'That still doesn't explain why you're basically part fish now.'

'I know, right? Athena hardly explained anything! And nah, she looked so offended when she found out I used to have legs, you could've sworn I'd just kicked a seal infront of her or something.' Vik grinned as he recalled the recent memory, lounging just under the surf as he and Lachlan both sat in the glow of the setting sun.

The Australian snorted quietly, sitting with his hands behind him for support as he gazed out at the horizon 'Sounds like you had a pretty interesting day then, huh? Probably more fun under there than up here.'
'Are you kidding me? I bloody love it up there! Wow I sounded a bit Northern then... Heh. But in all seriousness, the ocean's cool and all but I can barely breathe down there. It's all like "Hey dude, have some burning salty inferno every single breath you take. Want to get out? Gotta talk to our King first!".' He sighed, absently flicking stones into the water while listening to the waves crashing against the moist sand. It was calming, yes, but it didn't sound right - There was something else he'd rather be hearing.

'Well I've got to say, it's good to know you're okay.'
'Aw Lachy, you really do care about me!'
''Course I do, y'idiot, just don't run away again. Mum was really upset when we told her.'
"Now I feel even worse..." 'I'm sorry about all this, I pulled a jag move and got you hurt in the process.' Lachlan just smiled, reaching over to ruffle the Brit's damp midnight locks.

'Nah, I was provoking you so I guess it's a lose-lose there... Fancy that swim now?' Grateful for the change of topic, the merman (His tail still hadn't changed back, weirdly enough) pushed himself back into the water and shook his head as he remembered not to hold his breath "Oi Lachy, you ready?"
"Give me a second, mate, I don't really want my shirt to get wet." Sensing the disruption on the water, Vik turned and grinned at his blond companion who's eyes widened at the temperature "It's freezing, what the Nether!"
"Getting cold feet, Lachlan?"
"One-V-One me right now, to that shipwreck and back."
"You're on, see you at the finish line loser!" He twisted his body through the water and shot forwards, blocking the screeching curses as Lachlan was left in the dust.

Or sand.

"Having any trouble?"
"Lachlan you there?" The mental hybrid slowed his pace considerably, looking back to see nothing except the empty seas "Notch, Lachy, where are you?"
Ten seconds of no response passed, and Vik stopped completely to observe his surroundings - Stupidly dark. Had his friend even taken a breath before diving in?
"Seriously Lachlan, where-"

Something grabbed his arms from behind. He was reasonably close to the surface, so it wasn't long before he was suspended in the air and flailing rapidly 'Vik, Vik, chill out - It's me!'
'You little - You scared the crap out of me, you absolute idiot!' The raven-haired teenager screamed, hearing his younger friend just laugh as they flew around the area. 'Sorry mate, but it was kinda funny.'
'Not to me it wasn't, for the love of all things holy why?'
'I dunno Vik, but st say that this position is rather uncomfortable, I might have to change it.' And with that, he dropped his friend. The Brit screamed - Even louder than he did the first time - as his body twisted through the bitter air, but he somehow knew Lachlan would catch him in time.

"He's dropping too fast, I can't get to him!" Internally screeching, the dragon hybrid free-fell at a 180° angle to gain more speed. Just as the waves came into view (They'd flown that high?) he caught up, hooking his arms under the older's legs and torso and spread his wings to act like a parachute.
Thirty feet...
Very ungraceful stop with a whimpering friend 'I hate you, I hate you, I hate you so, so much...'
'Gods Vik, I didn't mean to scare - Are you crying?! No no no, please don't cry; I'm sorry, gods I am so sorry.'
'You absolute- Don't do that again, for the love of Notch, don't.' Vik stammered repeatedly, arms wrapped tightly around Lachlan's neck and keeping his eyes squeezed shut as they made their way towards the beach. The Australian nodded slightly, feeling the small boy shiver in his arms as the cold soaked through his damp clothing.
Oh, he also had his legs back now.
That's a bonus, I guess.

'I won't do it to you again, I promise.' Lachlan murdered as they touched down, with Vik not moving a muscle apart from when he shivered 'Hey, it's alright, we're back on land now.'
'...I literally don't trust myself to walk right now.'
'Want me to carry-'
'Yes. You're basically a living heater, I'm not gonna let go.'


'Sub, come back here!'
'Sorry Stampy, sorry Ty, but I need to find my friends!' The brunet yelled, easily outrunning the two even in his weakened state. They were asking - No, ordering him to stay back while his friends could be dying? Humans really are dumb.

'We could help-'
'No you can't, I've got to do this myself. Oh, and in case you were interested in my real name...'
'What is it?'
He smirked cheekily, vibrant green orbs sparkling as he saw the familiar mountains growing in the distance. He'd never see these people again, so why not?

'My real name was Brandon. Brandon Hutt.'

I was tempted to have Sub in this tbh, but then it was all "Too many characters m8" so ye.

How do y'all think it went?

Theories? ;)

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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