[TWENTY-FOUR - Double The Emotional Trauma, Double The Fun!]

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'Yo Sub, what were they actually doing to you in the facility?'

'They were just testing stuff, mostly. Serums, potions, crap like that, but I would sometimes hear them talking about a massive project or something.' The brunet spoke tiredly, resting his head against his crossed arms while the green-eyed male sitting across from him sighed.

'Sub, you need to be more specific - Whatever they were doing could cause mass chaos for both human and monster, as well as everything in between.'

He knew that "Stampy" meant hybrids. In fact, he even wondered if the older teenager was one himself, but he doubted it - It would have been apparent, they weren't even past the barrier at that time.

Were they?

"Stop it, you're making yourself have an existential crisis." 'You mean hybrids, don't you? They're going to make an attack, and blame the Glitched Lands inhabitants.'

'Well...' Stampy looked embarrassed that he'd figured it out so quickly, as it had taken him and his group multiple weeks to even get close to an answer, but he still nodded. 'Yes, from what we've seen.'

'I've got to go back.'

'To the facility? Sub, they could-'

'Not there! I need to get back home, I need to warn them that somebody's going to frame then in an attack.'

'Wait; Are you - Y'know.'

'Yep, but that's not important. I've got to get back to my friends.'


'So what you're saying-'

'Is that you're part of a great prophecy, that could be the end of human, hybrid and Atlantian kind alike? Yep!' Athena sighed in a jokingly dramatic way while Vik just glared at her. The entire world could be destroyed, and she was laughing about it?

"Ugh... I've got to get back to the others. It was stupid of me to run away in the first place. Gods I'm dumb." 'Hey, uh, Athena?'


'Is there a way for me to get back to land? I need to find my friends.'

The African mermaid frowned at this, as if what he'd asked had just offended her, but looked down before nodding. 'You should be able to just swim up, then get onto land. Your tail's going to disappear too.'

'That simple, really? Lords I'm so dumb... Listen, thanks for all of your help. If I can do anything to repay the favour then just think about me. I'll know.'


'Trust me on this, and again, thank you.' He gave the girl a slight smile, waving through the sea and swimming up. It was slow, as he'd only really started this a few hours ago, but he could see the surface getting closer "Calling all peasants, anybody there?"

"I ain't - peasant - wait Vik?"

"'Suh, dude."


He winced at the volume of the voice, his head breaching the waves as his tail swayed with the current "Maybe not so loud, lads? Where even are you guys."

"We're at the beach. Lachlan's attempting to skim stones, and I'm trying to get a piggyback from Rob without touching the water - I think I see you actually."

"Highly unlikely."

"Hah, you're right, it was a cactus. So where're you at brother?"

"Look at the water."

The mocha-skinned hybrid swam near the sand, waving at his bright friend who slid off of Rob's back and walked closer to the surf 'Hey Vik, what're you doing all the way out there?'

'Long story mate, long story. You alright?'

'Yup, how about you - The guys have been worried.' The Texan called, eyeing the waves and stepping back cautiously when any of them got to close. Vik shrugged at this, sticking to the ocean but swimming in small circles 'It's been a long day, to say the least. Also I'm a mermaid now.'


'You heard me, look!' Diving under, he pushed himself until his hands could touch the seabed and poked his head back up. A few splashes almost hit the hybrid, but he dodged them just in time and playfully glared at his friend 'Watch it, make, are you trying to kill me?'

'Possibly, but I'm not that much of a beach.'

'Ah, I sea what you did there.'

'I'm shore you did.' Rob snorted as he joined his young companion's side, before his hazel eyes widened as he saw that, from the bottom down, Vik was basically a fish 'Dude, what the heck happened to you?'

'I'm a fish fish fish, boys!' He cheered loudly, and Lachlan's head twitching slightly, but apart from that he didn't move. He was sat just out of reach of the sea, about ten-fifteen metres away in a dejected knees-to-chest position.

Vik frowned a bit at this, slowly swimming closer as the blond half-heartedly threw another rock into the aqua. Lachlan didn't appear to notice him, just picking up another stone and tossing it through the air.

A hand caught it before it hit the surface, and just chucked it back. It his the Australian in the arm, and his head jolted once more, slowly looking up and meeting his friend's eyes 'Hey buddy, you alright? You seemed a bit lonely.'

'Of course, one of my best friends wasn't here.' Lachlan grinned softly in the dimming sunlight, unhooking his arm from around his legs and ruffling his leather-like wings in the chilling air. 'Where've you been, though? And don't even think about lying, I can tell.'

'Ah, you know me too well Blondie.' The merman teased, floating on the waves. He could feel them moving beneath him - It was oddly calming, actually. He used to love swimming, but had slowly grown out of the habit.

Maybe it was about time he changed that.

'Oi Lachy, wanna go for a swim?'


'Oh my good gods, there's blood everywhere.'

After managing to escape the village without getting caught, Harry, Tobi, Ethan and Josh had made it to a few metres south of the barrier. Their current location was, ironically, where the boys had originally entered - Where the Caterkiller had mauled the watch-village's guards.
'At least we can be sure it isn't their's, the blood's way too dry.' Tobi reported with a sigh of relief, while Harry just glanced around warily.

Something was supposed to be here, but it hadn't shown up yet.

'Be on your guard, boys, I get the feeling we're not alone...' Joshua warned lowly as he drew his weapon - A midnight black katana-like blade, with a dark green wrap around the handle. The rest of the small team nodded, and Harry directed his eyes towards the mountain before taking a deep breath.

'Let's get our boys back.'



I'm running out of inspiration and captions for this series again ffs.

(Apologies for the late update everyone, I've had mock exams alllllllllllll week and it's v v draining :/)

See you all in the next chapter, and have a great Morning - Afternoon - Evening - Dawn - Dusk - Midnight - Paranormal Timezone!

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