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Alex felt the squelch of brain as she plummeted a pole through a walker's skull through the fence, An abundance of walkers again pushed against the fences again, Alex alone trying to relieve some of the pressure against the fences as she tried keeping her mind busy yet it wasn't working they were too strong and her mind was preoccupied. until she heard the vibrations of an engine, relief rushed through her as she automatically dropped the pole running to the gates. Catching a glimpse of the Car Rick had left in she rushed to the Gate pulling down on the rope that held the first set of gates closed so Rick and Carol could Drive in.

When he did she let the rope go Closing the gates behind him as she rushed toward the now parked Car Rick was getting out of, she hoped the run they went on was at least successful considering Daryl and Sam still weren't back. an almost paralysing anxiety consuming her as she walked up to Rick.

"Are you, Carl, Judith okay?" He questioned, Panic Clear in his voice needing to know if his Family was Affected by the sickness, he hadn't stopped thinking about them the whole time he'd been away, he could fail to protect his family again, he just couldn't.

"yeah, yeah we're all okay. where's Carol?" Alex asked noticing Carol Was nowhere to be seen. But her question made her Uncles demeanour Change which didn't go unnoticed as he ignored her question;

"Glenn, Sasha, Hershel?" He questioned Changing the subject back to the people he knew were sick/around the sick, hoping Glenn was okay, especially for his niece, he knew she couldn't handle another death. 

"yeah, they're Alive... it's bad but they're fighting. daryl's not back yet... Where's Carol Rick?" Alex Questioned hating the way Rick wouldn't tell her things straight. Like she needed protecting...

"it was her." he deadpanned, Alex froze, her eyebrows knitting together as she stared at her uncle in confusion, she must've heard him wrong.

"she killed Karen and David" Alex's eyes widened at Rick's confession in disbelief Carol was Capable of Something like that, when she'd first met Carol she was surprised as to how she'd gotten this far... Carol didn't look like the type of woman who could hold her own, or hurt anyone. now she was a killer? it didn't make sense. Alex stood in disbelief at what she was hearing, Maybe some people really are good at hiding their true selves, Then it clicked, That's why Carol had brushed off Alex's suggestion of her and Sam looking into it.

"she was trying to stop it from spreading. Tyreese is gonna be back here soon, so I didn't think she should be here, and I couldn't have her here.. she has a car, supplies.. she'll figure it out. you don't tell anyone else yet." Alex listened almost dumbfounded at Rick's words, but she understood.

"okay," Alex nodded as she tried to process the fact they were another person down, as Rick turned walking away only to stop in his tracks and look at Alex, as she wondered what Daryl would say when he got back if he would leave again...

"would you have brought her back?" Alex thought about it for a second, and that was all she needed, if that had been Glenn, and she was in Tyreese's shoes...

"no. I wouldn't."


"Are you alright?" Rick asked as he carried one side of a heavy log on his shoulder, the other on Alex's as they attempted stabilising the fence with logs. so the fences were one less thing for them to worry about so their focus could remain purely on the sick.

"yeah, why?" Alex shrugged brushing off his concern as they pulled the log from their shoulders and began wedging it up between the fence and the floor, their muscles flexing as they used their combined strength to secure it. 

"what happened when the sickness started, with Sam.. now Glenn" Rick Wasn't always sure How to approach the PTSD conversation with Alex, it was always one she'd choose to avoid even if her uncle wanted to help. and before Rick could allow that, he spoke to Eli, he trusted Eli to look after Alex, but now he was gone. 

"I'm good, just want Sam and Daryl to get back" Alex nodded as she kicked the log into place a silent way to let out her frustration. Rick sighed as silence fell between the pair for a moment as he figured out the right words to say what he wanted.

"Alex I know I couldn't help you much when you were a kid with your dad. hell, i don't know if I can help you now with everything that's going on, and everything that's happened now. but it's my job to try" Alex looked up at her uncle and nodded, she knew he cared even if he didn't always show it. But she couldn't blame him, losing Lori, the stress of the prison keeping everyone safe... he had enough to worry about without her. 

"you helped.." Alex muttered as they began walking back to the truck where the other logs were located, her words making him look over at her in confusion. in his mind he'd done nothing, the helplessness she felt for everything transferred to him when it came to her PTSD. 

"if you didn't help me join the army.. I'd probably be dead Rick. don't sell yourself short... you helped" Alex revealed as they stopped at the truck, Rick looked at his niece as his gaze softened. She was being honest, The way her life was going before.. the way Rick got her out of so much trouble, the drugs she was experimenting with. if she hadn't joined the army when she did she was convinced she wouldn't be here. and joining the army had led her to meeting Eli, and she knew she'd be dead if she didn't have him, without a doubt. 

Rick sighed looking down at his niece as he brought her into a hug, Alex hugged him Back Her arms wrapped around him. It wasn't Often she and Rick really Bonded Or had the conversations they used to, but she understood why. judith, Carl they were his priority, and they were hers too.

Alex and Rick continued building the fences, In some way Alex found it Relaxing, For the first time in a While really speaking to her uncle, maybe it was all a helpful distraction from the fact Glenn was suffering and there was nothing she could do about it until Daryl and sam got back

 A gunshot filled their ears making their heads shoot in the direction of the prison. a rush of panic ignited through Alex's mind as Glenn filled her mind her eyes darted to her uncle as her chest tightened in fear.

"Go," Rick said, He knew it was probably just someone that had turned But he knew Glenn, Hershel. People they cared about, People alex cared about were in that Cellblock. He didn't want her Anxiety to peak anymore...

"you can't do this alone" Alex shook her head knowing the Dangers of the fence not being completely stabilised, yet he didn't care, he'd figure it out. Glenn was more important. 

"I know. go." Alex looked up at the prison her heart beginning to race as she glanced back toward her uncle, She nodded thankfully before she ran, pulling her gun from her waistband she ran toward the prison her heart racing. Alex's Lungs Heaved for more oxygen as she Ran her boot-clad feet hit the ground as she ran as fast as her legs could take her into Cell Block A, Death row, Screams filling her ears the closer she got.

she raced through the doors of the cell block, the dark, damp corridors echoed with screams, only fueling her desperate attempts to run faster, she needed to get to him. her lungs burnt as she ran as fast as she could, her hand clutching her gun as she approached the second set of doors

"Glenn! Hershel!" She exclaimed As she tried prying the doors open, Her muscles contracting as she used her strength to try and pry the door open, yet to no avail it wouldn't budge. she tried again straining against the heavy metal doors yet they wouldn't budge causing a huff of frustration to fall from her lips.

"fuck this shit." She spat taking a step back, lifting her gun she aimed it at the hinges, pulling the trigger, quickly shooting each bracket of the doors, sending the doors flying off the hinges as it fell leaving a loud clang as it hit the floor. Running through the door the smell of what Only could be described as Death invaded her nostrils, and her heart sank. walkers. Some dead some roaming the Cells. She internally begged for no one she loved to be hurt as she lunged forward, her gun raised as she pulled the trigger sending a walker to the floor with a thud.

"Glenn!" she exclaimed shooting another walker, the bullet flying through the Back of the thing's head, sending it to the floor. as she edged her way through the cell block shooting any walkers in her path. her heart raced, adrenaline pumping through her veins as her eyes scanned every corner for Glenn.

"Glenn! Hershel!" She screamed, searching for Glenn needing to know if the pair were okay, Rushing toward the stairs she heard a growling coming from above. Glancing up she caught sight of Hershel Wrestling a walker on the netting right above her head, and her heart stopped, where was glen? was Hershel bit?

"Hershel!" She raised her pistol Trying to line it up with the walker while it's snapping Jaws tried to Reach Hershel as he used what strength he had left to try and hold the walker's jaws away from his body.

"no! You could it the bag! we need it for Glenn"  Hershel exclaimed as he fought the walker breathing apparatus hanging from its mouth. her chest tightened as she listened to Hershel's words lining up her gun trying to get a shot.

"i don't miss" Taking a deep breath she lined her gun up. pressing her finger against the trigger the bullet ripped through the walker's skull, its body falling limp beside Hershel as he immediately began pulling the bag from the thing's mouth. 

"where is he?" Alex exclaimed as she turned running up the stairs, In hopes of finding Glenn alive, Hershel's previous words making a shiver run down her spine. he needed a bag, to breathe. her stomach churned as she raced up the stairs. he needed to be okay. 

"Cell 100" Hershel grunted, Alex rushed passing different cells, despite the fact she was moving as fast as she could it didn't feel fast enough. and then she heard it, the desperate gasps leaving Glenn's lips. Her blood ran cold as soon as she saw him. Gasping for air on the floor, Blood dripping from his mouth. Heavy bags under his eyes. instantly dropping to her knees on the floor next to him she pulled his head onto her lap noticing his skin turning a pale shade of Blue.

"you're okay baby I'm here" She whispered pulling him into her lap her hand immediately going to his hair as she brushed the hair off his face, tears immediately springing to her eyes as he desperately fought against drowning in his own blood. 

"he's turning blue! hershel!" she shouted, her voice trembling with emotion. Her heart raced. Every single medical thing Eli has taught her was forgotten as the fear of losing Glenn took over, as she ran her fingers through his hair trying to calm him,

"clear his airway!" Hershel shouted, Alex's hands shook. her heart pounding against her chest. quickly turning Glenn on his side she watched as more blood dripped from his mouth. gasps leaving his mouth as he tried filling his lungs with oxygen, but it wasn't enough, he was still dying. 

"you're gonna be okay. you can't leave me yet" Alex whispered, unsure if she was talking more to herself than him. Hershel rushed over to the breathing apparatus in hand as he ordered Alex to lay Glenn on his back. Doing as she was told she watched as Hershel prepared the tube.

"hold his arms down" Alex nodded taking Glenn's wrists in her hands she held them tightly as Hershel began intubating him, Glenn struggled against Alex's grasp as Hershel pushed the tube down Glenn's throat. holding him like that, holding him down like that, was something Alex never thought would be so horrific. As he struggled against her a tear slipped down her cheek. She had to do it, she had to help him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry" Alex murmured almost inaudible as Glenn fought against her. Seeing him like this made her heart feel as if it was being squeezed, her chest constricting as her throat threatened to close. Hershel Attached the bag to the tube squeezing it Gently as Glenn's lungs filled with Oxygen.

Glenn stopped struggling against Alex's grasp as Exhaustion took over from fighting for his life as Hershel kept squeezing the bag every 5-6 seconds filling Glenn's lungs with much-needed oxygen. a sob of relief threatened to escape Alex's lips as she reached for Glenn's hand, her chest burning.

"you're gonna be okay. we're gonna be okay" Alex whispered gently squeezing Glenn's hand, the ache in her chest not fading despite the fact he wasn't now fighting to breathe. he was alive. but he needed the medication.


Alex sat next to Glenn Having taken over from Hershel controlling the bag that gave Glenn the ability to Breathe as Bob, Sam, Daryl and the others got back with the medication. Watching bob Administer the medication Filled Alex with an Almost instant sense of relief hoping it would work. needing it to work, she'd almost lost him, and she never wanted to feel that again. She stared down at Glenn thinking about all the 'What ifs' as Maggie ordered her father to go and rest now they were back with the medication.

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