Calixta Corsen

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⇒ || B A D A S S A R Y ||

⇒ || Full Name ||
Calixta Corsen
↳ [ cul-iks-ta ; goes by cc ]

⇒ || Age ||
16 years old.

⇒ || Gender ||
↳ [ she ; her ]

⇒ || Grade ||
11th; Junior.

⇒ || Sexuality ||
Bisexual Demiromantic

⇒ || Family Name ||

⇒ || Personality ||
If you're around Calixta, the first vibe you'll get from her is a feeling of confidence. She's strong and beautiful, and she knows it. She doesn't need anyone to tell her that, and she doesn't care if you don't believe her. She is the creator of her own destiny and runs her own life. She doesn't rely on anyone because she knows how people are, and she knows they'll disappoint her. This is probably why she doesn't have many friends, and also why everyone's afraid of her. Only Calixta will make herself happy. So she makes her own plans and never listens to anyone else. She will never let anything destroy her. She knows about life's twists and turns, so she expects it. The good thing about her is that because of all this, she's never boring to be around. She seeks adventure and strives to satisfy her taste for it.
If she doesn't like you, she won't hesitate to tell you to fuck off.  She's not the type of person to pretend that she likes you just for the peace because she doesn't fear the chaos. She takes risks like that because she isn't afraid of the result, or already expects it and prepares herself for it.
Maybe the fact that she's her own boss is what intimidates the men around her the most. She doesn't need a man and doesn't care about what people think about her. She's no easy catch.
She knows she smart and part of that is because of the drive she has to learn and reach her goals, which may be why her grades are you high. You don't expect that, and since she's constantly skipping class and starting fights, but she actually likes to learn.
She's not easily angered and will mostly ignore anything around her because she feels like it isn't worth her time. However, her motto is ride or die when it comes to her friends. If one of them is involved in something, she'll throw hands. There are a couple of things that will earn you a fist to your face: trying to make her feel inferior, threatening her, hurting her friends, calling women weak and taking her cigarette and stepping on it.

⇒ || Appearance ||
Magdalena Zalejska
What you don't see here is her 4"11' height and abs.

⇒ || Likes ||
↳ [ coffee is her best friend and she doesn't know why ; any type, even black ]
↳ [ smoking ; she shouldn't do it and she knows that but she hasn't been able to quit ]
↳ [ pumpkin spice gum ; it's extremely spicy, but she loves spicy food ]
↳ [ exercise ; it's a way for her to unwind from the day ; she actually has some nice abs, they're called 11 abs for the sculpting two lines that form around the abs, and then the ab crack in the middle ]
↳ [ archery ; she's actually really good with a bow and likes to shoot once in a while ]
↳ [ high places ; you'll catch her on roofs and in trees  ]
↳ [ parkour ; she never took classes on it but has enough bruises and scars to prove that she can do it ]

⇒ || Dislikes ||
↳ [ weak people in general ; it almost disgusts her that there are people that can be so weak ; 'man up! do you expect to get anywhere in life if you're that much of a pushover?' ]
↳ [ fights for no reason ; she's strong and agile enough to win 9/10 of them, but it usually ends up getting suspended because of them. if there's a good reason though..  ]
↳ [ sweets ; she doesn't like cake and candy ]
↳ [ she's terrible at the arts ; singing, dancing, drawing ]
↳ [ the smell of perfume ; but she loves cologne ]
↳ [ she'll act like she doesn't care and tell herself that it doesn't matter, but things get to her ; she never cries in front of another but while sob at home ]
↳ [ paper cuts are her worst enemy ]

⇒ || Crush/Relationship status ||

⇒ || Family ||
Marianna Corsen (Mother)
Jason Corsen (Father; deceased)
Kate Corsen (Sister)
Jane Corsen (Sister)
Kyle Corsen (Brother; deceased)

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