Paris Moreau

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⇒ || S H A D E S ||

⇒ || Full Name ||
Paris Moreau

⇒ || Age ||
16 years old.

⇒ || Gender ||
Non-binary, but no one knows. They say he's male.
    ↳ [ they, their; he, him; occasionally her ]

  ⇒ || Grade ||
11th; Junior.

⇒ || Sexuality ||

⇒ || Family Name ||

⇒ || Personality ||
Paris is the person that no one's able to get close to. They're very distant, and it feels mostly like you're talking to a wall when speaking to them. They make a good listener though, but will stare at you with blank eyes. You can't read their emotions, you never know what they're thinking, and they gaze tends to be cold. They also rarely take things seriously.
Don't underestimate Paris, they have dirt on everyone should things go wrong. They're rude at times, giving you a vibe to leave them alone. Maybe it's the real them, maybe it's an act. You won't know.
They're clearly independent, and it seems like they don't have friends.
No one knows anything about him. Only his name. He never looks at anyone unless they're talking to him and stays to himself. Sometimes there's a group of y'all men around him, other times he's alone. As his role suggests, he's shady.

⇒ || Appearance ||
By looking at them, you can't tell whether they're male or female. Their hair is a shade of maroon, a natural dark brown with a hint of red, it's long and reaches the middle of their back, with natural slight beach waves. They tend to wear their hair down and split in the middle. It compliments their light brown eyes and cheekbones. Their face is more heart shaped with a thin, slim nose and normal sized lips with a noticeable philtrum. Their curvy eyebrows is what really gets you confused. Most women look for a chest when trying to determine gender but Paris, being born female, actually wore a binder. Their muscular enough to actually have abs and strong arms, and their thicker bones give a masculine vibes contrasting with their more feminine face at times.
They're an expert at portraying gender. They can naturally crinkle their eyebrow to flatten it out, and you will consider them male. They can lift their eyebrows up slightly, and you will consider them female.
Their outfits are gender neutral so it comes to no help when trying to pick out their gender.

⇒ || Crush/Relationship status ||
Single, with no intent to change that.

⇒ || Family ||
They are an only child, and no one really knows about their family. Their mother, Margaux Moreau, and their father, Raphael Moreau, are both married but don't live in our little town. (If that's okay?) 

⇒ || Secret ||
They're non-binary which is a huge áss secret considering that he tells most people he's male. There are several secrets to him, but we'll have to find out.

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