Cascade Ayers

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≼ TSUNAMI ≽   

Cascade Ayers
  ≺ cascade is english for 'a small waterfall' | ayers is the name of a river ≻

Cas, Cassy, Cade, Cay, etc.

⊱ AGE ⊰
Sixteen years old but may vary depending on how the rp progresses.

Cisgender Female.

Is confident that she is heterosexual, but she may be bi.

Hydrokinesis— essentially the ability to control, manipulate, and summon water.
  ≺ she got her powers after swimming too far into the ocean, when a large wave { similar to a tsunami } came over her | she should've drowned, but didn't | more information will be in the backstory ≻

Cas has naturally blonde hair, though it appears to be darker at her roots, as well as sky blue highlights. She rarely puts her hair up in a bun except for when she swims, and would rather keep it down. Her hair is completely straight thanks to some Native American heritage down the line. Her eyes are a shade of grey that may appear more blue or green depending on the clothes she wears, and are large. Her skin is a creme shade, slightly darker than white. She has a scar that runs across her smaller nose, from the corner of her right eye stemming across the bridge of her nose, to end just below her left eye. Her skin is smooth except for a few patches of darker areas that are results from her accidentally scratching herself with a bit too much pressure. She's very tall and stands at 5'10, with slim legs. You can tell that she tries to stay fit, seeing that her arms have a curve to it that can only be from muscles.
She's neither feminine or masculine, but leans towards the feminine side of course, and has relatively thin, darker eyebrows. Her chest is rather small, but it's only because of how much she exercises. She also has several piercings around her ears, that comes to a grand total of nine. 
Fun fact: the nails on her hands are long enough to be claws, and are filed so that they're sharp.

Unlike Cascade's graceful name, she turned out to be a rough and reckless child. She's quite immature and cracks a lot of inappropriate jokes that will make you wonder if she's been hanging out with the guys for too long. Cade seems to rarely be serious, and lightens up the situation in a different way than happy. Almost like a distraction. She's the one annoying kid in class who cracks a joke when the teacher is in the middle of a lesson, and even though you know it's stupid, you can't help but laugh along.
Don't be fooled by her aloof attitude though. If you get on her bad side or talk crap about her, she won't hesitate to tell you off. She's pretty violent, an has her nails the way they are for a reason. She'll fight you. She live by her own rule: 'If you have some shît to say about me, then say it too my face. If you can't do that much, then you're just a coward with low self esteem, trying to feel better about yourself.'
Oh, she also tends to cuss often. Every other word.
As a friend however, she can be quite overprotective and caring. She's a fun person to have around and has her own way of helping you out. If her friend was trying to carry a heavy box, she'd take it from them and say, "You're gonna break your arms idiot. So weak." It's her own way of helping out without playing showing that she wants to. She's not a bad person, unless you do something to piss her off. Then she'll become your nightmare.


Cascade is deathly afraid of being called weak. As much as she hides it with puns and jokes, she tries to be as strong as she can. She's afraid of gaining weight as strange as it may sound. Cade most definitely is afraid of dogs, I know it sounds funny but one almost bit off her hand.

  » snow, it's so attractive to her that she's willing to run outside in the cold with a t-shirt and shorts.
  » fish, oddly enough, she's able to name types of fish based on taste or appearance. it's a hidden talent.
  » cats. yeah she just likes them.
  » fencing is a good form of entertainment for her, and it's one of her favorite things to do.
  » the smell of eucalyptus leaves/oil.

  » hot weather is very uncomfortable for her, along with high humidity.
  » emotional people— though folks who cry with no real reason to. she thinks there's should only be shed when held with meaning.
  » when no one laughs— even if they're laughing at her, it's okay, but she hates serious moments.
  » when people call her a bîtch for saying the truth.
  » BDSM makes her uncomfortable.

Cade is physically strong, so that is a strength. Her water powers, and ability to stay calm in tough situations also count as benefits.

She doesn't help out to often, she's just there. It's not that she doesn't want to, she just doesn't know what to do or is too distracted. In fact, her jokes may make situations even worse.

Vivian Ayers
  ≺ mother | living ≻
Dan Ayers
  ≺ father | deceased ≻
Yui Ayers
≺ sister | living ≻

Single as single can be.

Cascade grew up with her sister near the beach. Her family was composed of surfing enthusiasts, and they'd often run out to the water and ride the waves. When Cade's parents had her, they had given her a beautiful name with the imagine of a young girl who moved along the beach like the water itself. However, Cas wasn't as graceful as they'd hoped.
Instead, she was reckless as aloof, and wage war against the water by licking and splashing around in it. When she was in elementary, she'd often get into fights, and her parents came to school to meet her teachers so often that they'd become very familiar with the school. She was never a good student and cared more about games then she did grades.
Her sister Yui, who's younger than Cas by a month, is the graceful child. She's graceful and rather normal. No powers like Cade. 
However, Yui went overseas to visit their grandparents and ended up staying there for school and such. Cade hasn't seen Yui in a year now.
Anyways, Cascade had one day convicted her father to go surfing with her despite the poor weather conditions. Her father refused at first, but eventually gave in since the waves seemed fine. And they were fine near the shore, but the further out they went, the rougher it got. They decided turn back when the waves grew in size, but were too late. A giant wave overcame them, and the two were sent underwater. Cade can't remember what happened after that— all she knows is that she woke up on the beach with sand stuck to her, and that her father never rose back to the surface. Once he recovered after coughing her guts out, she ran back into the water to search for her father, but had no luck. At this point, her mother had just arrived home from a business trip and was yelling at Cade, trying to figure out what exactly went wrong. Cade admitted that the incident was her fault, as she blames herself for her father's death, and watched her mother slip into a depressive state. Cascade discovered her powers when she proceeded to go further into the water every day, in search of her father, and accidentally picked up an entire chick of water as if it were rocks. Her mother saw her do this, and labeled herself insane despite it being true.

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