Kasai Ito

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Kasai Ito
≺ kasai is japanese for flame≻


⊱ AGE ⊰
Thirteen years old. May vary depending on hod the rp progresses.

Identified as Non-Binary, but they were born female.


Kasai has the ability to raise the temperature of air, objects, or people around them with a simple thought.
≺ they don't remember how they got her powers, more will be explained in the background ≻

Kasai stands at a height of 4'7", with a full body. They aren't thin, but most definitely isn't fat. Their face is circular, complimented by light brown eyes. They have really large cheeks, and thick lips, as well as a button nose. Their face is overall adorable, and is chubbier than the rest of them. They have a long neck, and a large chest, and has quite soft skin. Their legs are short, but they have a very fashionable sense of style. Kasai has black hair styled in an undercut, that will become poofy after a shower.
They have a very distinct look, and stand out in a group. By simply looking at them, you wouldn't be able to tell if they were male or female, and that's because they're non-binary. They have very pale skin and a Japanese look despite have double-lidded eyes. They tend to wear shades of red and black, and a simple look isn't something they'd go with. Despite all of that, Kasai gives off a sweet and innocent vibe with their incredible smile. All of their teeth show and their eyes become simply crescents, but it's their most attractive point.

Kasai is two faced, so to speak. They appear cute and innocent, and know how to act that way as well. However, a deeper look will show you that's it's all a mask, and they're really quite a daring person. Like their hairstyle shows in contrast to their cuteness, they have an alternate personality that shows at moments. They seem innocent, but he'll they aren't.
And that's totally okay, because they'll keep that innocent imagine for as long as they possibly can. They've held I for so long that it's become a part of who they are, almost clouding their true self. Those two versions have mixed together, and overtime, will blend even closer.
All this aside, they aren't a very protective sibling unless you flat at threaten their twin. Oh yeah, they have a twin. They're not really close friends with anyone. Sure, they get to know others, but it's almost as if there's a thin wall that others can pass. The wall that shows that they are friends rather than kind acquaintances.


They're afraid of losing who they are or not vexing accepted for their true self. It's their greatest fear— not receiving their wanted acceptance.

» stars and constellations have always attracted them.
» lemons— they love the sour taste and even the citrusy smell.
» listening to music in the shower.
» they most definitely are obsessed with tea.
» they love tattoos, and since they're so young to get any, they draw on themselves with permanent marker is fancy designs.
» weird or strange clothes, and they tend to normally be on them.
» the feeling of getting into a warm bed during the winter

» people who assume their gender by calling them male or female.
» "it's just a phase."
» chess is so incredibly boring.
» negativity and people who only complain about how horrid their life is.
» people who get in their way/plans.
» spicy foods.
» giving up easily.

They're persistent and strong minded, and it takes a lot to get them to back down. It's hard to emotionally hurt them.

They aren't physically strong, and are so strong that it's easy to overpower them. While their will remains a strong, the rest of them isn't able to.

Yuri Takashi
≺ aunt | deceased ≻
— Ito
  ≺ sister | living ≻


Kasai grew up with their twin in the middle of a forest. They can't remember how they got their powers, all they know is that they one day appeared. The two of them did not have parents and were raised by a woman that identified herself as their aunt. They were relatively isolated for most of their life, and learned the nature of the forest around them like the back of their hand. Their little cottage was small enough that all three of them could fit, but it wouldn't have been able to fit anyone else. They were homeschooled and were inseparable. The twins were best friends and could never be pulled apart.
Kasai began calling themself neither female nor male when she turned eight.  They knew it all their life, but it started to really hit at that age. Aunt never bothered to change that. One day, when the twins came back from playing, Aunt was gone. They didn't really care where she went, that was the type of relationship they had with her. So the twins simply continued living life, keeping their powers a secret from the missing women and the rest of the world until now.

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