Elios Bliss

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Name || Elios Bliss

Subject Name || M1ND

Subject Name Reason || Well he has the ability to move objects with his mind, so I thought M1ND fit. I can change it to S0UND if someone else wants that title though.

Age || 17-22 (Varies)

Gender || Male

Sexuality || Pansexual

Powers || Telekinesis, limited to certain things. Extreme heightened sound and smell. He relies on sound the most.

Height || Uhhhhhhh idk haha he's tall though.

Appearance || Elios has rather long blonde hair, long enough to cover his front eyes. It's unruly and messy and he's rarely seen with it spiked up. He's definitely handsome, with a hooked nose and plump lips. He's a pretty boy essentially. His skin is a pale white and he tends to wear a single earring on his right ear (it's a dangling chain). He's pretty tall too and very fit as well. He's blind, so his eyes aren't ever open. His pupils however are a misty white. He's completely blind. One noticeable thing about him is his teeth. Lots of people like to play around and call him a vampire since his canines are longer and sharper than normal.

Features || He doesn't have any cat ears or tail or anything like that.

Crush || We'll see.

Other || So basically, Elios is completely blind, but this has resulted in stronger hearing. He uses echo location to 'see' an imagine in his head of where things are and such. He can also smell certain things and distingue them that way (each person has a different smell). Feeling something adds more detail to his imagine in his head. He's super agile as well, almost like a monkey. But he has his flaws.

[ character inspired from a comic ]

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