---Chapter Five---

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Sage POV:

Yawning as I finish hammering in the last nail to keep the extension cord in place, I climb back down to the base of the tree where the car battery was placed.

Pulling in some gloves I grab the red gator clip and slide on some protective goggles and sigh, "Please don't blow up please don't blow up," I mutter

Connecting the gator clip to the battery I sigh in relief as nothing explodes, and plug in the extension cord to the red clip and climb back up and decide to plug in my phone charger to test if it worked.

"Moment of truth!" I say quietly and plug it into my phone and hold my breath.




It doesn't charge.

I groan and climb back down and find the black gator clip lying around and I shrug.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I say and grab the clip.

Carelessly clipping it onto the battery I take a few steps back and look at my phone as it starts charging, and grin.

"Perfect!" I quietly cheer.

But of course, that's when the two gator clips spark and start glowing red hot.

"Oh shoot!" I say and run over and rip the clips off the battery as a spark flies up and zaps me in the cheek. (*)

"Crap!" I curse and scramble back to it, the clips still connected enough to keep it on and rip them off and it sparks higher, it all connecting with my face and body and I jerk back.

I use the glove and cover my eyes as it calms down and stops sparking, "Maybe using a car battery to power the tower was a bad idea," I mutter.

Stretching I rip the goggles off my face and toss them into the tree house as I start walking back to my house.

Climbing in through the open window I leave I tumble in and hold my breath, hoping the thud didn't wake my parents.

After some seconds of silence, I get up and lie down on my bed, not bothering to change, and rip the blanket's tucked edges out from under the bed and wrap it around myself, falling asleep.


A flash of bright neon blue blinds my vision as darkness clouds my eyes.

Out of seemingly nowhere, a sparkling red orb with a glittering tail coming off of it creeps up to my vision.

Raising a ghostly hand out to touch it, it back away somewhat, like it has a mind.

I turn my hand face up and it graces over my hand, sparks flying up my arm.

Bobbing up and down, like a head nodding, it flies straight into my chest, and the dream ends.

(*) = don't really care if this isn't how it is supposed to work, it fits.

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