---Сhαρτεr Fουr---

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Jenny POV

"You coming?" I shouted back up to Sage as she looked down at me from the tree house.

She shrugged, "I will later, I just need some time to work on it," she replied, running her hand over the smooth wooden railing, "G'night!"

"Night! I responded and ran back to my house, my bag slung over my shoulder.

I reached the door to my house and quietly slipped inside and headed to my room.

Quickly changing into some nightwear and brushing my teeth and doing all of the required before-sleep things, I slide into my bed and turn off the light.


I was standing in the middle of a battlefield, in someplace that looked strangely like Monterey bay.

I heard a blast and quickly whipped my head in that direction to see a red-white-and-blue shield be thrown at me and I quickly duck, the shield flying over my head and hitting the silver robot behind me.

The robot pulls the shield away from him and chucks it harder back at him, and having no time to duck, the shield passes straight through my ghostly body.

Looking around, I see the avengers battling Loki and Ultron, and they were winning.

Just as the two antagonists are slammed to the ground by hulk who bounds off and the rest of the team stalking towards their prey, Loki whispers something into the robots ear, I assume, and the robot nods.

As the Avengers were just about to capture them, Loki stands up and slams the heel of his scepter down and a strong flash of colbat-blue light ripples from the gem, knocking all of the avengers back and unconscious, and same with the two villains, and it goes pitch black.

Where the avengers lay, their bodies suddenly get turned into pure rainbow light, then collecting into comet-tailed orbs, then changing to the respective colors of the team.

Looking, the colors all bolt off in separate directions, while the blue one stays put.

It feels as if the orb turns to look at me, then starts float closer.

And closer.

And closer.

And closer still,

Until it is seemingly right in front of my nose, it darts into my chest, and the scene goes pitch black, for the last time that night.

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