my fragile fuggi

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Abhi gets down from his car and press the calling bell. No response is there, it was then he notice the door is opened.he slowly steps inside ,

Fuggie..fuggie..* it was that time , he seen her lying on floor*

Fuggie, fuggie...he pats on her cheek and sprinkle some water on her.slowly , she opned her eyes..

Anand...*when she see abhi infront of her, she looks around *


I havent seen him anywhere.the door was open when i enter ...* it was that time he noticed a mark on her face*

Whats this fuggi? She started to cry his heart out.unable to see it, he hugs her and tried to console.

Its all over abhi..all over.he goes away from me and he dont want me back to his life.

What??what are you saying fuggie.*he break his hug and placed his hands over her face*

Yes abhi, now there is no meaning in my life and i dont want to live too.

Abhi  placed his fingers on her mouth. She look at him,tears are brimming through his cheeks.

Its all because of me was my mistake.i choose him for you that make you broken like this .

She knew  well about him, may be only knew his other side.he is too sensitive and easily broken into tears especially something related to her .

She cupped his face and wipe down his abhi,its not your fault,your choice was right till our marraige and afterthat only he changed.he was over possessive and jelaous towards me.i havnt care about that because i knew its all his love towards him to behave so.but,when it reach its peak sometimes i cant tolerate it abhi.*she  down*

He feel guilty about can he be so towards his fuggie?  Why he let her stay away from him?why he havnt contact her once when she need him?

Abhi,you dont need to be upset,its all my fate.its my family who choose him  and after that you too make me understand he is perfect for me. Slowly, i too believe so.but ,abhi when he married me , when he tied this around his neck,his male version boil inside.he thought this is his control over me ,iam a toy who must keyed and moves according to him.but i can understand all this,but when ??

She looked at him with atmost pain.he placed his hands over her shoulder as a support.

When he started to raise question about our friendship that i cant tolerate , she again broken into pieces.

Now, he knew why she stay distant from him and what happened yesterday night.he cant even see his fuggie like this.she is a fragile doll now.abhi hugs her tightly and let her burst out , its only way to  console her.he dont knew how many hours they stay like this and she sob down in his arm.His shirt is completely wet by her hot tears.

Pragya break that hug and look at him.

Abhi,can you help me?can you take me with you? Can you consider me as your old fuggie.

He have no answer for this question .he pressed his lips on her forehead and wipe down her tears.fuggie, hereafter these tears have no place in your eyes.i dont want to see this again.always you are my fuggie and will be forever.get ready and pack your things,only what belong to you.


Pragya stood up with a bag.

Lets leave abhi and started to move.abhi stops her by holding her wrist.

She saw him staring at her mangalsutra.

Fuggie, we are going back to old abhi and fuggie,where this have no place.remove it fuggie.

She look shocked and hold it possesively. Fuggie,its just a rope which tied around you all this while,which restrict you in this world.just break it  fuggie.a free world is standing outside to welcome you ,just untie yourself from restrictions.

He knew it gone a be difficult for his fuggie . He is a typical wife who meant all this alot.but ,he dont want the dark past to haunt her future.he cant see this state of her anymore.

If it is difficult for you then, i will untie it out. He untie her mangalsutra and take it off from her neck where tears glued up in her eyes.

He make it fall down on floor,while she closed her eyes and hold her chest in tight.drops of water falls through her forehead  erase her symbol of marraige.she stood there numb with a heavy heart. He pressed his lips on her forehead which unknowingly convey her,i will erase all your pains.holding her hands with his was his try to say that,he wont leave her alone ,always will be there as a pillar of support. He make her sit in car and starts the engine.

He saw her looking at the house once again as she is not going to back here anymore. The journey was to silent as both of them are invading in their own world.she is remembering her one year of married life and sobbing while he in the memory of his old fuggie,who is chirpy and lively.

The car get stopped infront of a house which named as Arora house.both stepped out from car.abhi hold her hand and press the bell.

Who are you??


Dont call me so,i have a daughter who have that right to she is dead .

Why are you here with him?you betry Anand right?is this the culture which i taught you pragya? Iam ashamed to tell you as my daughter.Dont stand unfront of us.we have no such a daughter.

Uncle,what are you saying?

Dont call me so mr.abhishek prem mehra .i havnt aware that my abhi will betray me like can you maintain a illegal relationship with a married can you betray all of us.

Not a word more! He screamed.iam ashamed to call you uncle can you both so cruel to your own daughter.

When she is wrong,they will spot wrong only,a voice come inside.

Anand,you *he hold his collar while pragya stand there as statue*

Abhi,leave him i say leave him.he leave her collars.get out of thid house now.he again stare at anand.i say you get out.

He turned to see her who look pale and all her blood is drained out by a bloody witch Anand.

Abhi hold her again and make her seated,drives away.

Fuggie,its all his play.they are truely trapped by that anand.he played his part quite well.

But they are my parents abhi..he suddenly stop the car and look at her.

Atleast they must show half of the trust which you showed to me.she again sobs.

Fuggie,their eyes are wrapped by a shield by anand which make them not to seen truth.

But iam their daughter,atleast they must think about that...

He have no answer for that .even i world stand against you , i will be on your side fuggie.

She look at him, in those eyes she can see love,care,comfort for her which she want to see in her parents .

Fuggie,we are going to my house and  from this moment onwards you are part of my family.

But abhi,

No, fuggie. Its my decision if you are against this then just remind this your abhi is dead.

Iam coming with you.he happily smiles on her.soon they reached mehra house.

Pragya...what a pleasant surprise.dadi comes out.

By seeing her and abhi ,she spot out something is wrong.

You look so tired pragya,abhi take her to room ,let her sleep for sometime.

Abhi take her to his room.fuggie,just lie down and sleep.after you wake up everything gonna be perfect.abhi make her lie down and covers her with blanket.

He stop when she hold his hand, can i sleep you in your lap abhi?

He nods and sat on bed .she placed her head on his lap and close her eyes. He slowly cares her head and face.while in sleep,she hold her hand tightly with him.

Abhis pov

I was too excited to see my fuggie after this one year.actually, the meeting was just a reason to reach there, all my pleasure was seeing her.the first look on her itself convey me something is wrong.she lose her all charm and that pure smile which reach my soul.i cant ask her now as she tried her level best to hide it from me,thats why i leave and come again in morning  .the scene infront of me make me numb, my fuggie lieing on floor with mark of finges on her face.when she open her eyes and started to cry in my arms all i can is to join in her cry.i havnt seen her like this before.i don't knew how to console her,soon i figure out breaking her relationship is all the way to cure.with a heart breaking pain,i did it.when i take her to her parents, i.have a faith that they can console her best.but when they started to prick down her heart i cant tolerate any more.anyone stands against her, i will be with her to console and support her.from this moment onwards,iam going to bring back my old fuggie.

He slowly place her head over pillow and comfort her in that position ,comes out.

Abhi,whats all this?why she is here and where is Anand?

She have no more rather than us and she is going to stay here from today onwards.

But,abhi how can we?

What ever others speak ,let them na dadi.iam not going to care for it.

Abhi,you have a sister too,while looking for her marraige,we are going to be in a questionnaire.

Dadi,just stop it, said Aliya.

What ever others going to tell,thats not going to bother us and if my marraige break off in that reason,its not a big issue.bhai,iam with you.i cant see di like this.

For sometime,i become a typical dadi who think about  family and its prestige. Pragya, is like you for me aliya.let her stay here.i have no problem.

Abhi hugs dadi and started to cry out.

Why dadi?why this happen to my fuggie?why god always hurt good ones?what crime did she did?

Abhi,just cool down.god always a will for each action.may be this situation will be a begining to her happiness.

I too hope so, all i want is to get my fuggie back.he wiped down his tears.

Dadi,alu dont ask anything about anand or family and dont allow her to meet with them too.behave as normal.okay

They both smiles.

Dadi make all her favourites.

She nods.

Let her sleep for long,dont even disturb her .i will back soon.


From next part onwards,is curing a soul  and getting back his old fuggie.will abhi able to do this? Will pragya easily escape from her turmoil.

Just wait and watch.

Press☆ and do comment.

Those who are asking me to update CLOSENESS, iam sorry i cant as the target is not happen now.soon you all fulfill it,there will be update for sure.see you in another ff.

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