whats there in heart

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Abhi is sitting under the shadow of a tree ,his eyes are wet.suddenly a car stops infront of him .

Oh god,atlast you are here..why dont you pick my phone.do you knew how much i searched you .atlast i found that you will be here as this is your private place right.

*he sit beside him and put his arm on his shoulder* Abhi,look now pragu have no one except so its our duty to support her na.we can try to make her happy but only you can make her back..

I knew it purab.only i can help her at this stage.but,i cant see her like this.i myself feel weak to see her so.i always miss her but i feel happy too as she is happy in her life.but , i dont knew each day is a living hell for her.she is now a fragile doll puru.

Hey abhi,just control yaar.we must do something to bring her back.

Yes you are correct * he make a determined look*

Abhi,can i ask you one thing ??

Did you feel guilty ?? you are the reason why her life happen so?? Atleast you may tell whats there in your heart for her ??

*Abhi look shocked*what are you blabbering purab?whats there in my heart for her?? I feel guilt because i also choose him for her.

Is that only reason for you guilt abhi..when you hide your love for her,when you yourself keep away from her ....

Purab just stop it all this crap*he shouted*

Abhi,just see the fate.when you tell your love ,she wont face all this situation. She will be with you and you are both were happily living.

Purab, dont take that matter to here .thats all past..

Oh ,thats past right.then tell me did the love which is here*point on his heart* for her change ? When she cried infront of you ,did it prick you??


No abhi,this is the correct time to talk.life has given you a second chance.Dont spoil it for others.

Suddenly abhis phone rings...

Screen shifted to his room.

Pragya slowly open her eyes and look around. She feel so weak and tired.tears brim out with or without her knowledge. Just then her eyes stucked with photos on the wall.she gets up from the bed and touch each photo.lips curved into smile.

Nothing changed.still his room is same as before .this are the most beautiful days in my life.no,the moments iam with you are the most beautiful memories in my life.* she take a photo of abhi from the side table and slide her hands through it *

When i see you after 1 year,i dont knew how happy i was.with this 1 year,i changed alot abhi.i was not a chirpy girl as with you.i talk less.iam just like a toy which is keyed up by him.Each day passed away by taking my happiness.but, you are still same ,same as before.Those eyes which convey things ratherthan words ,the smile when you see me after long time,the care which you show all same.i knew you too were broken by seeing me like this.Abhi, i really missed you in this one year.miss you alot.your smile,talk,care,teasing everything.you are the only one who understand this fuggi,your fuggi.i just hope to erase those one year in my life .sometimes i cursed myself ,why dont you love me as i do.if you are in the place of Anand,how beautiful is my life.yes,abhi i loved you once,i loved you madly.

*suddenly she felt some footstep near the door and kept the photo on side table and act as she is sleeping*

He open the door and see her still in sleep.

Fuggi..fuggi...*she open her eyes with a weak smile*now get up have this coffee.*he passed her the cup* have it and tell is this still same as before

*she look at him surprised*did you make this for me??

Then who will make your spcl coffee*without wasting a minute she take a sip of it by closing her eyes *yummy* he chuckles*she is enjoying each sip,it was like a pain relief for her.She always compliment that his coffee has some magic.when ever she is upset or stressed,one sip of this make her revealed.

So its good right *he need an answer from her for his satisfaction*

No,*he get sad*its awesome *she chuckles*

So,madam get ready soon and come down.we will have dinner together.


Yes,look at the time now.you sleep alot,thats why dont knew about time.*he commented*

Yes you are right,after long back i sleep peacefully.but,when you leave me alone??*she make a pout*

Then what you mean?i must stay with you seeing you sleeping ahh??*she chuckles*fuggi,your dress is kept on the wardore.if you need anything then tell me??

Abhi,i will stay in guest room .its your room right.

Yes,for that you are going to change.look fuggi,this is your favourite place,whenever you are here you will stay in my room by making me to stay at guest room.so,whats the big deal in that ?

But,abhi ..now,iam not going to stay with you for 1 week or something.till i get one job and new house i want to stay here.i dont want to trouble you ?*she look down*

What you mean by job and new house?? Ohoo so you thought me just like that right?iam just like that kind of friend to you right.sorry,i must dont....*she stops him by placing her arm on his mouth*

Dont dare to compare you with others.you are not like others to me.you have place which is no one can achieve in my life.i dont want to be burden for you and family.

*he placed his arms over her face* fuggi,you are not at all a burden for me.you are my fuggie,my bestie.your presence is my happiness.no one have any problem with your presence.

Yes di, you can stay here .we have no problem .even i must be more happy that i have got a new company na.di,do you knew this bhai is too boring.he wont suit to my level

*pragya chuckles seeing his face change with aliyas comment*

Bhai,you arrange dinner on table me and di will come soon.*she ordered*

What i? Atleast do it alu.you wont enter in kitchen,iam making food for you.cant you even serve it??

Look bhai,iam not all interested in all that.it was the reason why i force you to get married.if you married someone then she will manage all that naa..

Ohoo,so i must marry to make my wife as your servant right...

Yes,then for what i force you.anyway you marry or not that doesnt matter to me now as my di is back.she will manage..

What you thought alu?she is going to be a servant here...

Bas..bas..bas abhi and aliya.atleast grown up yaar.still same fighting bulls..

Bulls..it was now i remember di she is coming...

She ??*he look confused *

Your so called choti man*she smriks*

Really??*pragya look surprised*

yes di,i knew she is better company to you than me..

Not like that alu..

Iam going otherwise,i need to see this devils melodrama *he smriks at aliya and show his tongue and leaves *

You bhai*she stumps her foot*you are disgusting bhai *she barks*you take fresh di .

She close the door and show thumbs up to abhi who is standing in some distance. *he thank her with a smile*

If you like just press☆button.


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