The Baby

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Percival was patrolling the area around the castle, when he heard a cry. Looking around he saw no one, and continued to walk. The cry came again, but louder this time. He paused, looked around some more, then noticed something behind a statue. He carefully made his way over there, and gasped at what he saw. A baby lay in a straw basket, wrapped up in blankets and crying. 

"Oh, you poor thing," Percival lamented, picking up the baby and cradling it. "Come on, let's take you back to the castle. Leon's supposed to take over anyways."

The baby stopped giggling and let out a little laugh. Percival chuckled as he carried the baby into the castle, the baby falling asleep against him.

As soon as he entered the castle, he saw Leon approach him. Panicking, Percival hid in a corner and Leon passed by, not noticing him. Sighing in relief, Percival quietly ran towards the knights quarters. Arriving, he closed the door and sat down to catch his breath. He looked down at the baby that he was holding and smiled when he noticed that it was asleep.


Percival jumped at Gwaine's yelling and he turned to see the dresser moving. Percival looked around wildly before hiding the baby in a blanket and under his bed. Sighing, he made his way over to the dresser, opened it, and watched as Gwaine fell to the floor, apples falling after him.

"Gwaine, what are you doing in the dresser?" Percival asked, then immediately regretted it.

"Elyan dared me to, but I guess he locked me in here and ran off with Mordred," Gwaine replied.

Percival slapped his forehead, and sighed again.

"Hey, do you hear crying?" Gwaine suddenly perked up. 

Percival's face turned lightly pale as he watched Gwaine walk over to the bed, and pick up the crying baby.

"Aw, she's so cute," Gwaine cooed, gently rocking the baby. 

Percival watched in amazement as Gwaine rocked the baby to sleep.

"I never knew that you were good with children," Percival praised mockingly, as he folded his arms and smirked.

"Percy, where did you find her?" Gwaine asked, all humor gone from his face.

"It was hidden behind one of the statues in front of the castle," Percival replied. "I think that someone abandoned her."

Gwaine looked down at the baby, then looked back at Percival, grinning.

"Percy, I think that she has just found her new parents," Gwaine stated. 

"What?" Percival asked, completely caught off guard. 

"Percy, meet your daughter, Ava," Gwaine smiled.

"What?" Percival asked weakly.


5 years later...



The brown haired girl giggled as she and Arthur's son, Cason, hid from their fathers. Thinking that they gave them the slip, the backed up, only to fall into the hands of Arthur and Percival.

"Alright, playtime's over," Arthur sighed as Cason tried to wiggle out of his grasp. "It's time to get to bed."

"Same for you, Ava," Percival nodded.

The two children huffed as their fathers brought them home. 

Arriving at the house that he and Gwaine shared, Percival set Ava down as she ran into the arms of Gwaine. Percival smiled and Gwaine helped Ava get ready for bed, then tuck her in. 

"And at first you didn't want to help me take care of her," Gwaine teased.

Percival playfully punched him. "Yeah, I know. But I now know that this was one of the best choices I ever made."  

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