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Content warning:   Mentions /references to child abuse /rape 
                                         Evil Agravaine
                                         Morally gray Merlin

(The art on top is compensation.)

In all his time in Camelot, Merlin had faced many threats.
He had a list. Maybe not in alphabetical order, but it was still a long one.
It contained witches, sorcerers, assassins, goblins, wyverns, dragons, griffins, bastets – nearly any kind of magical creature, really – poison, magical sicknesses or curses.
Just to name a few.

Merlin had to fight for his own life, for his friends, the entire kingdom, strangers sometimes.
Sometimes even the life of Uther, though Merlin shouldn't care shit about that one.

But for none as often as he had for his favorite pest of a king. Arthur Pendragon.

You could say, Merlin mostly fought for his own sanity, if you ought to be fair.

All in all, Merlin would describe his life as a reverse Escape room. Instead of trying to get out of an overly complicated situation, he was desperately trying to stay.
Which might be a toxic trait of his, or perhaps Stockholm syndrom, Merlin couldn't be sure.
Especially, since his observation skills lacked the modern vocabulary for the mental illness that described his relationship to one manic dragon.


Fortunately, Merlin would be alive long enough to revision his old habits from a more academic point of view.

Under usual circumstances, Merlin knew exactly what he was facing.
If it was a poison, Gaius had some kind of antidote. If it was a curse, his magic would find a way to counter it.
With maybe a little bit of help from Emrys worshiping druids, insane overgrown lizards or random unicorn protectors who knew how to apparate. (1)

Dragons were ironically the easiest to defeat, considering Merlin was the last dragon lord, which meant his word to them was law and also there were only two dragons left.

You could say that there was always some kind of clue to what had happened and how to solve the issue.
Like a little enchanted pendant or poison in Arthur's goblet or a weird puppet on a string hanging from the side of the king's bed.

Then Merlin just had to find the vengeful witch that planted the threatening object or a Wikipedia article that would explain to him how to reverse a love spell.
(Older Merlin made the Wikipedia joke. He thinks he's funny like that.)

This time, however, Merlin was at a complete and utter loss to what the heck was going on.


The sun was shining, the curtains were flying in the wind of the open window and in front of it stood a tiny version of his great menace of a boss and somehow best friend.
The best way to describe tiny Arthur, was maybe to compare him to a six year old peanut of a child.
Hair a shade darked as it was on his older counterpart.

He seemed paler though. Softer around the edges, as he was still growing into his still unharmed skin. Unaffected from years of training in the blinding sunlight that would bleach his hair in the summer.

He was dressed in his now way too big night robes that hung loosely over his shoulders and surrounded him like a tent.

He was glare was angry, yet not at all radiating the same power as his adult glare did. Simply for the reason that children weren't very intimidating at that age.

"What the feudal system?", Merlin stated, almost cursing for real, until an integral part of his mind reminded him that it was unwise to curse in front of children.
Slowly, he put the silver tray with Arthur's breakfast on the hard wood table near Arthur's bed.
Merlin was late to his job, as per usual. But that didn't matter right now.

"I said, GET OUT!", Arthur yelled at him, his voice too high and adorable to be taken seriously.
He squared his shoulders, as if to show Merlin how strong he was, but that only made Merlin smile with a strange mix of irritated amusement.

Arthur must find this really embarrassing, the way he was fuming and glaring at Merlin.
It wasn't every day you would be turned into a child.

Though, if Merlin got a penny for every time something like this occurred, he'd have two pennies.
Which isn't much. But's it's weird that it happened twice.

Even if the first time it was Gwaine, not Arthur, who was turned.

"Okay, Arthur, this is very funny and all, but can you tell me why you're a child?"
Merlin was laughing through his own hand.

Not gonna lie, this was too funny.

Last time had been a jinx from a mermaid, when they were riding along the lake of Avalon.

Apparently, they took Gwaine's flirting of "You can call me baby" a bit too literal.
It was an honest mistake.

Arthur frowned.
"Are you deaf? I'm the prince! You have to listen to my orders and I said, get out! Or I will tell my father to sack you!"

Merlin raised both eyebrows and grabbed himself a grape from the prince's breakfast.
Tiny Arthur followed the move with wide, baffled eyes. As if Merlin didn't do this every day.
When Merlin continued to eat the grape, Arthur gaped. Helplessly, he let his shoulders drop.

His mouth turned into a frown and he glared at Merlin.

"You can't do that! That is my breakfast!"

And finally, finally it dawned on Merlin that Arthur might not just have ended up in a child's body.
There was something up with his memory too.

THAT had not been the case with Gwaine.

Merlin paused, his eyes blinking rapidly.
"Wait, Arthur, how old are you exactly?"

"What's it to you, peasant?!", Arthur growled at him and wrapped the linens of his robes around him, in attempt not to stumble as he walked up to Merlin.

"Okay, so.... who is head knight of Camelot right now?"

"How can you not know this? It's Sir Leon, obviously!"

"Sir Leon.", Merlin blinked and scratched his shoulder. Now this was a bit confusing.
Sir Leon was head knight right now. But the man was barely two years older than Arthur.
THIS reaction would speak for Arthur being an adult right now. Despite his bodily appearance.

Unless Arthur was referring to a different Leon. Maybe Leon was named after his father or something. Who knows.
Sir Leon never spoke about his family.

Considering Arthur had threatened Merlin with Uther's judgment just now, despite the fact that Uther has been dead for a while, the latter theory made more sense.

Arthur stepped closer.
"I swear, if you don't get out right now, I will call the guards on you and have you hanged!"

Arthur's lips were slightly quivering. His eyes switched from Merlin to the door, as if he were begging him to leave. To follow his orders, because otherwise he would follow through with his threat.
Arthur's poker face was hilariously easy to look through, though. Or maybe that was because Merlin knew him too well.

Merlin simply took another grape and ate it, watching the horrified expression Arthur send him for the action.
"Do you know who I am?", he asked calmly and put a hand on Arthur's head.
One last test.

Just one.
The prince's eyes went wide as he looked up at Merlin.

Thoughts flashed through Arthur's mind. A small hint of badly concealed fear flashed through his eyes.
Perhaps he was considering, if Merlin was actually a noble from a different country that Arthur should know and mistook him for a peasant. That would explain the fear in his eyes.

Arthur squared up again, trying to look threatening again.
"Should I?"

All hopes that Arthur still had his memories slipped away.
"Shit.", Merlin muttered, now a tat more alarmed. He ran a hand through his hair, scanned Arthur's pouting expression a second time and then muttered the word "shit" about three more times, before he made the obvious conclusion.

"Okay, this is bad."
Merlin turned around and went for the door to lock it. The slight clicking sound made Arthur startle and he began to walk after Merlin, his face contorting to hide his panic at the action.

"Hey, stop! What are you doing? You can't lock me in with you!"

Merlin looked at him.
"Sorry, Sire, but I can't let you leave right now."
He now walked passed Arthur and opened the curtains wider, hoping he might be able to see if there was an assassin outside, or any kind of clue for forced entering.
But everything was perfectly closed. No remains of magical energies left for him to feel.

Next, he checked on the bed, lifted the blankets and the pillows, completely stripped the sheets off the mattress and then searched for under the bed.

He found nothing.

Nervous panic started to threaten his mind, so he took a deep breath to calm himself, before he hurried to check Arthur's wardrobe, the night stand, the table, even the breakfast Merlin had just brought inside.

"What.... what are you doing?"
Arthur's high voice was nervous. He sounded confused and a little intimidated by Merlin's ignorance of his status.
The child knew that his power was just in name, not in physical abilities.
And the more fear Merlin heard, the more he found it concerning.

Arthur was the arrogant kind of prince, who always abused his power.... well. At least from what Merlin gathered of the gossip from before Merlin met him. Arthur had grown up since they became friends.
And was overall a sensitive, empathetic grown man with issues of toxic masculinity.
They were working on it.

Merlin turned his head, in the middle of checking the curtains.

"Searching for clues.", he explained, just to assure Arthur that he wasn't after gold or keys or anything of the sort.
By the looks of it, Arthur didn't seem to have any idea what Merlin could be searching for.
Well... perhaps a 6 year old prince would not have been entrusted with the keys to the vaults yet.


"Leafs, potions, strange colored hair, maybe some kind of item that you didn't own before.", he explained, but Arthur seemed lost at the explanation.


"You're enchanted.", Merlin stated the obvious yet again.

Arthur's eyes, if not wide already, widened even more. Fear washed over him again and panic settled on his face.
"You mean, I'm cursed?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."
Then Merlin realized that Arthur was terrified.
Because tears started to well up in Arthur's eyes and he was about to start crying.

Now Merlin was the one who panicked, as he rushed to grab tiny Arthur by the shoulders. He never meant to upset him. He hadn't expected Arthur to be such an emotional child.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I doubt it's life threatening or anything.
You don't have to worry, I'll take care of it."

Arthur's shiny eyes fixed on him, completely helpless and naive.
It seemed Arthur had already forgotten that he threatened Merlin only minutes prior, because he had hope in his eyes.

"I always do."

"You do? But I don't know you.", Arthur said, voice a little hoarse. Mistrust bleeding into his confusion.

Merlin tried to smile, as to not appear threatening.
"That's why I think you're enchanted. That and the fact that you're much smaller than when I met you."
Merlin also leveled his voice, conveying calmness, so Arthur knew he need not be afraid.

"I'm tall for my age!", Arthur countered. Which Merlin supposed might be true in Arthur's eyes.

"Arthur, you're supposed to be 23."

Arthur blinked. "No. I'm 6."

"Exactly.", Merlin nodded meaningfully and that made Arthur pause.

"Oh.", child Arthur said. Then he began to whisper, his voice trembling with fear.
"Am I's really entchantsed?" His fear pressed on his words, making him mispronounce the words and Merlin's heart twisted with empathy.

Merlin regretted telling him this instant. He knelt down before Arthur and opened his arms for him.
"Hey, hey. You'll be fine. Come here."

Tear filled eyes stared at him bewildered. As if the mere idea of hugging Merlin was obscene and wrong.
Grabbing his shoulders to steady him seemed fine, but embraces put that wary glint in Arthur's eyes.

"I'm offering you a hug.", Merlin explained, hoping against hope that Arthur was just daft.

"I'm not a girl!" Arthur sounded almost enraged, yet his voice continued to tremble.

Merlin let his arms drop. The boy was six damn it!
"Did your father never hug you?"

Arthur's eyes widened. "No.", he said. As if Merlin as the crazy one.
Merlin could imagine adult Arthur smacking him on the head for such a ridiculous statement.

Merlin puffed out his cheeks, trying not to show how much he pitied Arthur in that moment, because pity was the last thing Arthur wanted.
"I'm a man.", Merlin began and pointed to himself from head to toe.
"And I'm still offering."

Arthur furrowed his eyebrows.

Merlin sighed. "I'm saying, you are my friend, Arthur. I'll give you a hug. I won't tell anyone, if you don't want them to know."

Arthur still didn't look convinced.


"Princes don't have friends! Only servants! You're a liar! I'm not enchanted! You just want to scare me!"
And his face turned stern and angry. He crossed his tiny arms and stepped away. Almost falling over the robes he was wearing.

Merlin stared. This was even worse than he had thought.

He rose up to his feet again, scratching his neck.
"Alright then.", he said, because he had to respect Arthur's wishes, no matter how fucked up it was.
"Tell me, if you change your mind. I'll keep searching for magic items.", he explained, but Arthur turned even angrier.

"NO!", he said sternly and glared at Merlin.
"You just or something!", Arthur fumed. "Leave!"

Merlin blinked.

"Excuse me?", he asked, raising one eyebrow the same way Gaius usually did. Not that he could see himself do it.

Arthur pressed his lips into a firm line. "I said, get out! I've said it ...", he began counting his fingers.
"FOUR times now! And you haven't listened! You will be punished for it!"

Merlin sighed.
"I never listen to you. I'm not going to start now."

"I will tell my father about this!"

Merlin paused and scanned Arthur with his eyes. Obviously.
They didn't have any scan devices in the middle ages.
If Uther were alive, and found out about this, a witch hunt would surely follow.

But Arthur was king now. Though, at his current condition, not so much.
And the person to cover as regent for him, would be Agravaine. Him finding out wouldn't bode well for them, either.
Merlin would be targeted as the culprit by Agravaine as well as if Uther was still alive.

In addition to that, Merlin couldn't let the whole kingdom find out about Arthur's state either.
He'd be seen as weak. If not a witch hunt, there could be a war.

Uther would have wanted to keep this private for the sake of peace.
Agravaine kept searching for reasons to start wars. So... the situation would be completely in his favor.

Which meant, Merlin should absolutely NOT tell THAT guy.

No. He couldn't tell anyone.

"This... is going to be difficult. Come on, let's get you presentable, first.", Merlin lied after a moment and went back to the closet, hoping to find some children's clothing in there.
Of course that resulted in nothing.

What prince had his old child's clothes in his room?

When he turned again, Arthur was simply watching him with confusion.

Merlin scratched his head. What to do, what to do?

"Wait here, a second.", he decided and strove through the room to the main entrance. He opened it and locked it behind him. He could hear Arthur yell from the inside to let him out.

The guards outside Arthur's room send him funny looks, but Merlin just shrugged.
"Rough morning.", he explained.
And that was really all he needed to say for them to return to face the walls.
Merlin paused.
"Do not open that door, even if he screams."

The guards glanced at each other, than nodded in understanding. As if to say:
"No trouble, Merlin. We got you, buddy."
Sometimes it really was too easy, Merlin thought.

That the guards had a very specific idea why Merlin had given them this order was lost on the obliviously magical servant.


Gwen was the one who showed Merlin where Arthur's old clothing was.
She didn't really ask questions, except with her eyes and Merlin shrugged as an answer that told her as much as:
"The less you know, the better."

After that, he went to Gaius to inform him of what happened and send him on a research tour.
There couldn't be too many enchantments that turned people into children, right?

Merlin's eyes twitched, as he was reminded how he had believed the same thing when he was researching love potions.
30. There had been over 30 different love potions just with hair in it.
People really were desperate.

When Merlin returned to Arthur's chambers, he found the whole place in shambles.
Apparently, Arthur had decided to find clothes for himself and was more than frustrated, when he only found adult clothing in his wardrobe.

"Do you believe me now?", Merlin asked and closed the door behind him.

Arthur spun around. He had torn off the night robes from his body and now only stood there in his breeches. He had to hold them up, too.

"Where are my clothes!", the child demanded to know.
So, he still considered Merlin a liar. Wonderful.

"I got some for you.", Merlin replied and placed them on the stripped bed.
"Come here, I'll help you."

"I can do it myself!", Arthur fumed again.

Merlin laughed. "Really now?"

Arthur pouted, then went closer to Merlin. He peeked at the clothes on the bed and snatched them away, as if he were scared Merlin would stop him.
Then he started to dress himself. Which was an odd sight to behold.

Not only because Arthur never dressed himself. But because he did it wrong.

Merlin just let him do it, since he insisted.
When Arthur got himself stuck on one of his shirts, Merlin tried very hard not to laugh.
Until he turned around and Merlin's laughter died on his tongue.

Of course he had seen the backside of the adult Arthur Pendragon before.
But those white lines and bruises were so much easier to explain for an adult who ended up being whacked on the head numerous times a weak, if not in mortal peril every other Tuesday, than whip marks on the supposedly unmarred back of a six year old child.

Arthur caught him staring. Merlin's horror was lost on him and Merlin took that as a sign not to mention it.
Lest, he figured out who it was that put those marks there.
Had it been Uther... well maybe Merlin could regret killing the bastard a little less.
If the culprit was still alive... maybe Merlin's murder count would grow a name in the intended section.
Unwelcome, hot fury filled his mind, but he swallowed it down, pretending not to have seen.

"Stop laughing! Help me already!"
And gone was the prince who would dress himself. Merlin shook the different ideas how to do murder from his mind and went in to help.
Arthur really never changed, did he?

"Alright.", Merlin said and went to undo all the work Arthur just did, because he somehow managed to put his pants on backwards.
Arthur seemed embarrassed by his lack of talent for the art, but let Merlin handle everything.
"Nice try though.", Merlin muttered to him, biting away the bitter feeling as he saw the scars up close.

Arthur just pouted at his comment. Mistaking Merlin's expression for amusement, perhaps.

"Tell me why there are those clothes in my wardrobe! They aren't mine!", Arthur pointed at the wardrobe, as Merlin finished tugging in the tiny white shirt into Arthur's trousers.

Somehow, the tiny king still looked regal in his clothes. The royalty could be read from his appearance, his eyes and even his aura.

Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Because you were enchanted. As I said. You're really 23. Keep up, will you?"

"But you're a liar!", Arthur decided with conviction.

"Even liars tell the truth sometimes.", Merlin said without thinking.
In his defense, he really was a liar. Still keeping his magic from Arthur and helping convicted sorcerers to escape the dungeons from time to time.

"I want to speak to my father. The king. NOW!", Arthur said once again, with that demanding tone of his.

Merlin closed his eyes for but a moment, before he knelt down.
Arthur stepped back to keep some distance. Perhaps the fact that they were no on eye level made it feel like Merlin was closer than before.

"You are the king, Arthur.
I told you, you were enchanted. You should be older. Your father isn't... there... anymore."

If Merlin had expected tears, he would be disappointed at Arthur's non reaction.

"My father isn't dead. He's just .... on a trip! Yes. A hunting trip! I'm sure of it!"

Merlin took a deep breath.
"No, Arthur. He's not. You are the king. And we really need to figure out how we do this now, because I cannot let Agravaine take over as regent, while I figure out how to turn you back.
In fact, no one can know, unless you want there to be war.... Arthur?"

It was the word Agravaine that made Arthur freeze in his tiny position. Startled, wide eyes stared at Merlin like he had gone mad.

"Agravaine is here? Uncle Agravaine?" Sweat formed on the boys forehead. He seemed paler than before.

Which was strange.
Adult Arthur saw Agravaine as his trusted advisor. The reactions between those ages couldn't be more different.

"Arthur, are you okay?"

"If I am the king, then you both will do as I say!", Arthur regained some of his composure and straightened his back a bit.
"You said so! You have to listen to me!"

Merlin blinked.
"Not if you're underage. Then your guardian is to take over as regent. And you ARE underage. At the moment.
Hopefully not for long.
I'm taking it, you don't remember how you turned into a child.
What is the first thing you remember from when you woke up?"

Arthur still glared at him.

"GUARDS!", he yelled. But there was no response.
"GUARDS!", he yelled again. Now a tad more frustrated.
When he yelled for a third time and still no one responded, Arthur stepped back from Merlin.

"Did you kill the guards?"

Merlin couldn't with this kid.
"Arthur, I'm trying to help. I told them not to come in, even if you screamed -"

That was obviously the wrong thing to say. Because Arthur's eyes went wide like saucers. And actual fear washed over him.
"You'll hurt me, won't you? You say you won't, but uncle Agravaine says that too!
And you're a liar! You admitted, you're a liar! You will hurt me!
I didn't do anything wrong this time!
I want my father! Where is my father!"
The sheer panic in his voice increased minutely.

And the hot fury in Merlin's body welled up yet again. His own eyes were wide as well. His expression blank. He was distantly aware of that, but when he raised to his full height, he balled his fists.
"Agravaine has hurt you?", he asked, his voice darkening into something dangerous.

Arthur shrinked away from him.

"Arthur, did he hit you?"

Arthur stepped backwards. "He warned me. I didn't want him to... to... But he said I had to. ", Arthur wiped at his eyes with his sleeves.
Embarrassment filled his expression.
"Don't tell him! You can't tell him!", he suddenly yelled at Merlin. "I'm not supposed to tell anyone."

There was something else. Something worse.
"What did he do?"
Merlin was starting to feel cold dread numbing his insides.

That slimy old, worthless scumbag didn't... he didn't....

Arthur bit on his lip and covered his ears. Perhaps Merlin had been too loud for his sensitive ears. Even though his voice had been leveled. Perhaps it was the tone itself that scared the boy.

"Arthur. Tell me, what did he do?", Merlin whispered quietly.

Arthur let out a strangled sound.

"Arthur. You're not doing anything wrong right now. I want to help. I will protect you from him, I swear it on my life.
Whatever he's done, he won't do it again, I promise." It was hard for Merlin to keep the tremor from his voice.

Arthur quivered. He opened his mouth, but his words failed him. As if too ashamed to say anything. Accompanied by those haunted eyes, Merlin felt his heart freeze at the thought of Agravaine.

"Did he touch you."
It was a demand to know, not a question.

Arthur lowered his head, as if that was his fault. But he didn't deny it. He just looked at Merlin with a plea.
"Please don't tell him!", he begged.

And finally, it dawned on Merlin, why Arthur had begun to panic, when Merlin had locked the door.
And why he kept that awkward distance.

Even why he insisted that he would dress himself.
For a moment, Merlin wondered why it had been okay after Arthur ordered him to help.
But perhaps it was that.
The order.

Merlin was from Ealdor. A place ignored and forgotten by it's king, but not the tax collectors and bandits.
And those liked to take whatever they could get.
Food, money, women, sometimes even children.
And Merlin had seen the very same haunted look on their faces. That look that begged for mercy, rather than vengence.
Because defiance could get you killed.
Pushing down your anger was a method of survival.

This wasn't something you just walked away from.
You'd feel powerless. They all did. Powerless, and lost of control that had been stolen from them.

Except, Arthur had power.
He was the son of a king and there were certain moments that belonged to him.

Certain moments he controlled.

If Arthur was in control of the situation, he was fine. If people followed his orders, he was okay.
But if they didn't, of course the boy would start panicking.
Perhaps that's why Arthur overcompensated sometimes.
Establishing his control by ordering people around more than necessary.

That would explain a lot, actually. In addition to Arthur being so touch averse, even as an adult.

Merlin had started the whole morning by disobeying Arthur's order to leave. No wonder the boy was afraid in his presence.
Merlin had taken away the only control the boy knew to have.

Not gonna lie, Merlin was this close to murdering someone. And only close, because he was vaguely aware that such an action would separate him from Arthur himself.
Not just morally, as Arthur was an innocent child right now. He would be mentally and physically parted from him.

Merlin had sworn a long time ago, that no matter what, he would always stand by Arthur's side and protect him.
That also meant that Merlin himself had to do anything in his power to stay with him.
Right now, that meant to try and be satisfied with the mental image of skinning Agravaine alive.

"Arthur, what he did was not okay."

Arthur looked up, surprise evident in his expression.
Did he not think so? Had he accepted this kind of behavior from his uncle? Did he assume it was normal?
Merlin tasted bile on his tongue.

"But uncle Agravaine said -", Arthur began, but stopped when Merlin shook his head vehemently.

"Never, under any circumstances, regardless whether you're a king, a prince or a peasant, does that man have the right to touch you. He does not have the right to punish you to the point he's leaving scars! Bloody hell.

NOTHING about this is okay."
Merlin fought the urge to add understood! to that sentence, because that would make it sound like an order.

And orders were the last thing Arthur needed right now.

Arthur lifted his head and lowered the arms he was hiding behind.
"I'm sorry.", he mumbled.

Merlin stared at him and tried to calm his voice before he answered.
"You have nothing to apologize for."

Arthur went to say something yet again, but in that moment, it knocked on the door.
Dump echoing sounds alerted them both.
Merlin turned around, expecting to see Agravaine. Merlin placed himself as a shield before Arthur, eyes glowering with the same hatred he usually regarded those assassins that he took care of on a weekly basis.
He wouldn't hesitate, if it was him. He already knew that.

But the person who entered from the hallway was Gaius. The court physician. Merlin's uncle and partially his roommate.

(If you don't count honorary roommate Gwaine and or Lanceot from individually separate occasions.)

"Gaius.", Merlin said with relief and let his arms sink, all while Arthur shrieked: "Gaius!", in a much higher and more desperate tone.
He sounded like Merlin had just tried to lecture him. (Comparison made poorly due to circumstances that required less dark picturesque metaphors.)
He ran over to the old man and hugged him from the side, as if he was salvation.

"And here I was wondering why you made me research deaging potions.", Gaius said in a tone that was much more tired than appropriate for those dire circumstances.
Then again, Gaius was old and had seen far weirder shit.

Right now, he seemed older than ever.
With those bags under his eyes and red skimmed eyes from a long night out. Perhaps he hadn't even slept.

Merlin nodded, still bitter, but at least a bit calmer now.

Calm enough to explain his thought process, at least:

"I figured he might have been administered a potion last night, since I couldn't find any enchanted objects in his room.
It may have been the wine. Arthur was the only one drinking it, even though he offered me some."

There was a pause in which Merlin considered other known possibilities when it came to deaging magic.
"And I'm pretty sure there was no mermaid in this room last night to curse him on accident.", Merlin gave Gaius the brief. His voice was bitterly cold and dry though. Lacking the humor those words should have entailed.

Gaius eyes traveled over the room.
"I can tell you have been thorough in your search, Merlin. I hope you will be cleaning this up."

"I'll get George to do it.", Merlin said, out of habit. Then his mood darkened.

"That's not important right now."
Menacingly, Merlin stepped forward. "Gaius, we cannot let Agravaine anywhere near Arthur. Not in the state he's in."

The tiny lump of a king turned his head at Merlin with wide eyes. They switched back and forth, trying to understand why Gaius was talking to that stranger like they knew each other.
Until it seemed to dawn on him that maybe, perhaps, Merlin was not an intruder here to kill him, but that he had actually said the truth about the whole being too young for his own good and all that.

If it was always this easy to convince Arthur of the truth, Merlin's life would be a ton easier.

"And why is that?", Gaius raised his signature eyebrow. Higher than should be humanly possible.

"I don't trust him around Arthur. Arthur is six, Gaius! He has scars on his back! And who knows what else that man has done to him!" Merlin could no longer keep the anger from his voice.

Merlin had to stay beside Arthur. Had to protect him and save him and all. But someone needed to kick Agravaine where the sun didn't shine and he hoped that Gaius was somewhat vile enough to read the plea in his eyes correctly.

Gaius scowled.

He sighed and wore that expression he always wore when he found Merlin especially irritating.

"Merlin, Agravaine was assigned to educate Arthur in royal etiquette, when he was young.
Those were lectures I could not do for him. Even as his mentor. I am a simple physician. I never had to attend courts and royal gatherings, until late in life. And I only know the most basic rules that allow me to eat with the king.

As Arthur's godfather, it was also Agravaine's job to discipline him, should be misbehave.
I think you might be overreacting, Merlin.

I agree that some of Agravaine's... as well as Uther's methods were ... unethical, but -"

Merlin's eye twitched.

He didn't just say that.

Gaius was the court physician! Someone had to have treated those wounds. And it was easy to guess who was the most likely to know about them.

The realization send Merlin into a protective loop of very creative curses that just happened to come to mind.

"Unethical? Unethical! Are you kidding me?! Agravaine assaulted him!", Merlin blurted it out without a care that Arthur was listening. He was supposed to hear it. To realize that something like that was not okay.

That there was a word for this that couldn't be read as anything but negative.
To understand that he did not have to endure this. And that it should never happen again.

Merlin had to make sure Arthur knew there was someone here who would help him.
That was something that needed to be clarified, because sometimes, when bad things happen to people, they normalize it. They justify it, until they tell themselves it's fine.
Even though they are suffering from it.

It's about as possible to move away from a problem you ignore exists, as it is to run through a wall.
You have to build the door first.

At Merlin's voice, Arthur hid behind Gaius' robes.

Gaius expression fell as well, his gaze now fixed on to Merlin.

He was utterly buffled by Merlin's outrage.
"Don't you think you might be reading too much into this? Agravaine is many things. And I can't argue with whether or not you find him trustworthy. But that is quite the accusation, Merlin."

Merlin tried to take a deep breath.
"Even if I were mistaken. You can't seriously think... physically scarring a child like that is okay?"

Gaius frowned. "Merlin, have you never been disciplined by your mother? That would explain a lot."

Merlin hissed in a deep incredulous breath. Scandalized, if not horrified by his uncle's lack of sympathy.
"Are you that used to Uther's methods of punishment, of torture and murder, that you can excuse this? Please tell me, you're cannot excuse this!"

Merlin's hands reached out to point at Arthur, so there was no doubt what he was referring to.

Gaius had the gall to stay quiet and Merlin fell into the nearest chair from sheer disbelieve.

Then Merlin looked up, almost contemplating to rise back up again.
He wanted to tower over Gaius and frighten him. Despite everything they had gone through together, this crossed a line.
"Get away from him.", he said quietly, but with a warning in his tone that made Gaius take a look at a worried Arthur.
Merlin glared at Gaius, before the man turned back to him.
"Merlin, I can accept that you have a point. I may have become... accustomed to all the bloodshed, but I assure you, I have never raised a hand against Arthur myself.

And it always has been in Uther's right to decide what's best for his child.

And I am certain that Agravaine never endulged in such perversions -"

"So, you're turned a blind eye. As usual", Merlin stated bitterly, interrupting his uncle, because he was still doing it.

-'I didn't see anything. I had no choice. Look Merlin, how big my pile of guilt is. It's bigger than the mountain of gold Uther keeps in the dungeons.'

Then he tried to school his expression into a kinder one.
"Arthur?", Merlin asked the boy, who seemed conflicted in being spoken to by such an angry man.
"Did Gaius ever hurt you?"

Arthur shook his head. "Uncle Gaius is kind. He treats my wounds."
The boy smiled at Gaius, who seemed relieved by Arthur's words. Until Arthur said:
"And he doesn't make me touch him."
The last words were bitterly hopeful, questioning. Gratifying in a way. There was too much weight in those words for Gaius not to notice and his eyes flickered to Merlin with equal horror, as Arthur tried to smile at Gaius.
The boy's laugh hiccuped, as even his body disagreed with his own ignorance of the suffering.

The atmosphere was suddenly tense. The implications in the air cutting through it and making them bleed with empathy, regret and a sudden need for immediate action.

Arthur's shoulders trembled through the brave smile. He flushed with embarrassment at his words and looked at them from beneath his eyes. Head low and scared of further punishment.

For what would Arthur be punished?

Suggesting he followed such orders?
Like it was somehow him to blame for what Agravaine did?
For being weak?

Arthur had always been insecure about his regards for strength and courage.

Merlin's anger deflated instantly for the sake of empathy. He got up in an instant, trying to get closer to Arthur, but still keeping a far enough distance to assure Arthur that he was still save.
"Arthur, it's okay. I won't let him do that again."

"You're just a servant. You can't promise that.", Arthur's voice was strangely sober for his age.

"I am your friend, Arthur."

"Prince's don't have friends.", Arthur argued sternly. "Not servant friends anyway. And even if you were, that doesn't give you the power over a duke."

Merlin frowned.

Gaius looked between them, then his vision suddenly cleared. "I believe we don't have much of a choice, Merlin. Agravaine will be regent, whether you want him to be or not.
If you keep this from him, he will certainly paint you as the enemy. God knows you're fouled his plans far too many times not to have aggravated him."

"Like he needs help with that.", Merlin muttered barely audible and for once not in the mood for puns.

"The point is, if we take this to the council first, they will be more likely to believe in your innocence on the matter.

If it fails, we must evacuate you at once."

Merlin straightened his back.

He was still hung up on the crimes that had happened under Gaius very eyes.
"This? You want to tell the court what Agravaine did?"

'What you let happen?'

Gaius sighed. "I meant that the king is a child right now, Merlin. Trauma or not, he is unfit to rule this kingdom in this state."

'Technically, trauma would make it worse.', Merlin decided to ignore that thought.

"That might be true. But I can't leave Camelot. I can't evacuate. I won't leave Arthur behind with Agravaine. And Camelot needs Arthur! And I can hardly just kidnap him and hide for the next 10 to 15 years."

"You may not have a choice, Merlin.", Gaius said, voice tired.

"I'm not leaving." There was a finality to Merlin's voice that could not further be argued with.

A silence settled between them, as they roasted each other with meaningful glances.

Then Arthur took all his courage and said:

"Father said, the kingdom must come first! You must do whatever is best for the kingdom."

Merlin tilted his head.
" Perhaps to a king or a regent. Nothing is more important to me than you, Arthur."
He said it with careless conviction.

Arthur's eyes widened in surprise. A wonder flashed through his eyes that had not been there before.

As if, in that moment, he realized that Merlin wasn't angry at him. But for him.

Gaius's eyes wandered from where they were locked with Merlin's to Arthur, whose fear from Merlin seemed to be slipping away, slowly but surely.

"I'm assuming, it is save for me to go now. I will plead my case with the council, Merlin. In the meantime, take care of Arthur."

Merlin sighed deeply.
"What else is new?"


Merlin had sat Arthur down at the table in his room, where the child popped grapes into his mouth with returning happiness and hunger.

The fear of having woken up in a strange place with people he didn't know and being confronted with the horrors that painted his day had faded away.

Emotions were fickle with children. They could be intense, but extremely wavering as well.

Merlin sat down with him and watched Arthur enjoy his food.

He had never seen Arthur like this.

Like... from an emotionally objective point of view. Analyzing, as if Arthur's behavior would make more sense to him now.
It kind of did.

Even though Merlin had seen the scars, he had expected them to come from some extreme practice lessons.
Or from his first days as head knight of Camelot.

Merlin had seen the reluctance with which Arthur regarded his relationships, plantonic and otherwise.
But he had taken it as a choice Arthur had to make due to his upbringing as heir to the throne.
Possibly fueled by Uther's wrath against anything that was kind and just.
He had known of Arthur's gentle and forgiving heart.
But he had never ever assumed that Arthur could forgive something as unimaginable as what this child must have been through.

Why on earth would Arthur make Agravaine his advisor, if this was part of his childhood?

Though, Merlin had to admit, Arthur rarely talked about his past, at all.

It had taken a literal haunted well to find out about one of his traumas. How the first raid mission he went on went wrong and his men all murdered a whole camp of unarmed druids.

Arthur had nightmares, but he never shared what he would whimper about on hunts, when Merlin slept just one bedroll over. Or rather, didn't sleep, as he was plagued with nightmares himself.

Arthur only ever told him things due to circumstance.
Not that Merlin was any better. He had his own fair share of secrets to keep from his master and best friend.

Merlin knew Arthur better than he knew himself. Just how much was still there? Boiling under the surface?

Arthur had begun swinging his short legs over the edge of the chair and watching Merlin curiously.
His eyes were wide and fascinated, all while Merlin tried to keep his gaze.

Finally, Arthur blurted out: "Are you a witch?"

Merlin choked on air.

Arthur stared at him unabashedly.

"Father said, witches fool people with their kindness and empty promises and beauty and their talk of power. And then they betray you.
You won't betray me, will you?"

Merlin stared at him, completely caught of guard.

"You think I'm beautiful?"

Arthur screwed his eyes a bit more shut. "You look like an elf from one of my story books. You have the ears. The book says elves are beautiful."
He contemplated for a second.
"I guess you would be pretty, if you weren't so old."

Merlin's face was drawn between bewildered and amused.

"Technically, I'm younger than you.", Merlin mused and ignored the irritating question in his head, if old people couldn't be pretty.

Arthur's eyes went wide. "You're 5?"

And that was exactly what Merlin had needed to rip his mind from the dark place that urged him to go and murder Agravaine.
A boisterous laugh escaped his lips, the kind that started in the back of your mind and shook your whole body, without leaving you the option to stop.

It shouldn't be funny, but it kind of was.
Funny enough to draw tears from Merlin's eyes.

Arthur watched him laugh with a smile and fascination, as if he had never made someone laugh before. He seemed tempted to join, but also too stunned by Merlin's reaction to do anything but stare.

Merlin heaved a heavy breath, before he remembered what they had been talking about. Then he shook his head.
"I would never betray you, Arthur.
Even if I had magic, I'd use it for you."
And this was the closest to a confession of his magic that Merlin had ever come.

(Omit that one time when he had told the entire court he was a sorcerer and no one believed him. )

Arthur's smile fell, while his eyes went wide.
But he didn't ask any questions.
Instead, he marveled at the honesty in Merlin's voice and the sincerity in his words.

And of course, that was the moment when it knocked on the door.

"Come in.", Merlin yelled, before Arthur could say anything.

They both turned towards the creaking sound that signaled someone coming inside.

Robes flattering behind him, basically cleaning the floor, returned Gaius. Behind him walked Geoffrey, the librarian, Agravaine (Merlin briefly wondered, if he had any dragon genes and if dragon's had venom, because he could feel himself wishing to ram giant fangs into the man's veins. Preferrably crushing bone along with poisoning him.) and a few other council members that Merlin had seen before, but couldn't remember the names of.

Arthur immediately jumped to his feet. Food forgotten and his back straightened into a regal posture fit for a prince but entirely too controlled to belong to a six year old.

"So it is true.", one of the council members whispered meaningfully.

Merlin stayed where he sat. His eyes straying between the gleeful smirk on Agravaine's ugly face and the schooled expression Arthur was trying hard not to loosen.

"This has to be the work of magic!", another said.

'Thank you, captain obvious, for clearing that up.'

Merlin tried hard not to roll his eyes.

"This is an outrage!", Agravaine couldn't hide his smile, even as his voice raised in a mockery of what would be believable fury.

The man gestured towards Arthur who startled at the motion.
"Someone has attacked the king! Where were the guards, when this happened?
We have to find the culprit, immediately and have him pay for this crime!
Punishment by death, I say!"

"Now now, Lord Agravaine. Please calm yourself.", the first council man said.
"The king has merely been turned into a child. Whoever did this, certainly had no intention to kill him."

"No, just to throw the kingdom into chaos!", Agravaine countered vigorously.

Gaius seemed to be taking a deep breath and send the council man a grateful smile.

"It's hardly a question that we must do something about this. But I am certain we can find a way to return the king back to normal. And even if that is not possible, we can simply wait, until he has grown this out.
What we must discuss is, who will take his place in the meantime.

A six year old is hardly able to be a leader.
Since we don't know how long this will take, we should find a regent soon, before other kingdoms find out about this and attack Camelot when it's weakest."

Gaius eyes Merlin, who felt tempted to hit his mentor for even suggesting that Arthur wouldn't have to turn back to normal.

"And of course, we need someone who takes care of the child.", Geoffrey added.

"No, that will be me.", Merlin answered straight away, drawing everyone's attention to him.
The silence surprised him, really. The answer to that question was so simple.
"I'm Arthur's manservant. Taking care of him has been my job for years."

The men looked at each other with doubt, except of course, Gaius.

"Ah, Merlin..", one of the council members smiled to him, clearly irritated by his very existence. The mere fact that they knew Merlin, but Merlin didn't know either or their names spoke volumes about the difference of importance they held to Arthur.

Not that Merlin was aware of this.

"Of course, you would want to keep your position as manservant to the king. After all, it comes with certain... benefits.
But taking care of a child is entirely different than taking care of a grown man. I'm sure you wouldn't want to waste your time on this predicament."

Merlin blinked at the man completely incomprehensible of the point of that argument.

"No. I'm taking care of Arthur.", Merlin said again, slowly. As if the man hadn't heard him right.

"I think, what my friend Newt meant to say,", began nameless council member number 2, "is that we thing it is Lord Agravaine's right as Arthur's godfather to educate Arthur, as he has done when Arthur was a child.... the first time around."

Merlin blinked at him cheerfully. "Over my dead body."

Gaius glared at him and whacked him on the head.

Nameless council member number 1 rushed in to explain. "There are certain skills a prince must possess, in order to become crown prince and later king.
Prince Arthur must be educated and disciplined by someone who knows how the royal household works -"

"And you believe a royal knows more about court etiquette than a servant who has to watch everyone around them do it all day long?
I know what forks and spoons Arthur has to use during meals with other royals. He can spar with Leon, if he's older.
But Arthur is my responsibility. I know him better than anyone else in this kingdom.
I will educate him. On my own terms.

And I will also find a way to undo this curse, so it won't even be necessary."

At the last part, Merlin glared at Gaius.

Agravaine shoved his chin up, to look down on Merlin.
"You know, I find this rather odd.
Don't you usually complain about the mountain of work Arthur bestows upon you?
Why suddenly so eager to work, when you spend half the time at the tavern?

The king has told me all about it, when he was still his normal self.
Now, I find it strange, that you jump at the occasion to take care of this child, when you like to disappear, when normally, you can't even make it on time.

And how convenient it is, that you are the one to find the turned king, but no evidence to what could have caused it!"

Merlin's glare fixed on the man, but he was unafraid.
He noticed how Arthur began to cower behind Merlin now, like he had done behind Gaius only an hour prior. Merlin reached out his hand to let Arthur grab the sleeve for comfort.

"Convenient, indeed.", Merlin rasped. "That wine disappears, when people drink it. Wine that you like to gift to the king once in a while. Like the one from last night."

Agravaine growled in response.

The other four men in the room eyed each other, before Council man number 1 cleared his throat, once again.
"Gentlemen, please. We need to discuss who will be regent of Camelot.
Let him make the decisions."

"Obviously, the title of regent will go to me. I AM Arthur's godfather and his most trusted advisor. Everyone here knows how much Arthur values my council.
I am sure, he would want me to take up the role, while he is...", he scanned Arthur with that awfully predatory look that made Merlin's blood boil, "incapacitated."

There was a pause, in which Merlin continued to glare at him.

"Of course, that means I will be taking care of Arthur as well. He should benefit from learning from a regent, don't you agree? As future king of Camelot.", Agravaine's smile was utterly disgusting.
"Now, of course, I don't understand why we even need this discussion at all. I am the natural choice."s

Finally, Geoffrey coughed his way into the tense atmosphere.
"Now now, Agravaine. Not so fast.
You are right to believe that there is no discussion needed to determine the regent of Camelot for the time being.
For king Arthur has made preparations for such an occasion."

The color faded from Agravaine's face and he slowly turned to face Geoffey.
"Excuse me"

Merlin felt just as stunned as him. Arthur's hand suddenly grabbed for Merlin's hand and Merlin squeezed it back absentmindedly, while Geoffrey revealed an old notebook of decrees.

"What do you mean, Arthur was prepared for this?", Merlin asked weakly.

Geoffrey looked up, as he opened the book and skipped through the pages.
"It was not too long ago, when the land was invested with dorocha and Arthur gathered his men to close the veil between the living and the dead, that he sought for me to create a will.
He created it, in case he were to die at the mission. Or in any mission after that. Or, should he fall sick and unable to rule, even temporarily."

Agravaine's ashen face was quivering. "He ... he never mentioned anything of.... of a will.."

Merlin nodded slowly. "I didn't know this either."

Geoffrey nodded, in that old man way of his.
"Yes, yes. Well, the king did not want to inspire any attempts on his life. Or on the person he chose as his successor. Of course, the will only counts until he has an heir of his own.
He insisted it would be temporary, but since we are now at an empassé, so to speak...

Merlin, do you happen to be in the possession of a silver buckle with a bird on it?", Geoffrey looked up at Merlin, questioningly.

Merlin's eyes wandered from Geoffrey's knowing, to Gaius stunned and Agravaine's baffled expression. Only to land on Arthur, whose eyes were wide.

Slowly, Merlin reached into his jacket.
Of course he had it on him.
He always had it on him.
The Sigil Arthur had given him meant more to him than all his other possessions combined. Including his magic books.

"You mean, this one?", Merlin asked, kind of baffled by the question and opened his palm to reveal Ygraine's sigil. The silver buckle, with the engraved bird in it.

Geoffrey smiled.

Gaius' jaw clapped open, Agravaine looked like he'd been smacked on the head.

"Are you aware of it's meaning?"

Merlin slowly shook his head. "He gave it to me, the first night on our journey to the isle of the blessed."

"Arthur has declared you his sole successor, Merlin."

It took Merlin a few seconds to register the words. Even longer to process them.
"Me?", was perhaps the dumbest question he ever asked.

"Yes, you.", Geoffrey smiled at him.

Merlin shook his head. "No. I can't... This must be a mistake."

Geoffrey's eyes twinkled at that.
"Arthur had warned me that you would say that. He instructed me to tell you this:"
He cleared his throat.
"Don't be an idiot, Merlin."
He even accentuated Merlin's name the same way Arthur always did.

Merlin felt himself at a loss for words.

"This is an outrage! He is a servant!", Agravaine yelled, making Merlin turn to face him once again.
"This is impossible! He can't...
You !", his eyes burned daggers at Merlin as he fixed his glare on him.

Merlin noticed in that moment how Agravaine's hair was strangely clean and perfectly combed.
"You knew this would happen! You used magic to enchant him!
I bet you made him write this will! There is no way that Arthur would grand a servant an honor like this!"

Merlin had to admit, he agreed.
What the fuck, Arthur?

Geoffrey, however, seemed bemused by Agravaine's outrage.
"Now now. I thought so too, when he expressed his wish. But there are methods to determine whether someone is enchanted or not. Of course, I explored them all, before setting up the will.
And given the circumstances and listening to his reasons, I found Arthur's decision absolutely understandable, though his choice made me question his sanity at first.

In fact, your concerns regarding Merlin's involvement on this matter, has been clarified in the will.
Arthur found it necessary to clarify his decision, because he was well aware of Merlin's status.
If you let me read it out for you, I can show you how certain he was of this decision."

Geoffrey smiled and Agravaine stepped away from Merlin.
"I'd like to hear it.", he said and crossed his arms.

"Very well.", Geoffrey nodded appreciatively, before holding up the notebook and he began to read:

(2)"I, Arthur Pendragon, king of Camelot, rightful son and heir to the throne of Uther Pendragon, hereby decree, that in my absence, death, or in matters of sickness that leave me unable to attend my duties, I bequeath the throne to my manservant Merlin.
I have given him my mother's sigil to show and for him to proof my trust in him."

Merlin looked at the Sigil in his hand, disbelieve morphing to understanding.
How stupid! Of course this thing had a meaning! All royals carried these things around to proof their ranks. How had Merlin not realized that this thing marked him as possible regent?

Geoffrey's voice carried on.
"Merlin is and has been my best friend and advisor, since the day I have met him.
Whereas others have tried to either threaten or please me, he has always been honest.
Where I have been betrayed, he has always proven himself trustworthy and kind.
Where others may try to manipulate me to their own benefit, Merlin has always reminded me to follow my heart and what I think is right, instead of following his own agenda.
In that he has shown his trust in me and my decisions. And I have learned that we see eye to eye on most things.

As he knows me better than anyone else I know, and has proven himself to be my greatest advisor, not only in the matters of war, but also the matters of the heart-"

At that part, Agravaine's face soured.

"- I cannot imagine anyone more worthy to be my successor.
A man who would risk anything, including his own life, to see Camelot succeed and strive.
In fact, he has risked his life for me and in extension for Camelot many times already, as recorded in the royal guest and hunting files.

Since I believe that not many would approve of this will, including Merlin himself, I find myself in the dire position to justify this decree.

Some might have come to think that Merlin has enchanted me to write and sign this will.

For that I rely on Geoffrey, sole witness to this will, to testify as witness on Merlin's and my behalf that I was not enchanted. He has recorded his methods and attempts to identify a curse on my person. Which can be revisioned in the detected enchantment files under the same date as this decree has been signed.

Others might think that Merlin killed or enchanted me, to force the decree into action as of today, that this will is being read.
To you, I only have to say, you insult me."

"Excuse me? Why does this read like he predicted this whole scenario? Isn't it too on the nose?", Agravaine asked reasonably.


Thank you, nameless council member Number 1.

Geoffrey ignored Agravaine.
"Should the council come to question, whether Merlin is responsible for my early departure from life and come to the conclusion that he is guilty: Have faith, for I trust he had his reasons to kill me. Reasons that I would fully support, no matter the circumstances. "

Merlin choked on air.

That ... that was unexpected.

Agravaine made a sound similar to a dying weasel.

"If the council questions Merlin to be a sorcerer, who somehow enchanted me, to make me incapable of ruling, I ask you not to question the nature of Merlin's intentions, but question the nature of magic.
For if Merlin uses it, it simply cannot be evil.

In this case, it is my last decree to lift the ban on magic, for Merlin's sake.

With Merlin as regent or as king, I can die with faith that Camelot will keep standing long after my death.

Arthur Pendragon
King of Camelot. "

The silence in the room was palpable, as Geoffrey handed Merlin the notebook to let him check whether the words he read were true.
But Merlin was under no illusion that anyone but a mad person could have written a decree like this.

Merlin's hand with the sigil fell to the side as he stared at the ground, only to find marble eyes stare at the proof with wonder.

Geoffrey clicked his tongue in amusement.
"I admit, the king has been quite emotional before he left for his mission. But I have never seen him more determined then when he signed these papers."

The council members nodded at one another, somehow not even surprised, as they cleared their throats to casually carry on with their normal day.
"Well... if that is settled."

Agravaine was long from done.
"What do you mean, if this is settled? Of course, it is NOT settled. Merlin is nothing but a servant. A... a child, in a grown man's body!
He has no formal training! He doesn't know how to talk to the people! You would be lucky, if he could write! How is he supposed to act in matters of diplomacy?"

Geoffrey laughed.
"All these, Lord Agravaine, are concerns I have brought before the king myself.
King Arthur has assured me that Merlin is more educated than he seems. Merlin were a quick learner, and I was warned not to underestimate the knowledge and abilities of a court physician in training.
He is capable to read, he speaks multiple languages even, including French, Greek and Latin and does not only know what the people want to hear, he has written most of Arthur's speeches for him.

With multiple years at Arthur's side, he has experience in battles, confrontations with royalty and other diplomatic situations. And knows well how to phrase new laws. I believe I do not have to explain what that means to you about the laws Arthur has already brought forth during his regency.

King Arhur has assured me that Merlin is most capable in every area except executive law."

Agravaine fumed still. "And I am not?"

"He has not mentioned you.", Geoffrey shook his head. "He has insisted that he will only accept Merlin as regent. No one else."

Agravaine growled. "If this becomes public, Camelot's enemies will find out that a servant is leading this kingdom! Even if he is as capable as you say. They will see us weak! They will attack! There will be war!
What protection can he even offer?"

The fight went on like this. Agravaine spitting out his concerns, while Geoffrey cheerfully tried to answer every question with assurances from Arthur's point of view.

While Arthur's point of view was dangerously close to the floor right this very moment, Gaius kept staring into the air, if he was questioning his own sanity, along with Arthur's.
The council members had begun chatting about nothing in particular and Merlin just blankly stared into nothingness.

Trying to decide, if there was anyone else he'd trust to warm Arthur's throne for him, until he returned.
The answer was "No one, but perhaps Gwen."
Though, for Agravaine's concerns, she would even be less acceptable as regent.
Because she was a servant as well. But not quite as close with Arthur as Merlin was. Despite that, Merlin immediately decided she had to be his advisor for the next following days, until the matter was settled.

Finally, Merlin raised his voice, as royally as he could muster, deciding that what the heck, Arthur was an idiot, but his heart was in the right place. If he wanted Merlin, Merlin would trust in his decision.
No matter how stupid it was.
"Well then, as my first decree as regent -"

The room instantly fell quiet. Eyes turned to him, but Merlin stared blankly at the wall paneling.
"I send Lord Agravaine on house arrest." He turned to the man, taking in those dark, hateful eyes.

"You shall remain there until Arthur has returned to his former self and discuss with him the circumstances of the state he is in."

This was another reason to accept Arthur's decision. No one else would keep Agravaine from Arthur.

Agravaine's face now went from ashen to red with anger.
"You dare accuse me of enchanting him? Where is your proof?"

Merlin's eyes narrowed.

I'm regent now, asshole. I don't need proof!
"I meant the scars on his back, Lord Agravaine. From disciplinary measures of the past with you as his teacher, as I hate to have learned. Uther may have supported those actions, but as long as you are here, you will remain at least 15 feet away from my king."

Agravaine blanked. Clearly not having expected that turn of events.
"Excuse me?"

"It is not me you need to apologize to, my Lord. But I will not risk this happen again. As I said, you can discuss this with Arthur, when he is a full grown adult again.
For your sake, hope we find the antidote soon or else your arrest will be in order for a very long time.

Refuse my orders and you will be executed.
You are dismissed."


My friend dragged me back into Harry Potter hell. Once again, I'd like to point out that I do not share JKR's opinions on any LGBT+ related topics and also find many of her "insider knowledge" about the HP world lacking in sense.
For example: If the toilets weren't installed in Hogwarts until later, why was the entrance to the chamber of secrets not found during the restoration process? Why does the entrance still work? Why was there a snake symbol on the fucking sink? Was there some kind of heir of Slytherin who was wildly interested in Muggle plumbing systems?
Also... why does plumbing work, but any other kind of Muggle inventions don't? I have questions.

Let's not start with any other example, cause god knows, the fandom suffers too much from her bullshit already.

I doubt that anyone would ever write a will like this, but okay

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