Regent part 2

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After the council members had left, wildly chatting and suspiciously happy about Agravaine's fate and even Geoffrey made his leave with a courtly bow, Merlin was alone with his mentor and the topic of the whole group session.

It was also funny to watch the guards drag Agravaine out of the chambers merely minutes earlier.
It was very satisfying to watch him struggle and curse at the guards who must have overheard the conversation, because neither of them questioned Merlin's authority.
Not even once. No hesitation whatsoever.

How sad that you all missed it.
You would have loved it, really.

Especially the part, when Geoffrey knocked Agravaine out with the notebook.

"How have I never heard of this?", Gaius restarted the conversation once the door had fallen shut.
His arms vaguely pointed at the sigil that Merlin had eventually given to tiny Arthur who was busy eyeing it with wonder.
He seemed familiar with it.
So it wasn't that he had never seen it before or that he didn't know what it meant.

It must be how it came into Merlin's possession that had piqued his interest.

Merlin tried to laugh, but had to admit that he was still slightly shaken from the whole event.

He had been awfully close to being separated from Arthur.
Worse, he had been close to losing him to Agravaine's constant surveillance, if not abuse... not to say worse.
Relief was the smallest word to describe how he felt at the moment.

Why Arthur gave him the sigil was the least of his worries right now.
"I didn't think it was important! He gave it to me when he was about to sacrifice himself at the veil! I thought it was meant as a sentiment!"

"Quite the sentiment it is.", Gaius raised an eyebrow.

"For friendship, Gaius!"
Merlin rolled his eyes. Men could be friends and show emotions with each other. And Arthur had unlearned a lot of toxic masculinity in the previous years.
Maybe this was a sentiment of love.

But Merlin still feared that Gaius would be interpreting this love much differently than Merlin wanted to think about. And would start lecturing him on thinks he really didn't want to hear from his mentor.
Which, in addition, wasn't fair, because it would put ideas in Merlin's head that the warlock was not in the right state to deal with, while Arthur was a literal child and couldn't very well speak up for his older self.

No. This was something Merlin intended to confront Arthur about when the time was right. And only with Arthur, because this was between them and them alone.

There was a reason why Arthur thought Merlin was fit to be regent. Whatever it was, Arthur was the one who would be able to explain it.

It wouldn't be fair to put words in his mouth that weren't his own.

"I'm not judging, Merlin. I am surprised. I always knew you meant a lot to Arthur. But this is beyond ordinary. You must realize that.
This is his mother's sigil, after all."

He said it, as if it was supposed to mean anything to Merlin.

"A mother's royal seal, Merlin, is representative of the heart of any royal, while the father's seal is to represent that of power, of his birth right.
Not only has Arthur always cared for his mother's seal more than he ever did about his father's ring, it's meaning is far more important than you think."

Gaius stepped closer to accentuate his words.

"Merlin, this is not a mere sign of friendship.
A king has to give his mother's royal seal to his intended. To his queen."

Merlin's expression fell. Okay, perhaps this did exceed his expectations, after all.

'This must be a mistake. ' Merlin's thoughts began to swirl on him. There was a nervous flutter in his chest that he willed down.

Gaius spared him an answer to his question. Merlin could only stare. His eyes focusing and refocusing on his mentor, while little Arthur kept glancing between them and the sigil.

It took a while for Merlin to catch himself.
"You're messing with me."

Gaius shook his head. His eyes sternly directed at Merlin, no humor in his voice whatsoever.
"By tomorrow, everyone will know.
You are now marked as Arthur's consort."

The pause felt like liquid running down his spine.

"But I'm not... we never ....", Merlin swallowed. "We never even talked about this! We only ever talked about his feelings for Gwen... I... I don't understand... what's happening."

At that, Arthur looked up at Merlin.
Merlin caught the movement and immediately turned his full attention to the boy. If only to escape from Gaius' pitying glances.
Why pitying anyway? It's not like Merlin was in danger or like this was an insult.
If anything, this should be a compliment, right?

"Are you mad at me?", Arthur asked, voice even smaller than before. He was looking down with shame, his eyes bluer than the sky and his mouth drawn into an uncertain line.

His cheeks were puffy. Baby fat lingering all around him, making him seem much softer than the man Merlin knew.

It made it hard not to distinguish between the two very different people that they were.

Merlin furrowed his eyebrows. Why on earth would he be angry with Arthur?
"What? Of course not. I just... I don't know what to do with this information.
I mean, I care about Arthur a lot. I I care a lot about YOU.
He's my whole life! But this... it's a lot to take in."

If it was even true.
Except the fact that this would spread was indeed a fact that Merlin eventually would have to face.

Arthur's eyes softened and simultaneously widened with that same wondrous look he'd been regarding Merlin with since Merlin promised to protect him.
"I'm glad.", Arthur whispered.
There was a pause, in which the boy seemed to realize that his comment was confusing for both Merlin and Gaius.
He must be reading it in their faces, because he looked at both of them for a while, before he answered the silent question.
"I always wanted to love someone who cares about me."

Arthur's eyes filled with tears and he looked away to hide them. Not that Merlin would ever miss it.

It felt like a punch to the guts, for some reason.
Though it did take Merlin a while to understand why.

It was the fact that he wanted to love the right people was what kicked Merlin in the metaphorical face.

Arthur probably never felt like anyone cared. Least of all Uther.
For he left him alone with scum like Agravaine instead of raising Arthur himself.
Arthur had probably never had anyone he could trust to love him back.
And yet, he loved them with all his heart, because who else had he to pour his heart out to?
Who did he have to cling to, if not the people who claimed to be his family?

A single sentence, those things Merlin said on occasion, those things he told Arthur when he felt Arthur needed to hear them, those things he poured his soul into, they hit Arthur right back.
"I care about you. This you. The older you. You mean the world to me, no matter when you are. More than the kingdom.
More than anyone or anything else."

For a boy whose father told him the kingdom must always come first, those words must mean a lot more than those tiny eyes could ever express. Hence, the tears.

Merlin would absolutely commit murder for this child.

Merlin sank down on his knees in front of the tiny king and opened his arms. Not so much to offer a hug, but to ask for one.
"Please?", Merlin let his own eyes question.

Arthur regarded him with a questioning look. But his eyes found the sigil once again. Whatever he saw in it must assure him to trust in Merlin, because he leaned in and let himself be hugged.
He was tense at first, but finally relaxed after a small while.

Until Gaius ruined it.
"What are you going to do now?"

Merlin turned his head, not letting go of Arthur. Instead picking the boy up, so he could keep prividing him the warmth he needed and simultaneously stand up to face Gaius like the proud mom he now was.
Arthur held on tight, as if scared to fall down, yet not as scared as he might ought to be under different circumstances.

"Well... I need you to find the antidote, of course. I also need you to prepare a pain tincture for his back.
As I mentioned before, I do not like the state this child is in and I intend to care for his wounds.

I suppose I will have to write a speech to announce to the kingdom what has happened and how to prepare for imminent attack.

As much as I hate to say it, Agravaine has a point. Camelot will appear weak, with a servant as it's regent.

I will send word to Queen Annis, in hopes to have her support, should anyone try to attack Camelot.
And I must hope she will support me as Arthur's replacement as much as she did him.
I might think of writing to Mithian as well. Though her kingdom is much further away and they depend too much on Camelot's trades with Wessex to even consider a war.

The biggest threat would be king Lot, I imagine. They are the closest to our borders and the most hostile.
They've been waiting for an opportunity to exert revenge for whatever happened with Cendred and Lot's son.

Odin is always a thorn in our side as well, so we need to watch our left flanks as well as our front.

Not to mention – why are you staring at me like that?"

Gaius was indeed, staring.
"I meant about you appearing to be Arthur's consort."

Merlin blinked. "I fail to see how that is important right now."

Gaius nodded slowly and beyond incredulousl. "Clearly."

"Are you not afraid what target this will put on your head? You are regent now! People will accuse you of bewitching Arthur! Especially now that you locked Agravaine in his rooms!"

Merlin paused and gave him his signature you can't seriously be this stupid look.
"Really?", Merlin said, when Gaius refused to answer.
"You think the fact that my life could be in danger scares me? Have you met me?"

"I meant your reputation, Merlin."

"I can hardly put Camelot at risk right now, for the sake of my reputation. Not that I ever cared about that."
Merlin gave him a stern glare.
"I've always been marked, Gaius. Whatever gossip may spread, it will only spread the message of my current position as regent.
Which is a good excuse, by the way, because I cannot afford to be seen as some kind of evil villain right now, when I'm trying to protect everything Arthur has build up over the past few years.
I have to keep Camelot save until Arthur's return.
That mean I cannot afford to starting any wars, obviously. Nor fighting with Agravaine over whose in charge and I'm really not in the mood for pointless commentary on whether or not I debauched my king."

Gaius stared at him like Merlin had grown a second head.
"You mean, you don't care what anyone thinks of this?"

Merlin smiled. "Hardly."

"This sounds like you've given this an awful lot of thought, Merlin."

"Not at all."

"Are you sure, there isn't something you want to tell me?"

Their eyes met. And Merlin tried to ignore how heavy Arthur was becoming, even though he started to get used to the weight.
"Gaius, even if there was. This is not the time to talk about it."

Finally, Gaius nodded slowly.
"I hope you know what you're doing."

Merlin shook his head. Not, however, as an answer, but a comment on the question itself.
"It's not just talk, you know? I've been by Arthur's side ever since he became crown prince.
I've saved his life countless of times.
I have noticed all kinds of danger coming from all sides and warned Arthur before it was too late to avoid the unavoidable.

Between studying under your watch, learning languages and medicine, cleaning armor and mucking out stables, arranging dates for Arthur's newest flame and helping to break out innocent in-laws from the dungeons, I have helped Arthur write laws.
I have written his speeches and letters to kings for him. Or reviewed them for him.
I talked to him until deep into the night about battle strategies and tax matters.
I know everything that is going on in this kingdom.

I may not be a king. And I certainly am nowhere near as good as king as Arthur is, but I am not incapable.

I can keep this place in order until he returns. Certainly better than any mannequin you'd just throw into this position with no regards for Arthur's safety to boot."

Merlin paused to let Gaius register his words. Then Merlin continued.
"Don't misunderstand. I do not want this position. And I don't think I'm the best replacement there is for Arthur. But I will do the best I can until his return.
It was Arthur's decision, and I trust him. And so I have to trust him, when he's foolish enough to believe in me, of all people.
Besides, it's the only way I can make sure that Agravaine stays away from Arthur as long as possible.

It is my safest bet to keep everyone I care about safe. That is the only reason I'm doing this."

Actually, those were multiple, very reasonable reasons.

Gaius sighed.
"I know. I know, my boy. I can only hope that this power doesn't tempt you."

Merlin smiled.
"When has power ever tempted me?"

At that he got the eyebrow once again.

But Gaius next words broke the conversation one last time.
"I think our little issue there is tired. You should get him to bed, Merlin."

Merlin looked up at Arthur in surprise, only to find the boy, indeed, fast asleep on his shoulder.
"It's barely the middle of the day.", he muttered.

Gaius smiled. "It's called a nap. Children do this quite often. Especially when they are exhausted.
It has been an eventful morning, after all.
Take him to bed, Merlin. I will prepare a tincture for his pains."

Merlin nodded absentmindedly, as Arthur pressed his baby cheeks against Merlin's shoulder.
"Yes. Yeah. Thank you. Can you call Gwen? I think I'll need her council for the next following days. I need advice on how to raise a child."

"I could help you.", Gaius offered.

Merlin gave him a dreading look. "No offense, Gaius. But you turned a blind eye to his trauma in the past. I value your council and your medical advice, but I would like to speak to someone who knows what they're doing.

And Gwen did a great job with raising Elyan."

Gaius' expression remained unchanged.
"I understand.", he said with acceptance. "Perhaps that would be for the best."


Merlin had Arthur tugged under the blankets and sleeping soundly, when Gwen answered his calling.

He was sitting at Arthur's work table. Which, truth be told, wasn't an unfamiliar feeling.
Merlin sat there often, when Arthur was strolling around the room and dictated his speeches for him.
He always liked to move around. He always had too much pent up energy from the reduced exercises he didn't get, since he was forced to take up the quill.

Sometimes he would secretly train with his sword in the room. Practice a few moves, while he couldn't do them outside and Merlin would write the speeches all by himself.

Merlin would ask him once or twice for his opinion or whether or not he wanted to read it.

Arthur always read them, yet he rarely disagreed with Merlin.
Perhaps because Merlin knew what Arthur wanted to say, more often than the man did himself.
It sometimes seemed, like their souls were intertwined somehow.

Knock knock.

A soft sound alerted Merlin and he looked up from the desk.
With one look to the small bundle of sleep on the bed, Merlin decided to stand up and open the door quietly, instead of yelling for her to come in.

Dark eyes greeted him in question, as he nodded her inside.
He moved his fingers to his lips to sign her to be quiet. By the slight nod of her head, she seemed to understand.

"Thank god, you're here Merlin.
There are rumors that something happened to Arthur! Is he sick?
I'm supposed to meet the new regent in the king's chambers! Have you seen him? Is he here?"

She looked past Merlin's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the supposed regent, but found the round empty.

She looked at Merlin again.
"Did he ask you to come, too?"

Merlin couldn't help but smile, as he let her in behind himself.

"No. Not really. Arthur is unable to rule at the moment, but don't worry, he's safe.", Merlin promised and that had Gwen sack her shoulders with relief.

"Oh, that's wonderful news. I was getting so worried.
Who is the new regent then? It is not Agravaine, is it? Oh, Merlin, he's had it out for both of us from the very beginning, he -", she paused, as she stepped closer to Arthur's bed to assure herself of his condition.

She paused, as she realized just how small the lump of boy was under those blankets.
How much darker the hair.
How much softer the sleeping face.

Merlin had followed her and now placed a calming hand on her shoulder.
"Gaius and I will find an antidote. And I put Agravaine on house arrest, to make sure we're all safe from him.
I let the guards call for you to ask, if I can count on you as my advisor."

Gwen froze, then she turned to him, her eyes full of surprise... and glee.
Her mouth split into a widening smile.
"You're the regent? What? HOW?"

Merlin shrugged. "Apparently, Arthur left instructions. Quite some time ago. It won't be for long.
But I still need your help. I have no idea how to take care of a child.
And I figured, since you raised Elyan and he turned out pretty well... you could help me?"
He put on his most hopeful expression.

Gwen giggled again and ruffled through Merlin's hair, as though he were the child.
"Of course, Merlin. I'd love to help.
But tell me all about it. How do you feel? Now that you finally know how Arthur feels about you.
Oh, you have no idea how many times he came to me to ask for my advise about you, after we broke up -"

Merlin froze.
Gwen, however, wasn't quite done.

"I told him so many times that he should show you how much he values your council! Instead, he pushes you around, doesn't let you sit at the round table, heck, he can't even say please and thank you, once in a while ...."

"Gwen -"

"Oh this will be perfect. When he wakes up, he has to confront his feelings. Making you his successor, that is brilliant. A true grand gesture -"

"Gwen, could you stop, please?", Merlin said weakly and then Gwen's face fell.

"Oh... I'm sorry.", she pressed her lips together and overlapped her hands with each other.
"I just wanted to know how you feel."

Merlin sighed. "Overwhelmed, mostly. It's a lot to take in. But right now is not the time to ...
Did he really talk to you about his feelings for me?"

Gwen twitched with a smile. "Yes.", she whispered meaningfully. "He's a mess. You were saying? It's not the time for what?"
She seemed to sense that Merlin meant to change the subject. And perhaps she found that reasonable as of now.

Merlin took a deep breath. "It's not the time for gossip. I need to be in the present for this.

You're the only person I trust to take care of Arthur, that's why I'm asking you to stay with him, when I'm at the council and stuff.
Don't let anyone near him, understood?"

Gwen blinked knowingly.
"Merlin, I know you're protective of him. But Arthur is a child right now. How old is he? Six? Seven?"

Merlin nodded.

"He should be able to play with other children his age. You can't watch over him 24/7. And you shouldn't isolate him from other kids."

"He won't be a kid for long.", Merlin argued, several scenarios of how bandits and assassins could use Arthur's current state to strike coming to mind in a flash of worry.

Gwen sighed.
"Perhaps. But I know Arthur. I grew up here, Merlin. We were never allowed to play with him. Difference in status and all. And the other royal children were only allowed to come so close.
Mostly during shared lessons, if at all. Arthur got private lessons, apart from most of the royal children as well.
I remember him watching from the windows, when we were playing in the courtyard.
Elyan wanted to invite him once, but the guards didn't let us.

Arthur was never allowed to play with anyone. He didn't have any friends.
Until he started knight training, he had no one at all.
This is how Uther raised him. Don't do that to him a second time, I beg of you. You have no idea how lonely he was, until you came around. "

Merlin looked away and gnawed on his lips. Then his eyes strayed to Arthur, who was murmuring in his sleep. The boy was twitching slightly, as if having a nightmare.
Merlin sat down at the edge of the mattress and ran a hand through Arthur's hair.
Arthur's breath evened out slightly, but he remained troubled and stirring.

Merlin felt his own lips quiver and his stomach tighten with anger. Anger towards Uther, anger towards Agravaine. Even towards Gaius and the guards and all those sheep that ruined this boy's childhood like this.

"You're right.", Merlin nodded. "He may not be a child for long. But he will be like this for a while. Perhaps we can give him a little bit of a childhood, after all. "

He turned to Gwen who send him soft, understanding glances.

"We can still watch over him, you know? I can take him outside and make sure nothing happens, while he's with the children. Or we take turns."

Merlin nodded. "That sounds good."

Gwen smiled. "Or we can provide some kind of daycare for children inside the castle. Then you'd be much closer to watch. And I'm sure, some of the mothers would be glad to have a couple of hours for themselves."

Merlin smiled, as he kept playing with Arthur's hair. Eventually, the boy turned and grabbed for Merlin's hand. Not to push it away, but to simply hold it, like he would a toy.

"I like that, too."
His eyes never wandered away from the child.
The bed dipped a bit, when Gwen sat down beside him and placed a hand on his shoulder.

"We'll get him back, I promise.", she finally whispered. And this time, Merlin knew she wasn't referring to the child anymore.


The announcement that Merlin was now to be regent, shook the kingdom at it's very core.

Not due to the fact that Merlin was regent now.
Not even that he was a servant.
No one seemed that surprised, to be honest.

What shook them was the news that it was necessary. At all.

It was surreal, in a way. To watch as the whole kingdom just accepted Merlin as regent without even questioning why him.

Some even went as far as to declare that "thank god Arthur left instructions. We couldn't bare to be ruled by Lord Agravaine."
Which spoke volumes of that man's reputation. Good lord, what else did the man do?

Agravaine declared war in random intervals. Demanded examples to be statuated for irritating reasons.
And treated people like scum, even if they ranked higher than himself. (Meaning Arthur)
Just because he had a certain status as the godfather of the king.

And of course there was this whole child predator thing.

But those were council intern knowledge. Why did the town people fear him and his rule?
It's not like anyone went around telling people that Agravaine wanted war, did they? And he could be friendly enough to be seen as somewhat sympathetic.
Or perhaps that was just Arthur's distorted view of the man.

But for now, the man was safely locked away in his chambers and Merlin had to figure out a way to dodge questions of "What happened to our king?"

Because Merlin had to avoid causing a panic. He had to show he was in control, or else the kingdom would raise their swords against him.
Naturally, he had come to the one solution most kings would turn to last.

Namely, announcing the truth.

"The reason for king Arthur's decision to make me regent comes from the day, the dorocha attacked Camelot.", Merlin began, providing the people with a little context.
To know that this decision was not recent and that Arthur never changed the will since.

"King Arthur had decided, long before we left that day that he would sacrifice himself at the veil. As he found it his responsibility to protect the kingdom with his very life.
A life was needed to close the veil. He found it only right to be that sacrifice.
As most of you know, Sir Lancelot has taken his place and died in his stead."

The kingdom was quiet at that point. They all knew the story, of course. It had been told to them in great detail, as they had all honored Lancelot's death for the kingdom.
Declaring him the most noble of all the knights.

"You need not fear. Our king is physically and mentally perfectly fine. He is not dead.
He was merely enchanted."

Scared hushed tones went over the crowd. Merlin couldn't have counted the number of people, even if he tried.

"Arthur was turned into a child, but do not fret, he is alive and well. And the court physician and I are already on our way to find the antidote.
This change of reign will only be temporary. I swear on that with my life. "

That explanation earned Merlin stares and small outbursts of fear. People discussing feverishly, if that meant another execution would follow soon.
Right.... the laws against magic. How could he ever forget?

Merlin cleared his throat and tried to sound as sure as he could.
"So far, we do not know how this happened.
So I must ask you for patience. I will be thankful for any hints of the culprit or information that you can provide.
If you ever heard of the spell, or a tincture that can do something like this, your help will be treated as such.
And no harm will come to anyone who is trying to help our king return.

There will be consequences for the culprit, of course. But I intend to let Arthur be the judge of them."

He made a dramatic pause, as the crowd calmed, yet seemed confused at how calm Merlin's response was.
Never the less, Merlin continued his speech.

"Arthur has once told me that a king should never prioritize rule through fear.

And I do not intend to threaten you with death or rash decisions. I have no intention to hold this power in a way that does not benefit the kingdom.

Right now, Camelot's enemies' attention is drawn to us. Arthur's condition makes them think we are weak.
Because they believe that I am unfit to rule and easy to target.

I may not be a fighter, let alone a knight. But that does not make me powerless. That does not make Camelot powerless. Because the strength of a kingdom comes from it's people.
A good leader just needs to know how to harness that strength.

And Camelot is strong. Our knights are among the best of the realm. We are not defenseless.

And I have been by Arthur's side with every foe he ever faced.
I know him and I will know what to do, because I have learned from Arthur himself.

And I intend to rule in the way I believe Arthur would approve of.

Arthur may be the greatest king this kingdom has ever seen, but just because he cannot speak to you as a ruler right now, does not mean his vision for Camelot is dead.
We carry it within ourselves, because he has taught us what it means to be ruled with a heart.

As long as Arthur's vision is here, in our hearts, Camelot will stand.
I will do everything in my power to ensure his and Camelot's safety. And I will make sure, we can live in peace."

Merlin didn't know why, but the crowd remained silent at his words. No one dared to counter him. No one said a thing. They seemed relieved, in a way. But curious in another.

Merlin nodded towards the people, then he returned inside, where he had left Arthur with the only person he trusted enough to protect Arthur from harm.

Later, much later, Merlin would learn that the people had been intrigued by his honesty.
By his voice, by the authority and calmness with which he spoke and the gleam in his eyes, when he spoke of the protection of Arthur.
That they had been surprised by the intensity with which he spoke.
Of his loyalty to Arthur and Camelot.

That they had felt gratified in to knowing that Camelot will be safe because of Merlin.
That that speech alone took away their fear that Camelot was now without a proper leader.

It assured them that he seemed to know exactly what to do. That he could take over without any delay or any period of time to grow accustomed to his new position.

And Merlin learned that they had been afraid of him.
Afraid how Merlin knew so much about ruling. Or what to do. How sure he was of his power and position.

How they could see the anger in his eyes, as he spoke of Arthur's state and his determination to find the culprit.

Afraid of that gleam in Merlin's eyes that spoke of what he would love to do to the culprit.
Because a simple death, seemed like a mercy under that gleam.

And they feared for the accused. And for themselves, what they might have to witness, should the culprit be found.
Or worse, someone do anything to Arthur in his current state.

Merlin's entire speech could be summed up by one sentence. And it was conveyed by everyone who listened.
"Do not mess with me."


Merlin came into the court room, finding Arthur sitting at the table, drawing.

Softly, Merlin stopped in his tracks as he saw Gwen sit next to the boy doing the same. They were talking about something, but Merlin wasn't focusing on the words.

He took in the sight, instead. Sunlight flooded the room and painted everything in golden hues.
Not just the table and the walls. It reflected of their skin, making the scene look surreal and painterly.
The gold stood out the most in Arthur's blond hair.
They looked almost like a family. And that touched Merlin's heart, because he knew how little Arthur got to experience such a thing.

Then Arthur glanced up and his smile fell.

Suddenly he threw the picture off the table in his haste to scramble to his feet and bow to him.
What a contrast this was to the boy, who only hours prior, had tried to throw Merlin out of his rooms, because he was just a servant.

Well... Merlin wasn't just a servant anymore.

"What are you doing?", Merlin chuckled nervously.
He stepped closer and picked up the drawing from the ground, before noticing the horror in Arthur's eyes.
His shoulders slacked and he looked like he had been caught doing something illegal.

Merlin looked at the drawing.

The entire page was full of fingerprints. Perhaps, because making colors was an artists job and the only other option they could use was either ink or coal.
They had chosen coal.
Now, the whole, expensive parchment was smeared with ashes that formed into a big chunk of a creature.

When Merlin looked at Arthur, he could see smudges on his face and his hands, even a small strands in his hair were visible.

Questioning, Merlin let his eyes wander to Gwen, who seemed just as surprised by Arthur's behavior as he felt.
Gwen's hands were smudged from the coal as well. The ashen black stood out against her rich brown skin, but that was nothing compared to the bright smile she wore, when she had been talking to Arthur.

As if sensing the mood, clouds covered the sun and the golden hues disappeared.
Leaving them all in shadows.

"Is this a dragon?", Merlin asked, letting amusement fill his voice despite the fact that he didn't find this scene particularly funny.
He had to admit, for a six year old, the picture wasn't too bad. You could tell where the wings were, where the head was and where it was connected to the torso of the creature.
Even if Arthur's depiction of the dragon was mostly a round chunky thing.

"I'm sorry."

Arthur looked down, sounding apologetic and helpless.

Merlin put the drawing down. His eyes drawn into a confused line.

"I know dragons are evil. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have drawn one."

Slowly, very slowly, Merlin placed the parchment on the table.
For a brief moment, his eyes met Gwen's, whose mouth hung open in equal shock.

Arthur seemed to misunderstand their communication.
"It's not her fault! I told her to let me draw this! Please don't hurt her! Gwen is a good person."
And then there were tears at the verge of falling from the boys face.

Horror washed over Merlin.
Horror and painful empathy, as he sat himself down on the closest chair.
"Arthur, come here.", he said as softly as he could, but Arthur still hesitated.

When he had finally gathered the courage to follow the order, Merlin picked him up and sat him on his lap. Back to chest, so they could both look at the picture.

Merlin could only wonder, how many times Uther had let Arthur get disciplined for something so childish.
How many times had he fired or worse- hurt - Arthur's governesses for playing with him, when he wasn't allowed to play with children outside either?

"Arthur, I'm not your father. You can draw whatever you want. Especially dragons. I love dragons.
Well... love might be a bit much, the last one I met was quite the asshole.", Merlin tried with humor.
Nothing was more calming than knowing the situation wasn't serious at all.
He also added a little bit of truth.
Let's be fair. Arthur had faced an actual dragon in his natural time line. Why couldn't he draw a dragon, if he wanted to?

Arthur twitched and looked at Merlin with wide eyes.
"You've met a dragon?"

Once again, Merlin met Gwen's eyes who looked at him with equal amounts of curiosity and confusion.

"I have. In fact, I've met both of the last dragons who are still alive.

The older one's name is Kilgharrah. And he talks in riddles."

The way Merlin said it sounded made up.

But Arthur's shoulders relaxed.

"And Aithusa is younger than you are. She is a white dragon. She can't speak yet, but she's learning."

Arthur nodded and his earlier fear was replaced with curiosity.
"Can I meet them, too? Father said, the dragon in the dungeons would eat me."

"That's stupid, dragon's don't eat humans.", Merlin countered, partly serious, partly snorting at the ridiculousness of it all.

"Merlin -", Gwen's voice came from the other side of the table with a warning.
"I'm all in for allowing him to draw whatever he wants. But are you sure these stories are appropriate? Dragon's are dangerous. Arthur almost got killed by one, remember? I really don't want him to seek them out, wanting to hear them talk or anything."

Merlin tilted his head, because Arthur was shrinking back into him, his shoulders tensing.
This time, however, he leaned away from Gwen.

Merlin put a protective hand around the boy and whispered in Arthur's ear, as if it were a secret:
"Arthur, I promise, you will never have to be afraid of any dragon or Wyvern ever again. I'll make sure they will never harm you, I swear. No one is safer than you.
But only, as long as we go see them together."

Arthur's eyes were wide, as he grabbed for Merlin's much bigger hand, smudging it with coal in the process.

"I'll tell them all to go away.", Merlin said with a grin and it wasn't lost on him how stupid it sounded.

Yet, it was the powerful truth.

Gwen sighed.
"Merlin, seriously. What if he goes and tries to find one? The great Dragon -", she paused, realizing how morbid that story would sound to a six year old.

Merlin looked at her. Really looked.
He should keep it to himself, as he had for years. But Arthur's will rang like hope in his head.
"If Merlin has magic, it simply cannot be evil."
He felt warm for it. Hopeful. Reckless.
And yet he kept it to himself. This wasn't the time. Arthur was too young. Too easy to manipulate.
This was not the time to tell him about his magic.

"The great dragon -won't be attacking Camelot any longer. I made sure of that. Didn't I?", he send her a sparkling glance.
"As long as Arthur doesn't go facing dragons without me, he WILL be fine. Won't you, Arthur?"

Arthur nodded, seemingly relieved. But there was faith in him, too.
Merlin took that as a win.

Gwen sighed but dusted of her hands on her dress, frowning as it left stains.
"I guess that's true."

She looked like she wanted to say something else, but shook her head instead. Probably deciding it was better that Merlin told the story in a way that made Arthur feel safe and unafraid.
Which, coincidentally happened to also be the truth.

Arthur went limb in his arms, but when Merlin looked, the boy was staring at him with the same kind of wonder he held, when Merlin had told him he were more important to Merlin than Camelot itself.

"Well. Anyhow. Arthur, this dragon here -", he held up the parchment.
"Is way too powerful to listen to me. Because he is a Pendragon. What do you say, does he want to eat me?", he made a silly little gesture to pretend the dragon was attacking himself and made small, fake roaring sounds.
"Help me, I am dying. Only my king can safe me -", he fake died on the chair.

Arthur didn't seem to understand, he just watched him strangely.

"Arthur, that is you. You're my king. You have to save me. You don't want me dead, do you?"

That put Arthur back in action and he took another parchment, rolled it up into a weapon and began to hit the dragon parchment with it.
Merlin burst into laughter, because Arthur kept hitting his head in the process. It made Arthur laugh as well and perhaps that made it all worth it.

But the horror stricken face Arthur wore, when Merlin caught him having fun still burned itself into the forefront of Merlin's mind.
He would think about this later, when he would sit in Arthur's chambers, writing letters to Mithian and Queen Annis at Arthur's desk and revision tax reports.

He had always wondered how Arthur had survived before Merlin came to Camelot.
Always wondered, how the boy had survived magical attacks, torture, bandits, all those things, when Merlin kept having to save his life the second he came to Camelot.

But perhaps that's just it. He hadn't.
Perhaps Arthur had been cursed with a life full of those things. Perhaps his life had always been in danger.
Perhaps he never survived.
Perhaps, until they met, Arthur hadn't been alive at all.


Merlin didn't stay with Gwen and Arthur, since he had other stuff to do now.
But when he said goodbye, he reveled in the fact that Arthur wasn't afraid of him anymore.
He just seemed disappointed.

"Gwen, could you do me a favor? Gaius is supposed to prepare some tinctures for Arthur. Could you pick them up for me?"

Gwen tilted her head.
"What kind of tinctures?"

"Just some for pain."

Alarm flashed through her eyes. "Pain?"

Merlin shook his head. "Sorry. It's just that when he woke up like this, he took some old wounds with him. It's why I put Agravaine on house arrest."

Gwen covered her mouth with her hand, uncaring that there was still coal on it.

Arthur listened to them, as he held on to Gwen's dress, as Merlin was leaving. He seemed confused, but empathetic to Gwen's worry.

"But Agravaine is his godfather-"

"And Uther was his father. Yet, he approved of it. Just get him the tinctures, please. And maybe prepare a bath for him.
I won't be long."

"Where are you going?"

"Trying to figure out what happened.", Merlin answered ominously and turned around. Thinking the conversation was over. But a high voice made him stop.

"I want to know what happened, too!", Arthur said. "Can I come with?"

Merlin turned his head.
"Not this time, champ. When I figured it out, I'll tell you. But I highly suspect that whatever this is, has to do with Agravaine himself. He is who I'm going to talk to.
I'm not going to put you at risk, seeing him again, alright?"

Arthur nodded, but Gwen remained silent.

"Thank you, Gwen.", Merlin said one last time, before he finally left.

He strode through the corridors with purpose. Feeling much different than before.
The guards all bowed to him, despite the fact that he was still dressed in servant clothes.
Maids offered him wine on his way outside.
And several people tried to lure him into a conversation about servant rights and tax evasion.

Merlin shook them all off, the way he knew Arthur would have done.
And then, sooner than later, he ended up in the tower that lead to Agravaine's room.

The room was heavily guarded and the men bowed to Merlin, before letting him in.
"Should one of us come with you?", Guard number 1 asked, but Merlin shook his head.
"I can deal with this on my own."

Then, the door fell shut behind him.


The room was dark. Darker than Merlin expected, but he could see just enough to make out Agravaine's silhouette at the window.

Careless, Merlin sat down at Agravaine's table and started filling himself some wine.
With a wordless spell, he checked if it was poisoned or otherwise, before taking a sip.

"A servant as regent. How vain.
And just so, Arthur. I should have known this would happen.", Agravaine laughed from the window.
"He has always been so... besotted with you. Always so disgustingly fond.
I must say though that I am impressed.
I never thought he would think ahead enough to name a replacement for himself."

"Neither did I. But here we are.", Merlin answered coldly. He had his back turned to Agravaine.
His magic would alert him, if Agravaine made a wrong move.
That backstabbing rat would be in for some trouble, if he did anything to Merlin, but that was his choice.
And just the start of a much more satisfying sentence than locking him into a room.
Merlin mused. "I assume that really foiled your plans, didn't it?
Turning Arthur into a child. That was clever, I must admit. How does it feel to be outsmarted by a six year old?"

Agravaine huffed with annoyance.
"I see what you're doing. But I have nothing to confess.
Let the people decide who of us bewitched the king.

Sooner or later people will start to question why I'm locked in the towers.
And when you can't tell them a reason why, they will assume you just tried to eliminate the competition.
But you know this, don't you?
Otherwise you would have put me in the dungeons. Or worse."

Merlin calmly swung the wine, as if to calculate it's age and ripeness.
"Is that what you think?"

Agravaine stepped away from the window and closer to Merlin.
"Don't be a fool, boy! The only reason you have the power you have, is because Arthur gave it to you!
And the people still have faith in Arthur. You have yet to proof yourself.
Truth is, you've done nothing to deserve this title and the people know it.

And you have no idea how to use it.
You are too soft.
Too soft to provoke any wars, fight for land or conquer for more. You are weak.
And you have corrupted the king.

Say, was it easy to wrap him around your finger? Or did you have to go for... the perversions of our king to convince him."

"Do NOT. Speak of perversions to me, Agravaine.", Merlin replied coldly, unable to hold the comment to himself.
"I know what you did to Arthur, when he was a child. Don't you dare compare Arthur's feelings to yourself."

Agravaine had the gall to laugh.
"Oh that? That was just a means to an end. And Arthur didn't mind, did he? Why else would I be here? One of his most... trusted advisors!"

Merlin tried hard not to burst the windows with his magic, but he leveled his rage into one cold, monotone voice.
"It's rich, coming from you. Talking about how fair my power is, because it was given to me.
Isn't all power inherited? Would you be royal, had your family not given you a title?
Would Arthur be a king without his father?"

"You're deflecting.", Agravaine mused.
"What? Jealous that I was there first? That I claimed the king long before you could?"

"Disgusted is the word I'd use.", Merlin balled a hand to fists. And then relaxed it.

"Disgusted? Now that is what I call rich.", Agravaine laughed.

Merlin, however, closed his eyes. Then he smiled a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes.
"Now, I see how you could come to the conclusion that I'm trying to fool Arthur and the kingdom. And I see how you would think I don't know how to use this power and title, but you're wrong.

About either.
You see, I could have killed you and the people would still have went along with it.
Because I am the one with the power to do so now. And if Uther could marry a troll and start a witch hunt, why could I not eliminate my ... what was it you called? Competition."
Merlin calmly took another sip of his wine.

Agravaine laughed.
"Is that a threat? You are too weak to kill me. Or to go against the people.
Their opinion matters to you. Just like they do to Arthur."

Merlin smirked. "I am not Arthur."

Agravaine paused. His face suddenly visible in a mirror across the room. Merlin could see the confusion in his eyes, the wariness in his posture.
Yet, he didn't turn around to face him head on.

"See, Agravaine, here is where you're mistaken.
I would definitely torture and kill for Arthur's sake. To me, the people come second."

Agravaine remained silent. But the words seemed to make sense to him.
Sense enough that he believed them.

"No. I haven't had you locked in this room to please anyone. I just know that Arthur deserves to decide your punishment for himself. Not that that would stop me, if you happened to.... reenact the way you disciplined him.

Truth is, the reason why you're here, is because I've known for a long time that you're working with Morgana. And I know that she is the only witch powerful enough to turn Arthur into a child.
It's quite easy to make the connection, really.
But for some reason no one believes a servant, now would they?"

Merlin paused dramatically.
"Except, that's not who I am anymore."

Agravaine stepped even closer and now he was finally in Merlin's peripheral vision.

Merlin couldn't help the amused smile that settled on his face.
"Must be a relief, being here, locked in your own rooms, when everyone else only gets a dirty place in the dungeons.
But you know, there are disadvantages that come with this... arrangement.
For one, you can't just run away. I mean... people would never believe you, if you them how much you suffered during your sentence.
The dungeons are known for torture, but your own rooms? Nah.
I wonder, if you felt safe here, after the fact."

Merlin made a dramatic pause, while Agravaine laughed nervously.
"Those are empty threats."

Merlin closed his eyes for a blissful moment. Reveling in that little bit of fear that slipped into Agravaine's voice.
"I wonder about that.
See... the dungeons aren't that secure. I myself have escaped from there countless times, when I was accused of using magic. Wrongly accused, obviously."
Merlin opened his eyes and twinkled them in Agravaine's direction.

Agravaine's expression remained blank.

"It helps that they are ground level. Or rather, just beneath ground level.
But the towers... your only escape from this room would be the windows. All corridors outside this place are filled with guards. And the knight's rooms aren't far away either.
If you can fly, good luck."

Agravaine had moved before Merlin now.
"You don't have the guts to torture me. You couldn't even bare to watch!"

Merlin laughed.
"Oh, I'd gladly do it myself. I think you forget that you're talking to the guy who skins rabbits on Arthur's dear little hunting trips.
You think I couldn't do the same to a rapist? To the rapist of MY king?"

Now, Merlin let the rage he felt be seen and he saw Agravaine moving away a little.
Agravaine's face fell ashen in the fading light of the sky.

"You have no proof."

"I don't need proof.", Merlin growled.

"You wouldn't. Arthur would never see you the same."

"Arthur -", Merlin said with conviction. "Trusts me with his death."

Agravaine was breathing hard now.

Merlin rose to his feet, smile plastered on his face for good measure. The threat evident in his eyes.

"Now. If you would tell me how you bewitched Arthur, you'd be most welcome to remain in your rooms in silence.
And promise I will never visit you again.
So... Tell me. What did you do?"

Finally it seemed to dawn on Agravaine that Merlin was nowhere near kidding.

"I...", his eyes were fixed on Merlin. Then they wandered to the table, where they fell on a knife that lay beside the apples.

Merlin's eyes flashed golden for just a second and then the knife was thrown into a painting of Agravaine and a wife he presumably once had.
It pieced the right eye of Agravaine's own smile.

Agravaine turned to him slowly. Eyes wide now.

Merlin held the eye contact. "Don't get any ideas, lord Agravaine."

"You have magic."

"Took you long enough to figure it out."

"Wait until I -"

"Tell? Anyone? Who do you want to tell? The guards? The knights? Based on what? A knife thrown in a painting?
No, Agravaine, I think you won't.

Especially since they will be coming with these accusations to me. Because I'm regent now and I could lift the ban on magic, if I wanted to."

Agravaine stared at him, eyes wild.

Merlin grinned. "Never wondered how Morgana's plans were always foiled? How Arthur was always protected?
It's funny how no one ever suspects me, unless it's someone else trying to frame me for some kind of murder.
I've done so much worse than that. And I'm willing to do even worse.

But I suppose that doesn't really matter now, does it?

Now tell me what I want to know, or the knife won't hit a mere painting of you, understood?"

Agravaine swallowed.
"Fine.", he said, the coward that he was.
"It was Morgana. I was told to lace Arthur's wine. I know you always check the wine, so I had to go to Arthur's rooms after hours.
I talked to him a little, then I did what I was told and then left."

"What's in the wine?"

"I don't know. Morgana doesn't say."

"Why not kill him, if you had the chance?"

"Morgana needs me to make sure she becomes queen. Had I killed him, I had no one to frame and would have been the culprit by default.
Of course, had I known about the will, I would have changed my approach.
No one believes you of all people would attempt to kill the king.
But with magic... The very least I could have done was pretend you failed at an experiment."

"You didn't know I had magic."

"No. But that doesn't matter in war, does it?"

Merlin let this sink in.
"I suppose that's what she's planning now, isn't it? War? Against Camelot? The new regent?"

Agravaine huffed.

"You really are a lot smarter than you look, boy."

Merlin nodded.
"Well. You can tell Morgana, if she wants war, then she will have to face me. One on one."

"You think that would frighten her?", Agravaine almost laughed.

"Maybe not. Maybe, she is prepared to face Emrys. Let her be the judge of that."

Agravaine's laugh got stuck in his throat.
"What did you say?"

Merlin rolled his eyes.
"Come on. I'm sure you figured that out by now. Me, having magic, protecting Arthur. Sounds kind of familiar to a prophecy that also promises Morgana's doom by... my hand."

Agravaine stared at him.
"YOU are Emrys?"

"Good.", Merlin said cheerfully. "You're catching on."
He stretched himself a little, figuring he knew enough now. Camly, he strode for the door.
"I suppose that doesn't frighten you, does it?
After all, all power -", he made a pause and send Agravaine one evil glance. "- is just inherited."

With that the door clanked shut.

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