Chapter 1

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Note that in this story I'm treating Y/N alot like me so I'll be hinting at things about me in this.


It was an early summer morning, the sound of car horns was piercing the quiet like a gunshot strangly though there was nothing but calm clogging the air. I was sitting in my apartment watching TV wearing nothing but a f/c tank top and black shorts just browsing through channels till I reached the news, all it was talking about was the useal bull crap about the Septiceyes and Ipliers still not being located. About 9 months ago all the Ipliers and Septiceyes were spotted which baffled scientists as they were made up concepts by people and now they existsed so scientist's were after them to find out the reason they're real, Jack and Mark had to move to other countries to hide and no one knows where even they're fans like me, I hope they're ok. A ball flew through my open window and smashed into the side of my head causing a sharp pain to shoot through my head, I got up and looked out the window to see B/N (bully name) laughing before flipping their middle finger and running away, I had been bullied by them for 5 years and never did anything well what could you do if you had the student everyone thought was perfect was hurting you.

I shut my window and sat back down feeling tears well up in my eyes put I pushed them away refusing to be sensitive before getting distracted by my phone which started going off and glancing over I saw I had a text from an unregistered number:

'Dark you piece of shit thanks for leaving me'

Dark? Wait Darkiplier?! I picked up my phone and texted back:

'I'm pretty sure you got the wrong number dude, the only time I've heard the name 'Dark' is on the news'

I waited patiently for a reply, was one of the Septiceyes or Ipliers accidently messaging me!

'Dark I know this is your number don't act like it isn't'

Well this guy is stubborn:

'Well I'm not acting cause it isn't, I'm no Iplier I'm just a normal (girl/ boy)'


'Yeah dude so I'm assuming I'm talking right now to a Septiceye or Iplier cause no one else knows shit about where they are?'

'Yeah, will you tell anyone that I messaged you?'

'Nah don't worry dude your secrets safe with me, I don't want anything bad to happen to you guys'

'I guess you're a fan then?'

'Yeah I'm Y/N'

'Anti, Antisepticeye'

I could feel the blush coming to my face, I had read and wrote Antisepticeye fanfictions for years but since the whole 'they're real' thing I didn't know what to think as in the stuff I read he was a murderous monster:

'Cool nice to meet you, or talk I guess 😅'

'Well you're surprisingly polite'

'That's only cause you just met me, give it a week and I won't be I mean if you even bother talking to me after this'

'We'll see, well I gotta go bye'


He ended the chat so I just left my phone in my hands in disbelief, THE Antisepticeye. I couldn't even think and comprehend what happened but all I knew is that I had to go to college course so I stood up and gathered my equipment. I left my home the sun shining happy rays onto my face as my mood increased, I got to my college building seeing waves of students go in including my few friends so I followed them in tapping on their shoulder "Y/N" F/N (friend name) cried out pulling me into a hug "hey what's up?" I laughed "well you seem in a good mood?" B/F/N (best friend name) commented giggling "never felt better" I pointed finger guns at them. The day was the useal, same classes and bulling from B/N and their gang though it didn't feel as bad I guess nothing could damage my mood I guess today, was Anti that bad if he could make me feel so happy?

Once I was home I took a shower to soothe the bruises S/B/N (second bully name) caused me earlier that day in PE, after around 20 minutes I got out freshened up and strolled into my living room I lived with my close friend Libby but she was out on a trip with her course for the next few days so I didn't exspect her to be home yet so I had everything to myself. I played Minecraft on my computer for a good few hours before deciding to hit the hay, collapsing on my bed and knocking out in an instant.

New story inspired by a conversation I had

Author x

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