Chapter 2

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Anti POV

The police ran past the alley both Dark and I were hidden in, we held our breath not wanting to make a scene as that could attract more media attension, and although I like attension it's not helpful in this case. Once they were gone both Dark and I slipped out and teleported back to the hidden manor where we all stay in "that was a close call" I growled at Dark it had been his idea to come out in the open for a bit and that's gonna be on the news by the end of the day "if you hadn't been reckless trying to get cookies the camera wouldn't of spotted us" he barked "you fucking wanted to go out in the first place to get dumplings so don't come at me with that shit, Sharpe!" I retorted "girls girls you're both pretty give it a rest" Chase attempted to reason "fuck off Brody" I snapped storming up to my room. I threw a barrage of knifes at my dart board which had a picture of everyone in the house in it so I can throw the knife at whoever I'm angry at, in his case being Dark and now Chase, after the picture was fully impaled I laid down on my bed staring at the cieling, living with only people that looked like 2 assholes was hard and drove me mad sometimes that's when I remembered I had Y/N's contact in my phone so I pulled it up deciding to call them. I pressed the contact and placed the phone to my ear waiting.


'Breaking News: Anti and Dark spotted in h/t (home town) shopping centre in a varity of shops attempting to seemingly get dumplings, cookies, cake and ramen for more information come back at 5' they were near here on my goodness, my phone started going off which once I found was Anti calling me, I internally screamed before accepting the call and placing it on my ear:


"Hi Y/N"

"Hi Anti you alright, I saw the news"

"Yeah, Dark was an idiot and asked me to go out to get dumplings with him"

"But seemingly you got more?"

"Yeah if anyone takes me out anywhere expect that I'll get cookies and or cake"

"Well cookies are amazing so is cake so can't blame ya"

I could just feel him smiling:

"Glad to hear someone agrees, it's annoying that everyone instantly thinks I'm wrong even though I'm not the only dark alter ego in the house"

"Sorry to hear that dude, hope it improves"

"Thanks Y/N"

"No problem, so how's life going other then people being shitty?"

"Everyone's always shitty but other then that life's ok, I sneak out all the time and do stuff"


"Killing people"

I almost dropped the phone when he said that but managed to convince myself that I didn't want to break my phone:

"Ok then"

"You weren't expecting that were you"

"I kinda did"


"You really are a true fan aren't you?"

"You know it" I giggled

"So what you doing right now?"

"Chilling at home and enjoying that I'm not in college at the moment"

"What do you study?"

"(Insert course)"


"Yeah thanks, it would be awesome in the future if we could meet but of course with everything going that would be impossible sadly"

"Yeah it would be fun to meet, I still don't trust you obviously but that's understandable"

"It is understandable, no offence but I don't fully trust you either that may just cause of the fact you kill people"

"I do so it maybe the safe option"

"Would you kill me?"

"Only if you betray me"

"Lucky I wasn't even considering it"


"I have to go I'll talk later dude, bye"


I put down the phone and held my head in my hands thinking, is this a good choice speaking to him afterall there's alot of problems that come with knowing him not to mention if I tell anyone about him he'll kill me. I laid down on my sofa choosing this as my time to sleep and I dosed off.

Anti POV

Once they shut off the call then I decided I wanted to see them, I used my glitch abilities to trace the call and glitched over to their house. I saw a human laying on the sofa with a phone on the table next to them, I hacked into their phone and found the messages, it was Y/N. I stroked Y/N's head with my hand pushing a bit of hair behind their ear before glitching away feeling satisfied that I knew what they looked like.

Chapter 2 is out LIKE A BOSS!

Author x

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