Chapter 1: Mission Start

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(The Peregrine Falcon Squad Members are seen in their planes as they set to the location where the incident is happening. As they land in, they go to a site where a cave is seen as some citizens are close to it.)

Marco: We are from Peregrine Falcon Squad. Please move.

Citizen 1: Thanks for coming.

(They then back away as Marco turns to some of his colleagues.)

Marco: Go ahead.

Ryan/Eri: Yes sir.

(As Ryan and Eri go to the cave, a noise is heard as Marco turns to the citizen.)

Marco: That noise?

Citizen 1: It's since last night.

Citizen 2: There's no doubt. That's the angry voice of Scorpido!

Tarma: (confused) Scorpido?

Citizen 2: Yes. 

Citizen 1: A Nebulan Galactian Scorpion-like beast. Probably some creation from General Morden

Citizen 2: (stern) That's definitely Scorpido.

Citizen 1: Okay, okay.

(Inside the cave, Ryan and Eri are walking through.)

Eri: It was just mere days since you recovered from that recent accident. It's too soon, even for a "miracle man".

Ryan: My survival was more than a miracle. I prefer the term... "Ultraman".

Eri: Whatever. Let's go.

Ryan: Yes, ma'am.

(As they proceed further, Eri turns to Ryan again.)

Eri: But seriously, what actually happened? When you were floating in space along with Kenji... The doctor said it was a miracle you were saved.

(The scene cuts a flashback of Ryan and Kenji floating in space during their last mission, and then it cuts back to present day.)

Eri: What did you see far out in space? A god? An alien?

Ryan: I don't remember much. I was unconscious.

Eri: Oh, yeah, right.

(They keep walking through the cave until Ryan stops Eri, and points at something.)

Ryan: Look at that?

(They see the beast that the citizen described to Marco and Tarma.)

Scorpido the Nebulan Galactian Scorpion-like Beast

(Eri and Ryan get shocked by seeing a human-sized scorpion.)

Eri: What is that?

Ryan: Looks like... a scorpion.

(Then their communicator beep as Ryan answers it.)

Ryan: This is Ryan Tennyson.

Heidern: (intercom) Did you find the source of the disturbance.

Ryan: Let's say... we did... (Scorpido roars) we found a human-sized scorpion-like creature.

(Scorpido tries to stab Ryan and Eri with his stinger, but they dodge the attack.)

Ryan: We need reinforcements.

Heidern: (intercom) Whatever you do, don't let whatever you saw leave the cave. I'll send Ralf and Clark in there. The rest of the team will evacuate the citizens near the site for the time being. Over.

Ryan: Understood.

(They turn off the communicators, and Eri tries to shoot Scorpido, but her bullets don't faze the beast.)

Eri: What's going on, the bullets aren't working.

Ryan: It looks like this beast's skin is impenetrable... or is it?

(Meanwhile the rest of the Peregrine Falcon Squad are evacuating the location, but a dog barks.)

Kid: Gon, stop. Be quiet. Be quiet. (Gon runs to the cave.) Gon, come back.

Woman: Isao, no.

(The dog named Gon enters the cave, and the kid named Isao runs after him.)

Isao: Gon!

Woman: (held by the doctors) Come back!

Fio: Hey, come back.

(Trevor and Ralf are arguing.)

Trevor: What are you doing.

Ralf: What about you?

(Isao goes through the cave as Trevor and Ralf notice that and try to call him. The woman is screaming her son's name.)


(Suddenly a blue dragon comes in, and approaches Fio as he speaks up.)

????: Hop on.

Fio: (confused) You... speak?

????: No time to talk. We gotta help those inside the cave. It's a life or death case.

(Fio then hops on the dragon, and it flies towards Trevor and Ralf.)

????: You two as well.

Ralf: Clark. Come here.

(Clark approaches the dragon as he and Ralf hop on it as well, and then they fly inside the cave, where they see Isao and his dog Gon. Fio hops off, and approaches the two.)

Fio: This area is off-limits. It's bad to do dangerous things.

Isao: But Gon was-

(Isao sees the dragon, and then Fio approaches Gon.)

Fio: I know you wanted to save your dog. But if you go off on your own, you put not only youtself in danger, but also many other people, like us, in order to rescue you.

Isao: (sad) I'm sorry.

(Then an earthquake happens.)

Ralf: Ryan and Eri are still in trouble.

Clark: Let's go.

(Ralf and Clark go to help Ryan and Eri as the dragon follows them, and Fio goes to take Isao and Gon out of the cave.)

(Meanwhile, Trevor talking with Marco.)

Trevor: Captain, Fio is inside that cave.

Marco: Remember what the commander said.

Trevor: But...

Marco: (stern) That's an order!

Trevor: (looks down) Yes sir.

(Tarma, Nadia, Leona and Whip are seen trying to hold the people as Trevor approaches them.)

Trevor: Everyone, please trust us. Please, evacuate quickly.

Citizen: Altight.

Woman: But what about Isao.

(As they evacuate, Kenji prepares to get in the cave as his eyes glow, and then he activates his Ultraseven 21 suit.)

(He gets inside the cave, and saves Fio, Isao and Gon in time as she asks him.)

Fio: Kenji, if you're listening, who was that dragon, and how does he speak our language.

Ultraseven 21: That dragon is Neo Virgo the Neo Victorian Dragon.

(He then puts the three down.)

Ultraseven 21: Go, I'll catch up to you later.

Fio: What about you?

Ultraseven 21: I'll be fine. So will Ryan?

(He leaves as Fio gets confused. Back to the cave, Ryan decides to pull up his trump card.)

Ryan: NEOS!

(Ryan activates his Ultraman Neos suit.)

(He fires some beams at Scorpido, and the beast staggers back as Neos flies bast him before launching beams at its stinger.)

Neos: Gotcha! (he dodges an attack) Hooray!

(Scorpidos tries to attack Neos, and then he holds its stinger before it throws him, but he lands on his feet. Scorpido tries to attack Neos, who grabs his stinger again, amd then Neo Virgo comes in as he shouts.)


(Neo Virgo breathes an atomic beam that destroys Scorpido's stinger. Neo then shoots his Magnium Beam at the beast, destroying it. He then turns to Neo Virgo.)

Neos: Thanks, whoever or whatever you are.

Neo Virgo: You're welcome, young Tennyson. And my name is Neo Virgo, actually.

????: I can see you helped him to get the situation under control, Neo Virgo.

(Ultraseven 21 comes in as Eri, Ralf and Clark get confused.)

Eri/Ralf/Clark: (unison) You know him?

(Both Ultras revert back to Ryan and Kenji.)

Neo Virgo: Good to see you too, young Serizawa.

(Then everyone hops on Neo Virgo, and they leave the cave as the screen fades out.)

(To be continued)

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