Prologue: Prelude To A New Mission

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(In a bridge close to the mountains, a couple is seen driving as the woman is seen eating a sandwich, and the man notices it.)

Man: Looks good. Give me some.

Woman: Okay, here. (the man eats the sandwich) Is it good?

Man: Great.

(Suddenly something blows the mountains as some rocks fall, and the bridge is destroyed. Fortunately the driver stops his car in time.)

Man: Oh, wait. Why did this fall apart? (sees smoke on his car) Oh no, smoke. (checks on his car) Is this for real?

(The woman sees something.)

Woman: What is that?

(Then a certain martian is seen walking into the mountains.)

(Meanwhile at Peregrine Falcon's Headquarters, several members are seen gathered, including the Ikari Warriors and two young individuals.)

Eri: We should investigate.

Tarma: No need, it is just a landside.

Eri: But witnesses say they saw Mars People at the cliff.

Tarma: That's impossible, they were repelled years ago.

Marco: Or did they...?

Eri: Whether they returned or not, it's our duty to check.

Tarma: We're not miracle workers like Ryan and Kenji.

Marco: Eri is right, it's our duty to take action at the first signal of Mars People or General Morden.

Ryan: What's up, guys?

Eri: About the landside incident. We must investigate.

Tarma: No way.

(Fio is seen checking on her computer.)

Fio: If the Mars People really returned, so they must be the ones behind the incident.

Nadia: If true, it could mean that not only they returned...

Marco: But so did General Morden.

Eri: See?

Tarma: But where could they possibly disappear to?

Trevor: They could be anywhere, Tarma. Wreaking havoc, just like a certain group of supervillains.

(He then shows a page of other Mars People sightings.)

Trevor: They were found not only here, but in several places across the world.

Ralf: It's obvious that General Morden has already set whatever is his plan in motion.

(Suddenly the alarm goes off as they locate the Mars People in a cave.)

Marco: There they are.

Kenji: Real close to the site of that landside. (to Heidern) Commander.

Heidern: Phase 2 recognized. (stands up) Peregrine Falcon Squad, Sparrows, Ikari Warriors. MOBILIZE!

(The soldiers stand by each other's side as they salute.)

Soldiers: (unison) Roger!

(Then each of the soldiers go to their respective jets and hop on as they prepare to launch. A new mission is about to begin.)

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