the exotic dancer

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" don't call me angel ,
you can't pay my price "

" don't call me angel
when I'm a mess "

" don't call me angel
when I get undressed "

full name
evangeline • " the bearer of good news "
lily • " devotion / purity "
wolfe • " associated with wolves / battle "

stage name • angel

eva , angel , my lily , little lily ( by her father ), my flower , big bad wolfe






" at first I cared
then I was like
' nah, fxck you "

" giving a fxck doesn't really
go with my outfit "

hair color
strawberry red

eye color
ocean blue

other markings
- soft freckles blessing her cheeks & the bridge of her nose
- a few freckles on her left arm in the shape of Orion's belt ( the constellation )

- she has a small scar along her inner thigh from a near drowning incident along the coral reefs when she was younger on a family vacation
- her ears are double pierced


she's feisty, fiery and fierce. she is a true firecracker, a wild soul who will fight till the end for what she believes in and for what she believes is truly right.
she's a nightmare. her sass is her venom and sarcasm is her sharpest weapon. her words can cut anyone down, after all one has to learn to defend themselves in this line of business.

a terrifyingly beautiful nightmare.

don't underestimate her because you'll be sure to regret it. she's fiery and feisty, much like her mother, she won't allow others to tell her what to do or what she should look like. rebellion runs thick through her crimson blood, her blue veins pulse with the truth of rebellion. she's opinionated and there's no doubt about it. sassy and sarcastic, of course she still has an absolute heart of gold but that doesn't mean she's complacent or a pushover either and she'll be sure to make sure that you know that.

she's a seductress, a minx. a true vixen who will pull you in with her alluring curves, the soft touch of her plush lips and the bat of her ebony lashes. and just as you think you have finally won, you have conquered the unconquerable you find yourself left in a daze- cold, and alone. just like that, she's gone. bored really. off again to find another victim for her game...


but she's just hurting them before they can hurt her. leaving them before they can leave her.
she's their nightmare in the living flesh.
she's drop dead gorgeous, and the thing is, she knows it.
and confidence scares the weak.

she's a real nightmare ,, but that's okay because she's completely aware.

evangeline would rather you tear her heart out before her very eyes than stab her in the back, because it can be guaranteed that she will cut your throat the knife that you left in her back.

evangeline is no damsel in distress, and she doesn't need a man in shining armour either. She's had to slay her own dragons because you can't trust others. she can be a bitch and she isn't ashamed of it, she won't hesitate to tear you to pieces, however it's only if you deserve it of course.

she's a nightmare.
she's a daydream.
she's a sweetheart.
she's a savage.
she's the type of girl guys dream about and the type of girl that other girls envy. she is adventurous with a keen craving for trying out new things and immersing herself into the moment. she's drop-dead gorgeous and there's no doubt that, with a personality to make those basic people drool you have every reason to be jealous. she has a tendency to put 'pro' in procrastination can tend to get the better of her at times. many tend to underestimate her true intelligence, which is a great fault of theirs indeed.

she's loyal to a fault, once her trust is earned that is which is a difficult feat to say the least. if you hurt someone she loves you shouldn't be surprised if she comes for you, she will take you down.

however, there's always been a softer side to her. ever since her youth, ever since she was young really, there's always remained a softer side. a more compassionate, gentle and approachable side. however, in such a savage world those who are soft are torn apart. yet for those who are indeed fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of who she is behind closed doors, would have to simply stop and pause in awe.
she's the sort who loves to huddle herself up in blankets on the couch as she watches tv shows, a bowl of warm microwaved popcorn in her lap all for herself as she scrolls through Netflix.
or to cuddle with her three dogs, or slip around the timber floor in fluffy socks. her trust can be a difficult thing to gain, but once you have it it is yours forever. her loyalty is boundless, is seems to be limitless.

she grew up in a complicated family, and yet all she ever wanted to do was to be able to grow up and support her family. she was a naturally smart girl, with hopes of doing something great one day and attaining a spot in Harvard college. however, when she was thirteen her father passed away in a freak accident in the coal mines. he was the main ' bread-winner ' in the family, her mother being a paraplegic following the birth of evangeline which ended with her being paralysed from her waist down.

evangeline dropped out of school and took on three jobs, and yet even then their family was struggling to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. on three seperate occasions they were out on the streets with only the food on their backs, rushing to get to homeless hostels every day. and then, one day while evangeline was out grocery shopping at the mall she was approached by a man twice her age. she was offered a deal which would seem awfully creepy and wrong and yet- she could not refuse. she never performed any intimate sexûal acts with him, however in real terms he became her ' sugar daddy ' and the income she received was a great help. eventually this income allowed her and her family to get back onto their feet and into a decent apartment. soon this struggle slowly dissipated as evangeline took up another job offering at a strip-club, where she would dance most nights and receive a healthy income no doubt.

sure, she never expected that that was where she would end up. and yet, her main goal always was to make sure that her family was happy and well-off and despite the occasional discomfort of the reality of what she does and the apparent shame that comes with it. she has adapted, and all that matters is that her mother and brothers are better off now because of her. she would do anything for them.

past relationships
bruce woods — 7 months ( boyfriend )
tony rie — 4 months ( boyfriend )

" she was not fragile like a
she was fragile like a
bomb "

" seduce
destroy "

current relationship
oliver parks ( 31y ) — non-sexûal sugar daddy

family members + status
illinios wolfe - mother - alive
oscar wolfe - father - deceased
Jackson+Jonathan wolfe - older twin brothers - alive

x she goes by ' angel ' as her stage name in the club
x she is very good friends with a few of the other dancers at the club
x if your hands start to wander then she will kick you right in your pretty little face with her pretty little stilettos
x she's a feisty one

scenario one

[ requirements :
secretly in love with evangeline
just turned twenty-one
has a girlfriend, Opal, who he doesn't really love and she openly hates evangeline ] 

you and evangeline had been best friends practically since nappies. you had been there alongside her, to guide her through her tough times and be the shoulder she cried on when her heart was broken for the first time ever.
you watched her change from the young girl she once was to the fiery woman she now is. so, how was she to know that secretly you had fallen in love with her? and that the mere thought of her dancing on other men's laps sent your mind into a fit of rage and possessiveness that you knew you should not have. and yet, you did.

it was your twenty-first birthday, you had been dating this one girl since prom. yes, it had been three years of painfully slow dating with this girl- Opal. she was cute, yes. and she was kind, of course. you liked her... yet, it was simply not the same as the feelings you had for evangeline. you adored evangeline, the connection the two of you possessed was so passionate and yet so gentle. it had never really gone anywhere past friends of course, and yet deep down you desired so much for it to.
so, unknowingly, your friends took you out to a strip club thinking it would be all fun and games. after a few hours of throwing bills and drinking , the mane of fiery red hair on one of the platforms had caught your attention. these friends had no clue who evangeline was, simply that there was a hot red head dancer and they drunkenly waved her over to their table.

and so, of course, she approached. clad in a gorgeous red two piece, hips holding a gentle sway.
you . . .

scenario two

[ requirements :
21+ years of age
possibly of italian descent
leader of the mafia
preferably has 1-3 tattoos ]

you were the leader of the mafia, with numerous high up connections you simply did not have time to trifle in silly relationships. not to mention, those who got close to you became immediate targets for your enemies - vulnerable weaknesses.
you were to go on a business trip overseas for a little while. and as a gift for your birthday your second in command, your best friend for over a decade, had paid for a long lineup of some of the worlds finest escorts. only one of which did not offer up intimate sexûal favours. you were lead into the room where they all waited lined up, beautiful woman alongside beautiful woman. and yet, you were to choose only one. all so lovely, and so submissive. batting their lashes and shaking their diamanté clad hips.

and yet you could not deny the one at the very end who had caught your attention. simply the way her aura seemed to scream rebellion, not submissive and willing like the others. oh, how you wished to break that spirit.
with eyes that sparkled like the ocean and soft red curls which cascaded down her porcelain skin. her skimpy shift outlining her gentle curves, long legs and finally her almost ethereal features. you knew right then that she was the one you wanted by your side for the next four months as you travelled around.
you . . .

scenario three

[ requirements :

a werewolf
is mates with evangeline
alpha + leader of gang
has a very dominating werewolf side
possessive ]

you were feared for miles around, and for good reasons too. your pack was renowned for its strength, savage methods of attack and success. yet , most of all, for its alpha. you. for his intimidating aura of power and the way that women practically fell at his feet.
you were a strong leader who cared deeply for the success of your pack and the safety of its members. yet, your pack was more than just a werewolf pack; they were your gang. who dealt in drug dealing, money laundering, weapons trafficking; the whole lot really. you were dominant, and aggressive in your tactics- yet, they worked. so why change what works of course.

one night, you went to a club you hadn't been at before in order to organise a deal regarding a new drugs shipment. lounging in the V.I.P. section, you had begun discussing the details of the shipment and how it was going to work with this new dealer of yours when she caught your eye. the pulsing of the bright club lights, the beat of the music and the sparkling of costumes all seemed to slow down as you could not pull your eyes off of her. she was stunning, breathtaking, she was yours-

watching the way the light seemed to hit that perfectly bare porcelain skin of hers, the way that her blood red outfit seemed to cling to her curves and the sway of her hips and dip of her head as she tossed back her fiery red curls seemed to make you crazy. watching her give a lap dance to one of your pack members sent a shot of thick and bitter jealousy through you. your werewolf side stirring possessively, watching as his hands lingered on her hips before he gave her ass a squeeze. and just before you could interfere she slapped him across the face, hard.
an amused smirk curling at your lips, she was a fiesty one. your eyes flickering a deep gold as your wolf side tried to take over, a low growl leaving your lips. " mate "
you ...

scenario four
discuss !!

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