your angel

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" her angel eyes
saw the good in many demons "

" the brightest of stars
shine in her pretty eyes "

full name
aurelia doe angelus

lia ,, angel ,, my angel ,, kitten ,, bambi

preferred name

" she's an angel
with a devilish kiss "

" her hearts like a saint
but she'll make you want to be a sinner "

immortal , appears to be physically nineteen



" she was soft ,
like the sound of rain "

" little does she know
he thinks about her too "


dasha taran

hair color

" she's the one
they write those love poems about "

" she had a smile worth dying for ,
but oh ,
when she laughed "

eye color

other markings ( freckles, moles )

she has a small scar in her right eyebrow right on the peak of it. 
small glowing ( almost holographic like ) wing tattoo just below the nap of her neck, appears when her wings are hidden
she has soft purple stretch marks on her inner thighs, because even angels have their flaws

" she wore the midnight moon
and nothing else "

" a sky full of stars
and he was staring at her "


" sorry can't save me now "

patience is a virtue, and while she maintains it sometimes there's no doubt in the manner that she can slip up from time to time. she's a compassionate being, with a touch as sweet as sugar. aurelia is an adventurous angel, the type to go with the wind; to be there one moment and yet gone the next. unable to be caught no matter how hard one may try. she is the type many chase, only to come out of it empty handed and starry eyed. the sort of angel to spend her free time rescuing fallen baby birds from the forsaken ground following failed attempts at flying from the nest, the type to spend hours upon hours healing their broken wings and mending their fractured bones. opposed to others who spend hours causing mischief among the clouds.

she is a daydreamer. a hopeless romantic forbidden from love. one who will often reside in the soft embrace of the pillow like clouds in the late afternoon to watch the sunset, and couples to wander around on the earth below; hand in hand, soft smiles curled across their features no matter their own troubles and turmoils. something about this love business just seems to fascinate her. something about the magical manner in which it can bring even the most different of characters together. can heal the most broken and yet hurt the most healed. the manner in which it seems to make their hearts glow and their very life auras pulse.

she's beautiful.
she truly is a true display of what precious beauty can be harnessed by the hands of the gods, both inside and out. a pure soul, created as a porcelain embodiment of the capability of the gods. of what a true angel should be like.
and yet, for so long she has felt less like an individual with her own thoughts and her own actions. and more like some pretty porcelain doll, strings attached to each of her limbs. their own personal puppet. their favourite.
and yet, could you blame them.

from her seemingly flawless creamy complexion which rivals even the fairytale beauty of Snow White herself to her lips as red as roses, eyes as innocent and exposed as that of a newborn doe. to her heart of seemingly gold, incapable of doing wrong by others.  a kind heart who would put her own neck on the chopping block to save the innocent- even though she herself is the most innocent. she is their lamb to the slaughter, their perfect example, their porcelain doll...and yet now she has been given a chance to be something more. to prove herself. and if she fails? well, hush young one they say, for if you fail your blood shall be spilt.

she's an angel, what more can be said about it. the embodiment of an absolute sweetheart, undeserving of the salty teardrops which rest on her cheeks as they push her to be better. to prove her worth or else she will be replaced. she is kind and gentle, and yet a deep desire to prove her worth writhes within the depths of her. to ensure that she sits in that little throne of the gods favourite.
a spritely manner, gentle and compassionate and yet airy and playful. curious for the world around her, in awe of the creations down on the earth below. always wondering, daydreaming, wishing. she would not dare even hurt a fly, and yet here she is entered into the most ruthless bloodbath of the century. designed around the mere idea of bloodied slaûghter. and there is no doubt in the matter that her pretty head on a silver platter would be quite the prize to take home for any demon.

unlike those before her, she was created by the hands of the gods themselves. they wanted a champion, the picture of innocence and divinity. with the capability of being able to rival even aphrodite herself, such beauty can drive many a man a wild.
every angel in the kingdom wanted her as their own, how clever of the god to make one so innocent, so beautiful, so vulnerable...the perfect weapon to ensure that no angel would dare leave his kingdom again. that no others would turn to new friends on the other side. for they were all much too infatuated with the idea of aurelia as their own to see beyond the hazy love struck view of their sculpted noses.
of course, the plan was all and well.

until he seemed to miss out on one teeny-tiny detail, the allure aurelia could present towards those very friends on the other side. for of course such untouched, vulnerable and innocent beauty could be such a delectable idea to those very demons he wished to keep out.
demons he could handle...
... the son of the devil himself having caught feelings for her following a few oh so brief accidental meetings however...

now that is a whole other story

past relationships

" one could never love her ,
for the fear of losing her
would be too strong "

" she was like the moon ,
part of her was always
hidden away "

current relationship

family members + status

x her powers include;  the ability of healing through her touch, telekinetic abilities, mental manipulation, dream manipulation, empathy ( the ability to feel another's emotions + pain , to interpret and/or replicate them ), elemental physiology/manipulation, wing manifestation and flight [ as a result of her creation she has a vaster collection of abilities in comparison to other angels ]

x she often makes daily trips down to earth, and enjoys disguising herself as a human to feel what it is like to be a part of their world

x she likes collecting trinkets. particularly from the human world

x when she was very young she had an encounter with the son of the devil/demon king at the very border of heaven and hell. in which she held a single flower, a bluebell, between her petite fingers and with no words and simply an innocent smile- she gave it to him

" she had magic in her eyes
that even the stars envied her "

" even though we never said it
to each other

we knew "


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