12 | the plan

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Lily knew exactly what she needed to do as soon as she overheard the conversation between Rose and Tonks but she hadn't the slightest clue as to where to start.

Rose was stubborn beyond imagination and would never do anything if you suggested it to her. The only way to get her to do something was if you made her think it was her idea.

Operation get Rose and James together was ago and it was set up as follows.

1. Get Rose to admit her feelings for James (admittedly a tricky one but she would make it happen somehow)

2. Get James to admit his feelings for Rose (not nearly as tricky but a little considering he was still with Lily)

3. Get them to tell their feelings to each other

Okay, maybe it wasn't so much of a plan and more of a goal but you have to start somewhere. The big question was did she break up with James now or wait?

She liked James, of course she did. She never would have said yes had she not like him. However, Rose had given up so much for Lily's sake, the least she could do for her was this. Or at least she could try.

It occurred to her later that she had to stay with James. If she didn't then she wasn't going to be able to get him to admit his feelings because it would probably be awkward. And if James wasn't with Lily, there would officially be no reason for them to talk.

When it hit her, she didn't know why she hadn't thought about it sooner. The holidays were coming up which meant they would be going home. Lily would just need to invite James over for Christmas.

"James!" Lily called out and the boy turned around in confusion. He spotted the girl and he smiled. She noted that it didn't quite meet his eyes like it used to.

He approached her. "Hey, Lil," he greeted, "I thought you had homework to finish up?"

"I did, well, I do, it's just I wanted to ask you something," she explained.

He raised an eyebrow, "Fire away."

"My parents want to meet you," Lily explained and James appeared surprised at this. "I know it's kind of soon and we've only been together for four months but I figured now was as good a time as any."

He was silent for a moment, thinking it over. Lily sucked in a breath. If he said no, she would have to pull every card possible. Or come up with a new plan.

"Okay," he replied and she was surprised at how easily he agreed. "Yeah, I'll meet them. Let me just talk to my parents first, make sure they're okay with it."

Lily smiled, "Great." He nodded before placing a kiss on her cheek and saying a quick goodbye. Everything was going according to plan.

James walked away from the girl and let out a breath he had been holding. He glanced back to see that Lily was already walking away and shook his head slightly.

They were moving fast for a couple that had only been together for four months. Especially when one of them had hated the other up until recently.

He exited the building with a huff. Was he ready for this? Was he ready to meet Lily's parents? Didn't this solidify their relationship making it more real then it already was? He didn't think he was ready.

Then why did you agree, you idiot, the voice in his head spoke and he shook his head slightly. He wasn't sure why, exactly, he had agreed so quickly but a part of him felt he owed it to Lily. For what though, he wasn't sure.

He hadn't been watching where he was going as he walked and someone rammed their shoulder into his. He didn't even bother to look up as he continued, wrapped up in his thoughts.

"Oi, Potter!" someone shouted and he huffed.

James turned to face Snape with a raised eyebrow, "Can I help you?"

"Yeah," he replied, "You can watch where you're going."

The Gryffindor scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief, "I don't have time for this, Snivellus." He turned to walk away but Snape had to open his mouth.

"Too busy juggling two mudbloods?"

James's head snapped up at this, "You're out of line."

"Seems to me that you're the one out of line," he countered, a sneer on his face. "You finally got Lily but you can't let go of her stupid sister long enough to appreciate what you have."

James closed the distance between them in seconds but the Slytherin didn't falter. "Watch it," he warned, "I have very little self control right now and if you don't shut your mouth for once in your sorry life, you will regret it."

"Then make me regret it," Snape suggested as he looked down his crooked nose at the boy. "At least I'm not full of empty threats."

James tackled the boy within seconds, not bothering to pull out his wand. Snape reached up and grabbed his face but the Gryffindor had the upper hand. Literally.

He raised his hand and rammed his fist into the greasy haired boy's nose, feeling oddly satisfied as he heard the crack indicating that it had broken. James grabbed a hold of either side of his robes and shook him, "Say another bad word about her. Please."

Snape spat, some of the blood from his now broken nose splattering James's face. He leaned up, "Nothing I said wasn't true."

James raised his hand again but when he moved to hit the boy in the face, he was rendered incapable. He looked up to find Remus holding his wrist in his hand, a pointed look on his face.

"I'd say that's enough," Remus suggested.

James yanked his arm from the boys grasp and stood up, "He was asking for it."

"And he got it," he countered, gesturing toward the boy. "But I'd say a broken nose is punishment enough."

"You didn't hear what he said, he-"

"James," Remus said, holding his hand up to stop the boy from speaking. "I did hear what he said. We all did."

James faltered at this as he took a moment to realize that a crowd had formed. He looked around, pleading internally, Please, don't let her have seen that.

The pleading was pointless as his eyes caught the all too familiar emerald green ones. She was watching him, a frown on her face and his shoulders slumped forward in defeat.

Rose's gaze moved from James to Snape who was still on the ground. James followed her line of sight and cringed as he took in the boy's appearance. He hadn't realized how hard he had hit him.

He looked back up, opening his mouth to say something. To come up with some explanation that would make it all okay. But when he looked over at where she had been standing, she was gone, leaving behind Tonks who was regarding him with an unreadable expression.

She shook her head slightly before walking off, no doubt going after her friend

Remus placed his hand on James shoulder and the boy turned to look at him. "You should go clean up," he suggested gesturing to his face, "You got a little..."

James raised his hand to his face and wiped it with his fingers. He moved his hand so he could look at it so he could see the blood. He glanced back at where Snape had been to see that he was gone along with those who had been watching them. What would have happened if Remus hadn't stopped him?

"Er, thank you, Moony," he smiled tightly, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I'll see you later."

Remus nodded before James walked away.

Snape wasn't a fighter. Not in the physical sense. He was a scrawny - and probably malnourished - boy with little to no muscle mass. James was the opposite and he knew that.

So why had he started a physical fight rather than one that was just them hexing each other like they normally would? What compelled him to hit the boy?

As he laid down on his bed he rubbed his hands over his face. He knew exactly why he had done it.

It was because of Rose.

He turned over and shoved his face into his pillow, letting out a groan. He just needed to forget her. Or at least forget his feelings for her.

Not that he had feelings for her but he still cared about her. And every time somebody said something bad about her, his anger always got the best of him.

"Prongs?" someone spoke up and James turned back over so that he laid on his back.

"What is it, Padfoot?"

Sirius moved his curtain and stepped into his area. "Moony told me what happened." James huffed at this and Sirius sat down on the boy's bed. He was silent for a moment, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," James answered. "I would really rather we didn't talk about it."

"You said that two months ago and look where it got you," he said and James let out a sigh. Sirius was right. He needed to talk about it. But what he was supposed to talk about, he wasn't sure. "What happened between you and Rose?"

"I told you, we-"

"Yes, you fell out, I know," Sirius interrupted. "But what happened. I thought you guys were going to talk things out."

James sat up with a frown, "We were. At least...we were supposed to."

"What changed?"

"I don't know," he replied. But he did know. Because what she had said was still replaying on repeat in his head. I suppose it was only a matter of time before you switched off just like everybody else.

James shook his head, "Lily asked me to meet her parents."

Sirius raised an eyebrow, whether it was at what he said or the change of subject, the bespectacled boy didn't know, "She did?"

He nodded, "Guess they want to meet me."

"Are you going?"

He shrugged, "I told her I'd ask mum and dad."

"Fair," he nodded as he moved onto the bed so that he was next to James and his back was against the headboard. "Wouldn't it be kind of awkward?"

"Awkward?" he asked in confusion, "Why would it be - oh." James placed his head in his hands, "Oh, Merlin. How could I forget?"

Sirius snorted, "How did you forget that your girlfriend's twin sister is your ex best friend?" James shot him a look, "Just tell her you can't."

"But that would be a lie."

"What she doesn't know won't hurt her."

James leaned his head back, "No, no...I have to go if they'll let me. I'll just bear through it...for Lily."

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