13 | meeting the parents

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"And what do you plan to do after you graduate, dear?" one of the twin's aunt's asked James as they all sat at the table.

"He's going to be a detective of sorts," Rose explained, not bothering to look up from the book she was reading. "You know, like Batman. Only his parents are still alive and Bruce Wayne is much hotter."

The lunch had been going surprisingly well for James. Rose, on the other hand, wanted nothing more than to lock herself away in her room until the boy was gone.

James grew confused at this and he turned to Lily and mouthed, 'Batman?' Lily merely shook her head, shooting her sister a glare.

Rose shrugged, taking a sip from her drink. The beverage was the only thing getting her through the meal without tearing her eardrums out.

"I'm going to go get a jacket," Lily announced some time later. She removed the napkin from her lap and stood up. "Rose, would you come with me?"

The girl raised an eyebrow at this, "I didn't realize that it was a two person job but alright." Rose stood up as well and joined her sister before the pair made their way upstairs.

As soon as they were upstairs and Lily grabbed a hold of Rose's arm and turned her around. "You have got to be kidding me!" Lily exclaimed. "Really, Rose? Where did you even get it?"

"I haven't the slightest clue as to what you're talking about," Rose replied, pulling her arm from her sister's grasp. She made her way toward Lily's room, "It'll take us time to find your jacket so how about we do that."

"I don't need my jacket," Lily stated and Rose huffed. "What's in the cup, Rose?"

"A drinkable liquid," she answered simply. Rose looked around her sister's room, "You cleaned up. I'm surprised."

"You really couldn't make it through one day in the same room as him?"

Rose shook her head, "This has nothing to do with him."

"Doesn't it though?" she countered. "Why else would you be acting like this?"

"Maybe it's because Uncle Bobby wasn't here to be the drunk disappointment so someone had to fill in."

"I'll go get you some water," Lily announced and Rose shook her head.

"Don't bother."

"You need to sober up at least a little before we leave for the Potter's."

Rose rolled her eyes, "I'm not going to the Potter's."

"You don't have a choice," Lily pointed out. "Mom and dad have plans to leave."

"I talked to mom and dad," she replied. "They said I'm good to stay here on my own. Besides, Petunia will still be here. She has more stuff to move into her house with Vernon."

"They're moving in together?" Lily asked in surprise.

"I'm drunk and even I listened to the conversation today," Rose huffed. "They got engaged while we were at school, Lily. The wedding is in a month."

"It is?" she gaped.

Rose rolled her eyes again, "Why don't you go talk to Petunia about this and leave me alone?"

"Is everything okay?" James spoke up from the door and Rose scoffed.

"And there he is! The man of the hour: James Potter!" Rose exclaimed and the boy turned to look at her. "Here to save your damsel in distress, I take it?"

"Everything's fine," Lily stated as she glanced back at James. "We'll be down in a minute."

James opened his mouth to reply but Rose spoke first. "No, no," she shook her head. "I was just up here to refill," she explained, raising the glass she had been drinking from all night and tucking the flask into her pocket. "I will see you two later. Or if I'm lucky, you'll be gone before I can say goodbye."

Rose made her way toward the door to walk out but James grabbed her arm, successfully stopping her. He searched her face for a moment, "What are you doing?"

She yanked her arm away from him, "What's it to you?" She glanced back at the two, "Try not to make a mess, would you? Lily just cleaned up."

Rose made her way downstairs with a huff. She had indeed drank too much but it was not enough to make her forget. She just needed to forget.

She raised the cup to her lips and took another sip, grateful as the liquid slipped down her throat. Soon enough, nothing would matter. Nothing would hurt anymore.

"Rose, would you come help with deserts?" her mother requested from the kitchen.

She placed her cup down on the table and hoped no one would mess with it before making her way toward her mother. "Always happy to help," Rose replied and the women smiled.

She turned over with a tray of desserts and Rose raised an eyebrow, "This isn't all of it, is it?"

"There's more in the fridge and the oven," her mother replied.

"We never even make it through a whole tray," she pointed out. "Why did you make so much?"

"James is here," she explained simply and Rose faltered. She would rather nobody talked about him. "He's really such a sweetheart, isn't he?" she asked, "Lily did good."

"Yep," Rose agreed halfheartedly, rocking back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Just wonderful." She glanced around for a moment, "Do I just place this on the table?"

Her mother nodded, "Yes and then come back for more, please."

"Sounds good," Rose replied before making her way out of the room.

She made her way to the dining room table and placed the tray down. She turned to leave but almost ran into someone in the process.

"Sorry," she apologized but when she looked up she saw that it was only James. "Oh, it's just you."

"Are you okay?" he asked and she rolled her eyes.

"I'm fantastic, never better," she replied, "How are you?"

"Look, I know things are rather...uncomfortable right now and I know you hate me," he began and she raised an eyebrow, "But Lily-"

Rose snorted and held her hand up, "Let me stop you right there." She shook her head slightly before she continued, "What happened between me and Lily had nothing to do with you. I know you're an only child so you don't really have all that much experience but siblings fight. It happens."

"And the Firewhiskey?" he asked and she rolled her eyes again. "Like I said, I know-"

"No, you don't know," she replied, "So stop acting like you do."

"Then help me understand."

"I really don't care to talk to you right now or ever again for that matter."

"Rose, I can't-"

"Just stop, okay?" she requested. "I thought we had come to an understanding. That we-"

"No," he shook his head. "You came to an understanding. I-"

"Rose Evangeline Evans!" her mother's voice sounded from the other room. She heard the footsteps approaching and Rose couldn't help but grow confused. She took longer to come back for more deserts, what was the big deal? Her mother entered the room and Rose could tell she was livid.

"What is this?" she demanded, holding up the cup she had left on the table.

"I don't know," Rose replied simply. "It's not mine."

"Don't lie to me," she ordered and Rose's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. How could she have possibly known that it was hers? Her sight flickered to behind her where Lily stood with a guilty expression on her face.

"Just, go to your room," she suggested, shaking her head, "We'll talk later."

Rose scoffed as she turned to look at James whose eyes were wide as he watched the encounter. "What, were you some stupid distraction?" Rose asked the boy in a hushed tone. "Screw you, Potter."

"No, I didn't-" he began but she left the room before he could explain.

Rose made her way upstairs in disbelief. She could not believe the audacity of her sister. She sat down at her desk with a huff, her pen tapping against the paper rapidly.

Dear Nymphadora,

I'm sure by the time you're reading this, James has already returned and Lily is with him.

You are not going to believe how the lunch played out.

It was fine, the majority of the time. They loved James - because apparently he is in fact impossible to hate. Lucky me. At first, I was managing but if I heard another word from my extended family about how wonderful of a boy James was and how I would find someone like him soon, I was going to vomit.

So I did the only logical thing I could think of and opened the bottle of Firewhiskey that Sirius gave me.

But of course, Lily figured me out and confronted me and all would have been well had she not opened her stupid mouth and told my parents about what I had been doing the whole night.

Don't even get me started on my parents. I get drunk in front of my family one time - which they never would have known had Lily not ratted me out - and now they're questioning whether they should let me stay home alone. Apparently they already talked to the Potter's and they said I was more than welcome to join them when my parents leave.

God, I can't believe it. And it's not like I can even explain why I'm so adamant about not going because how do I tell them I'm pretty sure I have feelings for my sister's boyfriend and going to his house and meeting his family would probably make it worse.

Maybe it won't be so bad with you there but I'm certainly not thrilled.

Anyway, enough about me, how are you? Your first Christmas with your boyfriend! Who just so happens to be Remus Lupin, the boy you've been crushing on since first year! Okay, no more girly comments from me.

Write back soon, don't be afraid to howl if you'd like.


Rose Evans

Tonks frowned as she pushed the letter to the side and pulled out a new parchment paper. She knew she should have confiscated the Firewhiskey.

"Hey," Remus greeted and she looked over to see him leaned against the door frame. "Is that from Rose?"

She nodded as she turned back to the front, "The lunch didn't go well. At least not for her."

He frowned as he crossed the room to her, "I heard." He placed his hand on the desk and leaned forward slightly, placing a kiss on her head, "I take it she's pissed."

"See for yourself," Tonks suggested as she pushed the paper toward him. He looked down at and began to read. She wouldn't have let him read it if there was something she knew Rose would be bothered with him knowing. Really, the letter was more embarrassing for herself than for Rose.

She felt herself blush as she saw him smile, no doubt at the comment about her liking him since first year. His expression faltered, however, as he finished the letter off. "Er," he began, glancing at her but not quite meeting her eye, "What did she mean by 'howl'?"

"Oh," Tonks laughed slightly, "Just something Rose and I do from time to time. Sending howlers can be easier than writing letters all the time. And it makes sure that the letter is read."

He raised an eyebrow although he appeared relieved, "You send each other howlers?"

"Like I said, it saves time," Tonks shrugged. She turned in her seat to look at him, "I thought you and the boys were heading into town with Lily."

"I decided to stay here," he explained, "Didn't want to leave you behind." She smiled at this and placed her hand on his chest. He leaned down and she pressed a gentle kiss to his lips. He pulled away after a moment with a grin, "I see I made the right choice." She whacked him on the arm and he laughed, "Only joking."

She rolled her eyes but smiled again despite herself. She grabbed the tie he still had on from dinner and pulled him closer to her, kissing him again.

"Oi!" someone exclaimed and they pulled away quickly, turning to see who was standing there. "Moony, you sly dog," Sirius grinned, "A fair trade. Ditching your friends to snog your girlfriend. I didn't know you had it in you."

Remus grabbed a quill of the desk and chucked it at the boy. He dodged it easily, "I have been sent to retrieve Lily's jacket per Sir Prongs's request. Apparently the old lass was incapable of doing it herself."

"Why didn't he come grab it?" Tonks inquired.

"Ah, you see," he began, entering the room and grabbing the jacket that rested on the bed, "He was worried about leaving her alone with Peter and I. With good reason, I suppose."

"You two, get back to whatever it was you were doing but remember that doors exist for a reason," he reminded them as he made his way to leave. "It would be terribly awkward if the owners of the household stumbled upon two of their guests making love."

Remus stepped toward the boy and Sirius was quick to bolt away, slamming the door closed behind him. He turned to face the girl and his face was a bright red as he spoke, "I'm sorry, he-"

Tonks laughed, "It's alright. It's only fair after the stunt Rose pulled last week."

He grimaced, "Let's just pretend neither of those things happened and that we have normal friends."


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