14 | the attack

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Rose arrived at the Potter's a few days after Lily had and she was anything but happy about it. Of course, she wasn't going to let the Potter's know that. At least not the elder Potter's.

"You must be Rose," Euphemia Potter greeted, enveloping the girl in a hug. "I've heard so much about you."

"All good things, I hope," Rose replied, awkwardly hugging the women back.

"Of course," she smiled as she pulled away. "The kids are actually about to head to Diagon Alley, if you wanted to join them."

"I'd actually rather just nap," she admitted. "I've been helping my sister move her things the past few days and I'm exhausted."

"I'll get James to show you to your room."

"Oh, I-"

"James!" she called out. "Would you come here?"

"Coming!" he called back. A moment later, the boy appeared at the door. His sight landed on Rose and he frowned slightly, "Oh, hi."

Rose smiled tightly in response as Euphemia said, "Would you show her to the room she'll be staying in?"

James nodded before gesturing for Rose to follow him. They made their way up to the room, an uncomfortable silence falling over them.

He opened the door to a room, "Here. Tonks and Lily are in here as well so you won't be alone." She smiled slightly despite herself. He still remembered that she hated sleeping alone when she was in a new place.

"Er, thanks," she replied, "Have fun in Diagon Alley."

"You're not coming?"

She shook her head, "I spent the last few days moving Petunia out with no help from her or Vernon as a punishment for what happened at Christmas. I'm not really up for a trip right now. Besides, my parents were very specific on what I was allowed to do and what I wasn't allowed to do while I was here."

"Oh," he replied. "I guess we'll see you when we get back."

She nodded in agreement before placing her bag in the bed. She stopped and looked back at him for a moment. "Hey, James," she said, as she turned around. He turned around as well, "I'm sorry."

He was surprised by this, "For what?"

She laughed a little, "Everything."

He frowned, "Me too." He glanced down the hall, "They're probably waiting for me but I'll see you later."

"Yeah, later," she agreed before he left.

Rose spent the majority of her time laying in bed and staring at the ceiling. Euphemia came in occasionally to check on her and see if she was hungry but the girl always declined.

Her stomach had been stirring for an hour now as the guilt settled in. She had been treating everyone around her so horribly.

Rose sat up quickly as the feeling in her gut worsened. This was not guilt. She got up out of the bed and immediately left the room. She ran down the stairs, surprising Euphemia. "What is it dear?"

"Are they back?" she asked. "Lily - everyone - are they back?"

"No, but they should be arriving soon," she explained. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she replied. "It's not me I'm worried about." She looked around the house for a moment, "Can your fireplace get me to Diagon Alley?"

"What is it?"

"Something's not right," she explained. "I need to find my sister."

"I'll take you there," she informed her. "Although, I'm sure everything is fine."

"It's not."

Euphemia grabbed her wand off the counter and crossed the room to the girl. She placed her hand on Rose's shoulder before disapparating them both to Diagon Alley.

As soon as they landed on the street, they were surrounded by a swarm of people in chaos. Rose's heart dropped in her chest as she looked around. Lily.

She took off at a sprint, ignoring Euphemia's shouts after her. She needed to find her sister. She didn't know what had happened or why everyone was so worried and she didn't care. She just needed to get to her sister.

"Lily!" she shouted into the crowd. People were disapparating left and right, trying to get out. What they were running from, Rose had no idea. "Lily!" She spotted the familiar redhead up ahead and let out a breath of relief. "Oh, thank god," she muttered as the girl turned around.

Rose closed the distance between them in seconds, throwing herself at her sister. "I thought you had gotten hurt. God, I thought you were-"

"It's fine, I'm fine," Lily replied, squeezing the girl. "What are you doing here?"

"I knew you were in trouble," she explained simply as she pulled away, looking around. "What happened?"

"Death Eaters," she answered. "They came out of nowhere."

"Where is everyone?"

"I - I don't know," she shook her head. "James and I separated from everyone before the attack. And then when it happened, everything was chaos. I don't know where James went."

Rose took a deep breath, "We'll find them."

Lily nodded before the pair took off, Lily squeezing Rose's hand tightly as they navigated their way through the crowd.

"Nymphadora!" Rose shouted upon seeing the familiar pink hair. The girl's head shot up and Rose let go of her sister's hand and took off after her.

"Rose," she breathed out, "He's stuck. We can't get him out. I don't know what to do, I-"

Rose turned to look at where the girl was gesturing and found that Remus was on the ground, a large piece of what she assumed was a part of one of the buildings on his leg. Sirius was making an attempt at lifting it up but failing.

She knelt down next to the boy and placed her hands on the piece as well, "Lily, Dora, get over here." The two quickly obeyed. "On, three, okay?" They all nodded quickly, "Nice and slow."

"One, two, three..." Rose counted down and they all lifted it up. Remus groaned and the four of them managed to move the block off to the side.

Tonks immediately moved to his side and gripped his hand, "You idiot. Why would you do that?"

"I wasn't going to let it fall on you," he said pointedly. He hissed in pain and Rose looked down at his leg.

She grimaced as she looked over his leg. There was no way this could be good. "It hurts so that's a good sign," Rose breathed out and everyone looked over at her. "I'd be concerned if he couldn't feel his leg. That would imply that there was no blood supply to it. Pain isn't always a bad sign."

They were all looking at her sideways now. She huffed, "What?"

Lily shook her head slightly, "How did you know that?"

"Know what?"

"About his leg," Sirius explained.

"Oh," Rose replied and she felt the blood rush to her face, "No reason."

"There you are," Euphemia breathed out in relief. She looked down at Remus, "Oh, dear."

Rose stood up and moved out of the way so the women could take care of him. She looked around at the group in slight confusion. Something was missing.

And that's when it hit her. Not something. Someone.

She took off before anyone could stop her, navigating her way through the crowd. Where was he?

Her head was spinning as she searched for him. He had to be here somewhere.

"Now, I'm flattered that you think I'm fit for your little club," a familiar voice spoke up and she let out a breath of relief. And then she realized who he was probably talking to. "I'm just not interested."

There was noise that sounded like a spell would and James laughed, "Admittedly, that was a close call."

Rose pulled out her wand quickly and stepped forward. "Expelliarmus!" she exclaimed, sending the wand flying out of one of the three Death Eaters hands. James turned in surprise but he was quick to mask it as he conjured a shield, blocking an oncoming spell.

The Death Eater scrambled for their wand as one of the others focused their attention on Rose. She smirked slightly as she aimed her wand at them, "Expulso!" The man went flying backward just as the other one managed to grab his wand.

"It's Rose Evans," one of them said. Rose raised an eyebrow at this as she waited for one of them to act.

The other snorted, "The Slytherin mudblood?"

They nodded, "He said-"

"I don't care what he said," they spat, "She's a filthy mudblood."

Rose was surprised but also weirdly flattered that she was even on their radar. She raised her wand quickly, successfully blocking a spell shot her way.

"Enough!" the one Rose had sent flying backward spoke up. "We were given clear instructions-"

"I don't care what-"

"Crucio!" Rose stepped back in surprise as the Death Eater fell to the ground. Her eyes widened as they writhed in pain.

She felt someone grab her wrist and she almost pulled away but stopped when she saw who it was. It was only James.

He was confused as well but he nodded his head toward the exit of the alleyway. They both started backward but the wall next to them exploded.

James immediately pulled Rose off to the side, blocking the pieces of brick from hitting her.

"He wants you both," the one who had cursed their counterpart explained. "He seems to believe you're worthy."

Rose snorted, looking up at James for a moment before looking back at them, "Tell him we'll pass." She quickly adjusted her grip in the boy's hand and took off, dragging him behind her.

"What are you doing here?" James asked quickly but neither of them stopped running. They occasionally glanced backwards but no one was following them.

"I knew Lily was in trouble."

"Is she okay?"

"She is," she nodded as they slowed down but she didn't release his hand. "They all are. At least they're all alive. Remus hurt his leg pretty bad."

"But he's alright?"

"Yeah, he is."

He stopped walking, causing her to stop as well. He turned her to look at him, scanning her face for a moment, "You shouldn't have come here. You shouldn't have come after me."

Rose released his hand and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him toward her. He was surprised by the action but wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. "Don't tell me what to do," she muttered and he laughed.

"Okay," he replied. "Any time I'm in trouble, you should come after me. Sounds like a solid plan."

She rolled her eyes as she pulled away slightly. "It's best if we kept what happened to ourselves," she suggested. "Granted, I'm not even sure what happened."

"They were here for specific people," he explained, "They called me by name when I was with Lily and then I lost her. Which was probably for the best."

"You think there's some master list of possible recruits?" she inquired.

"I don't know," he answered honestly. He placed his hands on either side of her face, "I'm just glad you're okay."

Rose smiled slightly although it was clear she was worried. She placed her hands over his, "I thought something had happened to you. I thought-"

"I'm fine, okay?" he assured her. "I'm basically indestructible."

"Don't go getting cocky," she replied. "Even a fully trained wizard would struggle to fight against three dark wizards on their own."

He shrugged, "I managed."

"We should find everyone," she suggested, dropping her hands. He dropped his hands as well and nodded. "I'm sure your parents are worried about you."

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