April 13th, 2018

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I love you.

The words caught in her throat as she tried to say that powerful statement. But it refused to slip out of her mouth, fate was not in her favor today and it never would be.

Their friendship's foundation would only crumble on the transparent pillars that had been built up on lies. In that one moment, she pulled back her hopes and dreams that were shattered by reality. "I...I can't."


The night was as frigid as Death's touch. The forest was dead, just like the man walking into it. His bones ached from the inside out and his face had weathered away from the years of toying with fate. He stopped for a moment, letting his gaze slip across the trees spilling leaves. If only the world was always this peaceful. Maybe if it was like that, the world wouldn't weep every time a soul passed onto something darker. But that blissful wish would not be fulfilled tonight.

Pulling a dull blade from his side, [insert character name cause if I said it that would be spoilers] stood there for a moment, awaiting the incoming company. Finally he was greeted by Necius, the Demon King. The king lived up to his name in the full moon's light. His malicious green eyes glimmered with greed through the shadows built underneath his hat. His was hungry, and [character's name] couldn't tell if he was hungry for power or for blood.


Sorry but no spoilers for ze stories 😂

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