April 13th, 2018

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When you find yourself in a city you've never seen before, you usually aren't in your pajamas. Of course, Dipper was out-and-about in his thick, fuzzy, pine-tree pants and a thin shirt that read the words 'Disco Girl'. The city around him was foreign to his eyes. He had never seen it before and now that he was thinking about it, he didn't remember how exactly he got there. The sky shifted above him shifted, from a royal purple to a hot pink. Streaks of orange swam through the two colors, making the sky look as if it was some sort of abstract painting.

The sky was the only thing beautiful about this city. The buildings that stood to the side of Dipper were beginning to decay, with the soft hand that Mother Nature had bestowed upon them. They were barely balancing on the stilts that were put underneath to keep the places from falling to their demise. The street he stood on was covered with potholes and deep cracks, making it next to impossible to even think about driving across.

If Dipper were to explain this city in two words he would choose the words "ghost town". He carefully moved off the street (since he had no shoes on) making sure that none of the random debris cut his feet. The cement sidewalk was maybe just a hair better than the destroyed street, but he had no room to complain about this. Looking around, he mumbled to himself quietly, wide eyed. "What happened here?"

It was no surprise when no one replied to his question, so he began his search for life in the unknown place. The first place he stopped was a house. It didn't look as bad as the rest of the buildings around, but it still wasn't a dream house. In fact, when Dipper looked at it his gut told him that this was definitely wasn't a place that he would want to spend a long-time in. The stairs that lead up to it screeched each time he shifted his weight.

Once he made it to the top, he took a deep breath, his shaking hand moving slowly to the doorknob. As he opened the door, it made a shrill noise, telling everyone in the house (if there was someone in the house) that a newcomer had just entered. The floor was completely destroyed with most of the carpet being torn out and the remaining carpet on the ground shredded. The furniture was covered with white blankets that had dust bunnies bouncing on the top. The floor beneath him was hollow and when he took his first step into the house he was scared that he might fall through.

The house slowly sprigged to life as Dipper shut the front door. Soft laughter began to fill the house and Dipper's shoulders tensed. He went back for the doorknob, knowing better than to pursue the noises in the house. As he tried to reopen the door, he realized that the door was completely locked from the outside. Great, now he was the main character in a horror story. The giggles in the house only got louder and louder as Dipper moved deeper in, trying to find a weapon to protect himself.

Whispers began to dance inside of his ears. Soft voices climbing up around him, haunting the air around Dipper. "Welcome to your grave." One whispered quietly, sending shivers down Dipper's spine.
"You can't escape us."

"He's coming for you."

"Say your prayers."

The whispers around Dipper were turning into shouts and by this point, Dipper was struggling to open the door again. His breath was rugged and he wasn't thinking straight. By this point, he was about to kick the door down, when the shouts behind him ceased and only one remained. "Wanna play?"

Dipper's blood pressure shot through the rickety roof as he turned around, to face a small girl. Her cheeks were slightly chubby and it seemed as if the girl had never seen a single day of sunlight. Her skin was even paler then a ghost and her hair was as black as night. She had a frilly dress on that made her look as if she was from the 1800's. Dipper stumbled backwards his hand shooting for the door again.

The small girl in front of him tilted her head to the side confused by his actions and asked the same question. "Wanna play?"

Dipper shook his head violently, a trembling hand still trying at the door knob. "N...No thank you. I would like to leave."

The living room around them began to darken and the little girl in front of him looked annoyed. Her voice dropped an octave as she asked her third and final time. "Do you want to play?"

Dipper gulped, shaking his head violently. By this point in time he knew that his voice wasn't going work in his favor. He knew something bad was about to happen, so instead of waiting for the little girl to change he turned to the old out-of-shape door and knocked it down with his left shoulder. He fell through the door, catching splinters on his side as he hit the old wood.

Stumbling up to his feet he began to run, not caring too much if he broke the stairs. In fact, he was hoping he broke the stairs so that the monster couldn't follow behind. Just as he reached the ground, something latched around his ankle dragging him up the stairs, back into the house. He tried to make it let go, but the grip was so strong that he was sure it would bruise. The wind was knocked out of him it dragged him to the top of the house by a seeping black hand.

His vision began to blur as he saw a toothy grin greet him as a demonic voice spoke. "WAnnA PLaY?" Before he knew what happened next, his vision gave out on him completely and he was greeted by the pitch-black darkness.


Dipper woke up in a cold sweat gasping for air. His chest went up and down as he shot himself out of bed, rushing to the bathroom. Turning the light on, he instantly went to turn the faucet. Splashing the cold water into his face, he relaxed. When he went to grab a towel from behind, he noticed a slight pain from his left ankle. Looking down at his ankle his stomach dropped as he realized that it was bruised.


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