11 | voldemort's return

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She hit the floor with a thud and groaned in pain. She closed her eyes for a moment before muttering, "That's going to leave a mark."

She sat up slowly and looked around to see that there was no one around except for Sirius, "That was a foolish thing for you to attempt to do."

"Was I supposed to just let you die?" Abigail inquired. "I tried to tell Harry it wasn't real, he was just so set on coming after you..."

"And that's why it's not truly a gift, isn't it?" Sirius asked, "Because you have to choose not to go against whatever it is you see even if it seems impossible."

"Where are we?" Abigail asked as she pushed herself up.

"The attic of Grimmauld Place," Sirius replied, "Your father was almost certain you would do something stupid and he was right."

"So you guys had a plan to get me away from my friends who need me?" she asked, her anger getting the best of her. "Away from Harry?"

He smiled at this, "They'll be fine on their own. You two have done quite the job at whipping them into shape. You've taught them well."

"That was all Harry," she pointed out.

"It was the both of you together," he countered, "You make quite the team."

"Your father will be back anytime now and he'll definitely want to talk to you about that stunt you pulled," he explained as they exited the attic and made their way to the main floor.

"A thank you would suffice."

They made their way downstairs and sat down as they waited for him to arrive.

Abigail sat on the couch, her leg bouncing up and down anxiously as she thought about what her friends thought had happened to them. She rested her head in her hands as she thought about Harry and how he probably felt having had lost his godfather. She looked up a moment later, her vision fogging over and the room changing to that of the ministry.

"Crucio!" Harry shouted at the women and she stumbled but the spell took no other effect on her.

"Never used an unforgivable curse before have you?" Bellatrix inquired with a laugh, "You have to mean it. You have to want to inflict pain, to enjoy the idea of it." She walked around the fountain so she had better aim, "I'll show you. Crucio!"

Harry narrowly dodged the spell as she continued tauntingly, "You cannot win against me!" she exclaimed. "I was and still am his most loyal follower. I learned spells from him that you could never imag-"

"Stupefy!" Harry yelled and just as he had, she shouted, "Protego!"

Harry barely avoided the spell, "I'll give you one chance. Hand over the prophecy and I might just spare you..."

"Then you're going to have to kill me!" he shouted back. "I don't have it. It broke when I was helping Neville up the stairs. Your dear old mate Voldemort can't be too happy with you right now."

"Liar!" she shouted in a fit of a hysteria. "I know you have it. Accio Prophecy. ACCIO PROPHECY."

Harry laughed at this, "There's nothing for you to summon! It smashed and nobody heard what it said, tell your boss that-"

"No!" Bellatrix shrieked. "Master, I tried. I tried, do not punish me-"

"Don't waste your breath," Harry snapped, "He can't hear you."

"Can't I?"

"-gail? Abigail?" Sirius spoke quickly.

Abigail jolted back to reality and gasped at the sudden change in environment. "Abigail, what happened?"

"I don't..." she shook her head. "I-" A piercing pain shot through her head and she clutched it in pain. She clenched her jaw tightly as she tried to stop herself from screaming. The pain seemed to worsen but she couldn't determine what exactly it was at first until it registered what was happening. Harry.

She felt Sirius's hand on her shoulder but she continued to hold her head as she willed the pain to stop. After a moment, the pain subsided. She looked up and couldn't help the wave of relief that washed over her.

"Abigail?" Sirius spoke quietly.

"I think...I think everything's okay," she nodded as she looked around the room, "I'm not sure exactly but...They're alive?"

Abigail could hear the breath of relief that left Sirius and there was a noise from the other side of the house. She stood up quickly and ran to the source. "Tonks!" she exclaimed and she hugged the women quickly, "My dad, is he-"

"He's right here," Lupin spoke up from the back of the group of Order members. As soon as she was a foot or so in front of him, Lupin had pulled her into a hug, "There's a reason I didn't want you fighting."

"Yet you wouldn't expect me to just sit on the sidelines so you got me out?" she replied bitterly. "What about the rest of them?"

"You knew perfectly well that they would be just fine," he pointed out. "We have to get you back to Hogwarts. I'm sure your friends think you're dead and based off Harry's reaction to your departure, he's almost certain the both of you are go-"

"Wait," Abigail shook her head, "They think that we're dead? But I blocked the spell, they should have at least-"

"They didn't. All they saw was Bellatrix cast the spell and then you two fall into the archway and not return," he explained. "But they'll know soon enough, let's get you back. We never told Dumbledore about this part of our plan so he's not even aware that you two are in fact alive."

"Before I go back, I have a question. More like multiple but I'd say beginning with one is a better start," Abigail spoke quickly. She reached into her pocket and pulled out the surprisingly unbroken prophecy. "When we were there, right before they found the one with Harry's name on it, Ginny found this. It had my name on it." The members of the Order all exchanged looks of confusion, "I take it you all had no idea?" She looked around the room, "That leaves me with one option then."

She raised the orb higher and threw it to the ground with ease. The smoke flew from the globe and a woman's voice spoke, "The one who will aid in the battle is powerful for whichever side holds her, shall win against all. For she can change the future and confirm the past and with that, she has the power to end it all."

The voice faded away and Abigail looked up from the mess she had made, "Off to Hogwarts it is then."

Abigail ran into the castle in search of her friends as soon as she had arrived. Any one of them would have done really, just so they could tell everyone else, so they knew she was alive. So he knew she was still with him as she promised she would be.

She made her way hastily to the Great Hall where the feast was no doubt in full swing. She opened the doors quickly and scanned over the Gryffindor table. Where was he?

"Abigail!" Ginny exclaimed in clear surprise and everyone around her at the table seemed to look up at this. She quickly ran over to the girl and threw her arms around her neck, "We thought you were dead!"

"Not yet," she laughed as those who had been there at the time of her assumed death surrounded her. Hermione and Ron were quick to hug her as they felt relief wash over themselves that their friend wasn't gone after all.

"How did you make it out?" Neville asked quickly. "I mean we saw you..."

"That's really a story for another time," Abigail answered honestly and she looked up at the teachers table where Dumbeldore took his rightful place at the Headmaster seat. He nodded at the girl and she smiled tightly in response.

The door to the hall opened again to reveal Harry who had come to join the rest of the school at the feast. He stopped in his tracks as he stared at the group before his eyes fell on Abigail.

"You-" he began but he stopped, shaking his head. He looked over at Ron and Hermione, "You guys see her too, right?" They nodded in response and Harry was quick to move forward.

Abigail met him half way and he wrapped his arms around her quickly, squeezing her as though she would disappear at any moment. He put her down so that her feet were on the floor but he didn't release her as he mumbled in her hair, "I thought you were dead."

She couldn't help but smile as she replied, "You can't get rid of me that easily." He pulled away for a moment and held her face in his hands, he scanned her face as though trying to memorize it, "I'm o-"

Her reassurance was cut short as he crashed his lips with hers. She was surprised at first but ultimately kissed him back, a smile growing on her face. They pulled away from each other and Abigail grinned, "It took you long enough."

"Oh, because you made it easy on me."

"I thought I was pretty clear with what I wanted," she pointed out.

"Yeah, well-"

"Enough of that, you two," Hermione rolled her eyes as she grabbed Abigail's hand, "We have things to celebrate."

Abigail explained in as much detail that she had herself about how she had gotten out, along with Sirius. She explained her father's plan to them and her distaste at the idea of leaving them behind. The only parts she left out was anything in regards to her...special talent. She would tell them another time when there were no prying ears around.

"I've been thinking about something Dumbledore said to me," Harry pointed out as he pushed his food around his plate.

"What's that?" Hermione inquired.

"That even though we've got a fight ahead of us...we've got one thing that Voldemort doesn't have."

"Yeah?" Abigail raised an eyebrow.

He looked around at everyone in the room and then around at his friends, "Something worth fighting for."

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